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Helena54 is offline  
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22-01-2009, 01:11 PM

Zena's new Diary

Woo, woo everybody, my name is Zena, I'm only 10 weeks old and I'm the most beautiful longcoat german shepherd puppy you've probably ever seen. I'm also going to be quite clever I think, coz all my family have done very well in obedience. I have only just left my brothers and sisters, my mum, and uncle, my grand-mother etc. and I've moved into my lovely new home with H and the most handsome, loving, docile, fluffy white german shepherd who they call George. He loves me lots, I know that, I knew it from the very first minute he clapped eyes on me when we had a little game out in my new big garden. Sometimes he doesn't want to play, so I just lay under his head and wave my paws at him (speak to the hand!) and give him some Zena kisses, and other times he lets me hang off his big, thick mane and tug at his whiskers. Ouch!, I bet that hurts, but he still lets me do it. Oh, I can get away with murder sometimes, I pinch his bone and put it with mine, I can't quite get my mouth around his big rubber ball yet, but I will, and I'll pinch that too, I'm sure he'll let me. The only time he ever told me off, was when I went to take half his carrot off him, and boy, did he take a swing at me, so unlike him, and it really frightened me, I had to leap away in fright and cry at my new dad, but I think he already saw what George had done to me. I thought he'd never want to play with me again, but later on that night, I sort of snuck up to him with my back legs all stretched out, and I gave him a few of my little kisses all around his mouth, and then I rolled over in front of him, just to let him know you see, that I know I did wrong and I won't do it ever again, that's what we have to do with these big dogs who tell us off like that and it works everytime!

I've been a really good girl since moving into my lovely new home, and mummy seems very pleased with me. She insists I only chew my own toys and not her prized furniture, and I suppose I do have lots and lots of them, so it's only fair that I don't upset her. She didn't like me leaping onto the coffee table the other night either, so I haven't done that again, and luckily, she managed to grab me before I slid off the other end, and I think mummy found that quite funny, she laughs a lot my new mummy.

Every night I'm shut in this big metal crate, and all the lights go off, and although I was a bit scared to start off with, I never cried, and I didn't wet or poo in my crate either, and I think mummy was well impressed with that, coz she praised me lots when she let me out at 6.00 am. I know what to do now though, mummy is always letting me out for my loo runs, I go racing to the back door and out I go, she doesn't even have to come out there with me now, I know what to do so sometimes, I just take myself out there. If I do what I'm supposed to do, I come back in and sit by my puppy biccy drawer, but mum's too clever for that, so she makes me go all the way into the kitchen when she calls me, my biscuit still in her hand, and then I have to sit down like a good girl and I get it. If I jump up half way through, she won't give it to me, so I'm learning fast, and although I can't wait to get hold of that blooming biscuit, I have to sit nicely and take it gently, I know all that now, so I do it every time, and mummy is all pleased with me and kisses me and everything and I just love that.

Last night was a different story. I woke up at 4.40 am. and I called out to mum to let me out, I just couldn't hold it any longer. Anyways, down came mum, she let me out, I went racing to the back door, it was pouring with rain, all dark and scarey out there, and the wind was making things fly about which frightened me lots, but I did what I had to and came back in. No biscuit though I'm afraid, but I think she forgot. Hey ho. Then mum tucked me all up again, turned off the lights and went back upstairs. I wanted to play in the lounge with my toys, so I thought I'd cry out again in the hope that she'd come down and let me in there. That didn't happen I'm afraid, she came down, yes, but she just took me outside again, probably thinking I needed a poo this time, but I just wanted to play, so I headed straight for the lounge door which was closed for some strange reason, and mummy made me go back in that nasty crate, turned the lights off and went back upstairs. Well! I wasn't having any of that thankyou! So I started really yelling at the top of my voice, telling her in no uncertain terms that it was definitely playtime, coz I was awake and didn't need to sleep anymore. I did that for almost 5 minutes, and then I heard this big, booming loud whisper type voice coming from the top of the stairs, telling me to "stop it". I haven't heard my nice mummy talk like that to me before, and I thought I must have upset her, so I thought the only thing to do, was to get back in my bed and be quiet and try and go back to sleep, so I did. Turns out mummy had to come and wake ME up at 6.00 am. coz I was sound asleep by then, but dad would have woken me anyways, coz he gets up then, and he doesn't like putting me out, I think he's frightened I might play hide and seek and he can't find me, but I wouldn't, I only play that with mummy, oh I do love my mummy. We play lots and lots together, especially in the afternoons after she's had her lunch, and we have lots of love-ins, where she kisses me lots and I kiss her back, but sometimes I just can't help getting a bit carried away, and I nip her on the nose, then she cries, so I have to go and kiss her and say I'm sorry, but she never scolds me for it, I'm sure she will one day, but at the moment, it's ok, coz I'm usually quite gentle when I mouth her.

Well folks, I know that's a lot for today, but it's really been four days since I moved in here and taken over the whole ground floor, spread myself around a bit with all my toys. Oh I forgot to tell you, mum has different people in every morning which I love, and one lady this morning bought me a new toy to play with. She also bought one for Georgie, but I wasn't going to let him have that, so I went off with both of them. He didn't mind of course, he's too old for toys now and I told him that. I've also taken over his bed during the daytime coz he never uses it anyways, so why not I say, he's always sleeping in the kitchen by the back door. I suppose he does that in case somebody might come in to steal me or my mummy, so I'll let him do that, and then I can sleep in his bed, it's much better than that cage I have, but mummy said it won't be for long, it's only to stop me chewing any wires around the house and stuff like that overnight when she can't keep a strict eye on me, so I'll just have to put up with it for now won't I.

Mummy's booked me into a party at my vets next Thursday so I'm looking forward to that, but I'm sure I'll have lots and lots to tell you before then, what with daddy being home all week-end, he loves to play with me too and it gives mummy a break coz I can be a bit tiring now that she's so old.
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22-01-2009, 01:17 PM
Sounds fantastic. Enjoy enjoy.
What a good little girl Zena is.
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Jackie is offline  
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22-01-2009, 01:54 PM
What a clever little girl you are.... now lets hope you dont go and disgrace yourself with any naughtiness.

If you continue to look to your big brother for an example, you will be fine.

Enjoy your puppy party , and make lots of friends!!
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Berger is offline  
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22-01-2009, 03:46 PM
What a great diary. Can't wait for next installment xx
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Penry is offline  
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22-01-2009, 04:26 PM
Enjoyed your Diary today Zena, looks like you are in a very loving home
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Annestaff is offline  
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22-01-2009, 04:35 PM
Great read, look forward to the next chapter....
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22-01-2009, 04:48 PM
Charming, utterly charming!!
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tawneywolf is offline  
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22-01-2009, 06:10 PM
Ah Zena, your mummy searched and searched everywhere to find a puppy as nice as you are and I am so glad to hear that you are so happy with your new family and Georgie. Make sure you don't upset Georgie again, because it sounds like he put your properly in your place!!! I love to read about your new life so please keep us all updated. Have a lovely time at your puppy party
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mishflynn is offline  
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22-01-2009, 06:22 PM
What a good & clever little Girl u are!
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22-01-2009, 07:21 PM
Ha ha ha, awww, lovely read!
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