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Info on how to post news

Hi Everyone

Welcome to the new Your News section, where all threads posted in here will feature on our homepage

Who can post?

I think it'd be nice to make this as inclusive as possible - so anyone who's been here a little while and has a few posts under their belt will be able to post a news story.

What to post?

You can post any news story that you think is worth promoting on Dogsey (though obviously from a reputable source) generally if a well-known news outlet has posted a story it may be considered to be promoted here.

Generally news-items that may be of interest to the wider dog-owning audience are preferred. If in doubt, ask us, or just post as a thread in General Dog Chat and a mod will move it if they think it's suited to this section.

How to post

It's easy, here's how:

  1. Simply add an appropriate title (same as the story you are promoting is fine if you feel it's the most suitable).
  2. A sentence or two (or whatever else you want to say about the news story) in the first paragraph of your post.
  3. A small quote from the actual article (but please do not quote more than half of the original story - the idea is to promote the original story so people go visit the site).
  4. A link to the story

Told you it was easy!

Undesirable sources:
Sites containing a pet forum
Sites that compete with Dogsey (such as another dog news website)

Your comments and views:
Dogsey Veteran
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26-03-2014, 06:51 PM
Me likee!
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Dogsey Veteran
Joined: Sep 2008
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27-03-2014, 10:39 AM
I recall thinking some of the 'news items' on here were very dated. So that should be good. Hope it doesn't turn into a long procession of horror stories about cruelty to dogs as I find those quite upsetting and try not to dwell on them. I know it exists and see more of it here than in the UK. And the stories are easy to find - they are featured everywhere every day.

I'm all behind like the cat's tail at the mo but will have a good look into all this when I've settled in the new place and scratching about for something to do!
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Dogsey Veteran
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27-03-2014, 11:28 AM
Unfortunately there are far more dog cruelty stories in the media than there are happy ones.

As it is a section for news it is only possible to post stories which appear in the media - and cruelty stories are news. It is not possible to post happy stories if there are none to post.
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Joined: Mar 2005
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27-03-2014, 02:12 PM
I think it's important to keep the pressure up by reporting the horror stories. It's not without benefit getting us - dog lovers - riled up. Nobody else will feel strongly enough to do anything about it.

Obviously we'll try to keep it in balance tho
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Dogsey Veteran
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27-03-2014, 05:13 PM
I wasn't thinking the only alternative to horror cruelty stories was HAPPY stories. I have posted a 'news' thread myself.

There is a lot of stuff in between emaciated cruelly treated animals and fluffy kittens.

And AZZ if the horror stories are lifted from major newspapers they are already out there aren't they? Just that I foresaw 'news' turning into sensational cruelty articles. I do find them upsetting and I am outraged and disgusted. But admit I often avoid the lurid details and the graphics.

If you want HORROR - I can fill the forum with it from the way animals are treated here. Makes the UK look like doggy heaven.
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Joined: Mar 2005
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27-03-2014, 09:02 PM
Lol Tang don't you dare

Your story was good - that's exactly the sort of thing I had in mind
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Dogsey Veteran
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27-03-2014, 11:20 PM
Well thank you kindly SIR! I did hope that it WAS exactly the kind of thing you had in mind. Because I know your intentions are good!

And it was NEWS and quite important news in the doggy world. Even if I am two and a half thousand miles from where it is being enacted.

I will grudgingly do my best to support your newest NEW idea! lol!

Gawd forbid you should FAIL at anything.

Blokes! Huh!
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Dogsey Veteran
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28-03-2014, 08:40 AM
As long as the post contains a link to the article, that's fine as it is then up to the reader whether or not to follow the link.
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Dogsey Veteran
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Female  Diamond Supporter 
28-03-2014, 09:15 AM
The thing is that cruelty is news and unless it is publicised it will not be noticed and might be swept under the carpet.

The more these "horror" stories are brought to the public's notice, the more chance there is of someone reporting the cruelty.

Hence they are reported in the media.

People do not have to click on links if they do not want to. The same as people do not have to stop and gawk at road accidents.
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