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Scotland's first dog cafe to open in Edinburgh

Scurrying across the floor, stealing cuddles and kisses, eight tiny chihuahuas have their small audience captivated, an afternoon tea almost forgotten in the background.

At Edinburgh Chihuahua Cafe's first pop-up puppy cream tea, members of the public are able to meet the fluffy stars of Scotland's first dog cafe, which is due to open later this year.
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Fondly Remembered
Joined: Nov 2006
Posts: 11,027
27-06-2017, 11:38 AM
I read about this in a local paper. Sounds good and hopefully she will have enough customers who want to go along.
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Dogsey Veteran
Joined: Nov 2005
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27-06-2017, 02:59 PM
So, it will be a cafe where you can go and pet the owners dogs, rather than take your own dogs in? I think I'll pass
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Fondly Remembered
Joined: Nov 2006
Posts: 11,027
27-06-2017, 11:07 PM
Yes, it's a strange concept.
I could be wrong but I can't believe there are enough customers who would choose to go somewhere because there are dogs there.
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Dogsey Senior
Joined: Feb 2010
Posts: 921
03-07-2017, 10:26 PM
There's a cat cafe in Edinburgh and it does very well so it might be the same for the dog one. If I didn't have a dog I could be very tempted but I'd rather go to one I could take Sammy to.
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Dogsey Veteran
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03-07-2017, 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by Moobli View Post
So, it will be a cafe where you can go and pet the owners dogs, rather than take your own dogs in? I think I'll pass
I agree.

We eat out quite often. If Max can't go, we don't.
Fortunately, more and more pubs are becoming dog friendly and Max just behaves.
TBH, he'd just ignore the little yappers.
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Dogsey Veteran
Joined: Mar 2006
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04-07-2017, 06:22 AM
Originally Posted by Besoeker View Post
I agree.

We eat out quite often. If Max can't go, we don't.
Fortunately, more and more pubs are becoming dog friendly and Max just behaves.
TBH, he'd just ignore the little yappers.
Aha, you are a girl after my own heart Besoeker! Ever since we had our first wolf cross, Hal, we have never gone anywhere social where we couldn't take our dog - no restaurant dinners, no cinema, no theatre, no zoo, no nowhere where dogs are not allowed. Some people think we are mad, but we feel this is a small price to have to pay to own such wonderful creatures. As you say, more and more pubs and even restaurants are becoming pet friendly- and one of my pet hates is people who go to the pub for lunch and leave their pooch in the car! What's all that about - if challenged, they will say that they are not well behaved, or don't like other dogs, or some such rubbish.

How about teaching them? The best way to socialise a pup is to take him to the pub. The best way to train a dog to be well-behaved, less nervous, less aggressive, is to take him to the pub! Ben was a nightmare when we first adopted him, very anti-social but right from the start the poor dog was dragged to our local at every opportunity! Best training ground in the world for kids and dogs are pubs!
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Dogsey Veteran
Joined: Oct 2016
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04-07-2017, 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by Gnasher View Post
Aha, you are a girl after my own heart Besoeker! Ever since we had our first wolf cross, Hal, we have never gone anywhere social where we couldn't take our dog - no restaurant dinners, no cinema, no theatre, no zoo, no nowhere where dogs are not allowed. Some people think we are mad, but we feel this is a small price to have to pay to own such wonderful creatures. As you say, more and more pubs and even restaurants are becoming pet friendly- and one of my pet hates is people who go to the pub for lunch and leave their pooch in the car! What's all that about - if challenged, they will say that they are not well behaved, or don't like other dogs, or some such rubbish.

How about teaching them? The best way to socialise a pup is to take him to the pub. The best way to train a dog to be well-behaved, less nervous, less aggressive, is to take him to the pub! Ben was a nightmare when we first adopted him, very anti-social but right from the start the poor dog was dragged to our local at every opportunity! Best training ground in the world for kids and dogs are pubs!
Thank you! 100% agree. Max, our dog, has come on immensely. Of course we all think our dogs are wonderful - but some are more wonderful than others. We got him from a rescue centre a couple of years ago and it took two people to lift the shy boy into the car. That didn't last long. He is a seasoned traveller.

A drive of over 1,000 miles to and from Scotland. You wouldn't know he was there, Stayed a night in a hotel and the way up and back. No problem with lifts and he'd never seen one.

I was having therapy a while back. He joined me. Thee hospital was very good about that. Goes to the barbarshop, just sits quietly by my feet.

The only times I see him get a bit bossy is if another dog gets close to myself or my wife. Even then, he just places himself between them and us. No barking, no biting, no growling, just that Collie stare down.
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