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The First Welsh Prosecution for E-collar Use

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Dogsey Veteran
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22-07-2015, 01:16 PM
These collars are not as bad as some people make them seem. When abused, any training tool can be worthless or counterproductive. Dogs who tug their owners all over and strangle themselves on their flat collars are doing more damage to themselves than a mild shock from one of these.

Now here's to hoping that someone seeing a shock collar on this dog doesn't result in him being given up or something. Theory... all people who use shock collars are bad owners. NOPE! BTW, IMO prong collars are WAY worse than these and those aren't banned. Silly, silly people

That fine is outrageous. They don't fine people that much for obvious neglect etc. Wow.
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Dogsey Veteran
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22-07-2015, 01:22 PM
Eh, after rereading the article... it was an electrical fence type shock collar. It wasn't even a remote type shock collar. The dog kept escaping with it on anyway, so clearly the owner failed... but the collar wasn't that painful obviously if it didn't even work. A fine of Ł3000 for this makes no sense. I wonder if all the shops etc. have pulled these products.
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Dogsey Veteran
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22-07-2015, 01:38 PM
They are barbarric and not necessary. Just makes owners extremely lazy and they have no feeling for the beautiful animal that they have undertaken to care for. Good job I say. More people should be banned from using these and prong collars and any other equipment that causes pain.
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Dogsey Veteran
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22-07-2015, 02:04 PM
So all people who have used these devices on their dogs are lazy and uncaring people? Boy, I absolutely disagree with that. I would never use these, but I've known several cases where these devices were used as a last resort and ended up doing the dog a world of good and being only temporary. I generally don't like them, but I believe most everything has a time and a place.
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Dogsey Veteran
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22-07-2015, 02:28 PM
I am glad he has been fined firstly they are banned in Wales so he was using it illegally and secondly there have been videos of people trying them out on themselves and they then find they do actually inflict a painful electric shock so that would be the same pain a dog would get.

Build a fence if you are going to have a dog. Training to walk to heel or at least not too much pulling there are other kinder means than the electric shock collar.
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Dogsey Veteran
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22-07-2015, 03:26 PM
Comparing the pain tolerance of people to that of dogs is senseless to me because our pain tolerance is absolutely no where near theirs. All my dogs have run full speed into walls (one hit a brick wall outside) and acted as if it didn't hurt a bit, we'd have crumpled to the ground knocked out or in severe pain. I've seen them steal and eat piping hot food like it was nothing, we sure would not be able to. I've seen them pull full strength at the collars on their necks and act like it was nothing etc. whereas we'd strangle to death or stop quickly in pain.

What is immensely painful to us can often be barely felt by dogs oftentimes. Obviously it didn't hurt that bad if the dog kept going right on through it. Actually, I bet he barely felt it! In other news, the dog keeps escaping so the man IS likely a totally unfit owner, but the horrible shock most people say they give isn't totally accurate.

Of course if you put it on a person with the HUGE difference in pain tolerances, it's going to seem like an absolute torture device... but it's kind of just not. It causes mild discomfort. I can think of several day to day things that can cause mild discomfort to a dog. They wouldn't make the devices strong enough to truly electrocute a dog.

They should only be used as a last resort IMO, electric fences don't really work as evidenced here, I'd never use one, and they aren't GOOD tools but I can't stand the word "cruel" being thrown around in cases like this. There is too much real cruelty in the world for e collars, which are worthless at best to be called cruel... goodness!
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Joined: May 2004
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Female  Diamond Supporter 
22-07-2015, 03:39 PM
Great news the fine should have been higher though to deter others who think E collars are quick fix for the lazy trainer...
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Dogsey Senior
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22-07-2015, 04:23 PM
It doesn't even have to be an E collar. We walked passed a yard the other day. A group of young bangers with maybe four bullies in the yard. The yard fencing was little more than broken popsicle sticks and I told them as much. You could see they were planning on moving the dogs elsewhere.

But the one child seemed embarrassed that I knew what they were up to. Then he pointed to the biggest dog, wagging at me and shaking the fence..." Aww he ain' going anywhere"...huge lug chain padlocked around his neck.

Arghhh, one of those situations where they can't bust them for the obvious implications. They wrap those heavy duty chains around to create more muscle and/or possibly cripple the pup in the process.
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Dogsey Veteran
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22-07-2015, 05:21 PM
It's inherent in a lot of species to hide pain. We don't have to. Our survival doesn't depend on it and we've evolved to understand that.

Well done Wales for banning them and well done the court, the judge and whoever caught this fool for upholding the Law
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