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Ben Mcfuzzylugs
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12-12-2008, 12:27 AM

Pros and cons of a muzzle

Mia is in the main getting better and better with other dogs
But she really has her moments

Today we had a REALLY bad day. I thought her recal was getting much better and had her offlead while I chatted with some other owners and she played
Then we noticed her and another dog had gone missing! cutting a long story short I foung her after about 20 mins down a ditch munching a cooked chicken
I went in to get her and she was fine with me, but, Ben looked over at her and she went totaly MENTAL, I got them seperated quicly and it calmed down but she managed to puncture Ben just above his eye.
Then later tonight I had her on the lead and another nervous reactive bitch was out (that they ususaly get on OK with) and they had a little scuffle, when I moved in to get her out of the way Mia (in frustration) bit my leg.

I know we are moving forward lots with her and this is just a little setback - and of course it is all my fault for putting her in these situations
But my question is

what do you all think of a muzzle for this situation?? she is NOT nasty to people but I am worried if a child was walking a dog she took a dislike to it might get bit
and it would stop her mootching food

but will that make her worse cos then she cannot give as effective communications to other dogs??

and what type of muzzle?? a cage one would stop her with the food but I have heard the soft ones calm dogs down cos they cant barks so crazily

Or am I best just to keep taking it slowly seeing as we are gettin fantastic progress
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12-12-2008, 08:32 AM
I do support the use of muzzles in the right circumstances.

The only things I would say about the situation you describe though are:

I don't know what her reaction would be to finding a 'prize' such as cooked chicken when wearing a muzzle. Without being able to eat it, she may get even more possessive over it as she tries to hoard/guard it from other dogs.

I wouldn't use a soft muzzle where a dog is being excercised because I don't think they let the dog open its mouth sufficiently to pant.

I wouldn't use any muzzle where the dog didn't have 100% recall as I would hate to think of the consequences of the dog getting lost whilst wearing one.

Personally, particulary as you seem to be making good progress, I would continue to work on her recall and just keep a closer eye on her.

Her change of behaviour may well just have been to do with the food, but is there any chance that she could be coming into season?
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Ben Mcfuzzylugs
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12-12-2008, 10:26 AM
Thanks hun, I think I was thinking that way myself
I just had a shock by having such a bad day with her - but I guess thats gonna happen now and again

she was spayed just before I got her so she shouldnt be comming into season

today we are back into a more strict routine, no freedom unless I can 100% supervise to get this toilet training sorted and lots of training

I KNOW she can be a great dog, its just difficult, and really strange cos I am used to Ben who is so intune with me he knows where I am going to go before I do, to Mia who likes me but would go home with anyone else (which I suppose is really good if she really is a foster - but she is making it difficult for me to think of the type of home she would be best in until we can get some of her issues sorted)
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12-12-2008, 11:13 AM
I used a Muzzle with Trip when I first had her as she was a terrible scavenger (I didn't want the vets bills!)

I'm always a fan of better safe than sorry! If having a muzzle on her when you are walking makes you more confident that will help as well. If you are constantly worried on a walk then neither of you will be able to relax.

Good luck - sounds like you are making good progress
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Sarah27 is offline  
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12-12-2008, 11:51 AM
I haven't got any advice as haven't had any experience using a muzzle, but just wanted to say Pam you are doing a great job. We all have our bad days with our dogs (and you know I've had my fair share). Hope you have a better day today xxx
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12-12-2008, 12:09 PM
I had to muzzle Daisy but now only use it occasionally. I use a Baskerville muzzle which they can drink and pant with - and you can post treats into it but watch your fingers.
I would say it`s early days and you get good days and bad days. I would probably use a muzzle around kids etc. in your circumstances but not for ordinary training.
It sounds like you are doing fine, but it`s easy to relax and that`s when stuff happens. Hope you`re having a good day today!
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Ben Mcfuzzylugs
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12-12-2008, 09:53 PM
Thanks guys
Went back to basics with her today and she has been a little star
Infact she has decided to be really affectionate and follow me around everywhere today!!
so I guess good days and bad days I just have to keep my guard up
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13-12-2008, 10:27 AM
When my 2 dogs are walked together they are both muzzled, as they don't get on all the time.
For example, on Wednesday we took them out (muzzled), they played fine with each other for 20 mins, then decided to fight!
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13-12-2008, 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by Hevvur View Post
When my 2 dogs are walked together they are both muzzled, as they don't get on all the time.
For example, on Wednesday we took them out (muzzled), they played fine with each other for 20 mins, then decided to fight!

I have to ask hevvur... who starts the fights.. the bm or the yorkie... I also have to ask.....who wins
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