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Plan for Scotland's first industrial puppy farm in Ayrshire sparks outrage

PROPOSALS to create Scotland's first industrial puppy farm has been met with strong objections.

The facility, which would be based in a disused stable block on a farm near Galston in remote Ayrshire, would house around 40 dogs.

Plans however have already ignited outrage, with residents and the Scottish SPCA preparing to go against the proposals being considered by East Ayrshire Council.
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Dogsey Senior
Joined: Oct 2006
Posts: 834
07-12-2016, 12:52 PM
oh WTF !!
I really hope it doesnt go ahead.
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Dogsey Senior
Joined: Jan 2013
Posts: 939
07-12-2016, 01:41 PM
There is a Care2 petition against this proposed dog breeding planning application.
Search, East Ayrshire: Stop the proposed Puppy Farm in East Ayrshire, to locate it.
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Joined: Feb 2006
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Female  Gold Supporter 
07-12-2016, 01:48 PM
Total disgrace, how they can even think this place is a good thing is beyond comprehension. Have already seen the petition and signed it
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Dogsey Senior
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08-12-2016, 07:05 PM
Just a heads up. The petition against this puppy farm will close on Sunday, as all objections have to be with the council by the 14th.
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Dogsey Veteran
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09-12-2016, 09:35 AM
Why not put the hopeful owners in this project into a breeding program and see how the woman copes with banging out kids one after another
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Joined: Feb 2006
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Female  Gold Supporter 
06-01-2017, 05:11 PM
HURRAH!!!! Come through on my email its been refused, despite them reducing the numbers it has been turned down.
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New Member!
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11-01-2017, 03:11 AM
Maybe there is more info to this but I can't say just the fact they gave an upper limit of 40 dogs makes it an unmanageable kennel that would guarantee back to back breeding, irresponsible crosses, or failure to screen buyers. Especially if we count puppies. I know some breeders with large numbers in my area of the country who put a ton of care in to them and I would have no problem getting a dog from them. My akita is from a breeder that only ever bred 1 pair but her sire is from a big show kennel and a wonderful dog who had a good life even after an accident left him with high maintenance health problems. If I hadn't decided on another breed, which was a partial rescue because the person didn't think through the logistics of 1 single litter so could not afford vet care or to screen homes for 1 litter, I would have bought from someone with a dozen plus breeding animals (breeding animal being a dog they have bred or intend to breed at some point since they do not breed them often) and 2 litters right now so she could easily have 30 dogs right now or another person who has even more but while I have no proof she does not care wonderfully for those dogs I wasn't getting answers to some questions from the larger breeder or much of any pictures so I decided against it after waiting nearly a year for one of her puppies.

A puppy mill to me is not numbers. It is care, quality, screening, support after purchase, a plan for returned dogs.... and so on. A puppy mill to me can be 1 person breeding a pair constantly with no health testing, no vet care and selling them to whoever hands over the money and a responsible breeder to me can have a 5-40+ dog kennel of good quality, well cared for working dogs that don't just find homes but are sought out to perform a purpose in those home due to their quality. I don't think having to register or limit how many dogs you have is the greatest help in weeding out the irresponsible breeders with the dogs that are more likely to end up in shelters or have high vet costs. I see so many small breeders listing junk on [a social network] groups. Like 90% of what is sold irresponsibly on there is probably from a person with no more than 3 females. Ugh... if I see one more pomsky using a pic that isn't even of either breed much less a cross of them I might get myself banned. I try to quietly point out the klee kai (a well worked on, established breed of basically miniaturized siberian husky) without breaking the rules.
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Dogsey Senior
Joined: Jan 2013
Posts: 939
11-01-2017, 08:20 AM
Edited. Sorry had missed TW's post.
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