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dollyknockers is offline  
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23-12-2007, 10:52 AM

Could Not Believe My Eyes

I went to Belfast yesterday to visit my sister and her three children ,And deliver there xmas pressies , When we were there my sis asked pop could he run her in the car to the shopping centre for a few last minute presents ,
So my pop my sis the kids and myself all headed off in the car ,
When we arrived in the shops i took my sisters kids to burger king so there mum could get them all a wee suprise present (something they hadnt asked Santa for ) for there stockings ,
Any way one the way back my eldest niece said to me can we buy a pressie for the charity trolley aunty J and i said of course so off we went All three kids picked a present including myself ,
There was a place tht wrapped them for you for a small donation which went to a cancer charity
So we took them there got them wrapped and headed back to the store , we had just put them in the trolley and headed away from the store to find pop and my sis ,
When my niece Sarah shouts look aunty J that mans stealing the charity trolley I turned around and sure enough there was a bloke making a b line fior the exit will a trolley full of wrapped and un wrapped presents that was donated for sick children
There was four security gaurds chasing him ,and it was an elderly gent who stopped him buy cutting across him on a mobility scooter ,Eventually the security gaurds closely followed by the police that apprehended him ,
And all he said was well cant blame a bloke for trying
Apparently it was the second time it had happened inside a week someone had stolen a charity trolley from another store a few days prior ,but sadly they failed to catch him , Also my B,I,L witnessed something similar a week or so back .
I was totally disgusted as to why someone would stoop so low to steal from charity

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melsgems is offline  
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23-12-2007, 12:01 PM
there are some low life people out there

it really riles me when they have to stoop so low at least he was caught
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dollyknockers is offline  
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23-12-2007, 12:04 PM
I thought it was disgusting stealing from children and sick little kids at that, I think the old man that stopped him was the Hero of the hour , I think if it was not for his quick and brave thinking those poor we mites would have lost out on all the generous donations xdk
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23-12-2007, 12:23 PM
Disgraceful, some people have no heart.
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terrier69 is offline  
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23-12-2007, 12:30 PM
That's awful, if only they could be made to visit the children in hospital at Xmas they'd realise how important things like that are.

I must admit I've made extra sure the house was locked up well when I popped out yesterday, even with Charlie resting at home, as lots of houses get breakins at this time of year due to the fact thieves know there are presents to steal.

Rotten isn't it.
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dollyknockers is offline  
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23-12-2007, 12:35 PM
I think its disgusting Becky , My aunt was just saying the other day how when she was younger people used to leave there key in the door , or the door on the latch when they were out or at home , Blimey how things have changed now a days they would steal the sandals of your feet and have the cheek to come back for the buckels xxdk
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23-12-2007, 01:31 PM
If people got off their backsides and did an honest days work rather than taking the easy way out and ruin someone elses life by nicking their presents then society would be far better.
To steal from sick children though is even worse. Maybe we ought to start chopping hands off again for thieves. I wonder how many that would deter?
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23-12-2007, 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by beckyc View Post
as lots of houses get breakins at this time of year due to the fact thieves know there are presents to steal.
Rotten isn't it.
Becky you are so right. When we lived in Manchester we went away one Christmas and were broken into. We had central station alarm monitoring and they called the Police. Only one copper went to the scene and he saw the two leaving in different directions, of course he could only follow one and he had to wait until he tried two more houses. On the third he got in and only then could the policeman arrest him. The scumbag told the copper it was easy pickings at Christmas because people were often out and there was bound to be brand new goods sitting under the tree which would be easy to sell in pubs / boot fairs.
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23-12-2007, 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by Mahooli View Post
Maybe we ought to start chopping hands off again for thieves. I wonder how many that would deter?
When I was in Saudi I once drove into a car park and after I had parked up I noticed the car next to me had an expensive looking brief case on the roof No one to be seen anywhere. When I returned two hours latter it was still there
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23-12-2007, 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by Losos View Post
When I was in Saudi I once drove into a car park and after I had parked up I noticed the car next to me had an expensive looking brief case on the roof No one to be seen anywhere. When I returned two hours latter it was still there
There are some deterents that do work then. If that had been in the UK it would have been nicked and if there was any important info in there would have been sold to the highest bidder!
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