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Cruel Dog Seller Given The Longest Jail Term In The RSPCA's Prosecuting History

Jamie Parvizi (from Cheshire) has been sentenced to 33 months in prison after selling dying puppies. He had previously admitted 13 fraud offences - for making false representations as to the condition and breeding of puppies - and eight animal welfare offences.

Parvizi was also disqualified from keeping animals for life. The dogs were so badly neglected that every bone was visible in their starving bodies. He appeared at Warrington Crown Court. After the hearing RSPCA inspector Jayne Bashford said: “We received a flurry of calls about puppies being sold which were falling ill or, sadly, even dying.

“Lots of money was exchanging hands and people who were unknowingly buying sick dogs were stuck with huge vet bills.
In a raid on Parvizi’s home 10 Pomeranians were rescued, many of which were ill and in poor condition.
Investigators believe he was not breeding the dogs but importing them from outside the UK.

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Joined: Feb 2006
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Female  Gold Supporter 
15-04-2017, 04:56 PM
You see, what I want to know is have these people not got eyes in their heads and brains. It is appallingly obvious when puppies are ill, why didn't they ask to see the mother with the puppies for instance. Feel very very sorry for the people, but even more sorry for the puppies who fund this racket
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Dogsey Veteran
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15-04-2017, 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by tawneywolf View Post
You see, what I want to know is have these people not got eyes in their heads and brains. It is appallingly obvious when puppies are ill, why didn't they ask to see the mother with the puppies for instance. Feel very very sorry for the people, but even more sorry for the puppies who fund this racket
Good points. Without buyers his "business" would fold and the unnecessary suffering would end - for both the puppies and their would be owners.

Then there is the issue that this cruel charlatan, who had numerous previous convictions, continued to get away with it.

Wrong at so many levels.
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Dogsey Junior
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15-04-2017, 05:29 PM

In my opinion he deserves more than 33 months behind bars. Disgraceful behaviour, victimising such innocent creatures. Rest In Peace little fellows. Like you say I can't understand why the people who bought the Pomeranians couldn't recognise the pups were sick. I would never buy a puppy anyway without seeing at least one parent. I think everyone will feel the same way.


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Dogsey Veteran
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15-04-2017, 06:19 PM
There are a lot of first time owners out there who aren't born with the knowledge of what to look out for when buying a pup.

Well done to the RSPCA for prosecuting this guy who is the real, cruel criminal in this case. The guy deserved more, but despite today's lenient sentences, at least this guy will have some jail time
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Dogsey Senior
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15-04-2017, 06:33 PM
These people have so many tricks, like fake mothers, and worthless 'KC' registration papers. Even when they do realise the puppies are poorly reared, so many buyers say that they felt sorry for the puppy, and felt they had to buy it to save it. I can't understand how so many people don't get the message - or does the desire for an instant puppy, 'off the shelf', prevent them from asking the relevant questions?
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Dogsey Veteran
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15-04-2017, 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by CaroleC View Post
These people have so many tricks, like fake mothers, and worthless 'KC' registration papers. Even when they do realise the puppies are poorly reared, so many buyers say that they felt sorry for the puppy, and felt they had to buy it to save it. I can't understand how so many people don't get the message - or does the desire for an instant puppy, 'off the shelf', prevent them from asking the relevant questions?
Valid points if I may say so. And some I'm guilty of.
Ours came from a rescue centre, picked as a stray. So no previous record other than his two weeks at the rescue centre.
Not a lot more you can ask in those circumstances.
But, unlike this unscrupulous rogue, the rescue centre checked us out to ensure that we would be responsible owners. I applaud them for that.
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Joined: Feb 2006
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Female  Gold Supporter 
15-04-2017, 08:28 PM
Mmmm I check all my owners as well, apparently I'm very scary. Any responsible person should do the same, they also have a contract to fulfil and if I don't think they are going to cut it, then they don't get a puppy, end of.
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New Member!
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31-05-2017, 11:31 AM
Thanks a lot for sharing the posts. It was so interesting.
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