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23-01-2007, 01:14 PM

Another Annoying Walk!

I have split topic off from the Dachsund thread as I didn't want to get off-topic!

Originally Posted by leo View Post
i know what you mean ann marie a lot of small dogs come up to ours and seem to think they have to try it on or be aggressive, i don't know why, maybe they think that have to protect themselfs due to size, but if ours told them off who's dogs would get the blame........mine.
Yes, only today I passed by this group of people chatting on the footpath where I was walking with Oz on lead. I had to pass by the middle of them which we did, nice and calmly and NO aggression from Ozzy when the elderly couples Border Terrier charges across and nips Ozzy on the leg. I praised him as he didn't try and attack it back, merely spun around with the shock, but what annoyed me more was they were making light of it saying "He'd have you for breakfast" etc - now you tell me, if he DID attack and hurt the dog whose dog do you think would be PTS, I mean who would believe the other dog caused the incident?

It is this sort of incident that has got me practically paranoid now on walks, I hate seeing dogs off-lead charging about whilst their owners are way ahead/behind them, not noticing what they are doing. The worst culprits I have found are small dog-owners who seem to believe (like the lady whose daccie is in the papers for biting) - that just because their dog is small and not cause much damage it is acceptable to allow them to nip as they are deemed 'harmless'.

Over recent weeks there have been several occasions where I have held Ozzys head via his Halti to prevent him nipping back after such attacks as I am terrified of the consequences if he were to This is totally unfair on him and I should not have to do this. The only thing I can picture is the police knocking on my door telling me he is a dangerous dog and have to be PTS.

I've got now I am walking in more remote areas just so as I can actually enjoy my walks again in peace, without feeling I have to have eyes in the back of my head. Lack of courtesy from other dog-walkers has really started to spoil my once pleasurable walks. I am lucky that I live in a semi-rural location with access to many walks like this, I know so many others aren't so lucky.
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23-01-2007, 01:45 PM
I know the feeling, I hate little yappy things at the best of times, but many moons ago when my flatcoat was young I was at a popular plain on the forest when a lady pulled up let 8 daschunds out of the car, Casper was minding his own business (for once) daschund runs up and latches onto the side of his face. Since that day he's been wary with little dogs, never started a fight, but can be grumbly.

When out walking I go to places that are relatively quiet and if I see someone with a little dog I'll call out that mine arent good with others, -- hence why they're on the lead -- and quite often the little things will be picked up while I carry on walking.
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chelsea is offline  
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23-01-2007, 01:53 PM
I know how you feel it would be your dog that would be told it would have to be pts and like you say it is very unfair and i to think it is very out of order just cos you have the bigger dog.Try not to worry you enjoy your walks with Ozzie.
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23-01-2007, 02:47 PM
It's just so annoying isn't it?

We have had encounters with so many dogs off lead and irresponsible owners,it's just not funny.Poor Tyler had 3 dogs snap at him,during one walk and one just missed his face by inches,the owners always say sorry but like i have said,if he was to have a go back and defend hiself,because of his breed he would get the blame
One cheeky git even asked if he was onlead because he was aggressive and nasty towards other dogs I just simply replied no he's onlead because it's not safe and because of all the other idiots that have offlead dogs they have no control over.
I like to enjoy our walks and prefer to walk in places not many people go,some of these dog owners really do get me angry
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23-01-2007, 04:08 PM
The dogs that have attacked my dogs in order of most frequent are 1) Border Colllies 2) Springers 3) GSD 4) Labs 5) Goldies 6) Yorkie. As you can see only one of them is a small dog so in my experience big dogs are worse culprits of being agressive than small dogs.
The yorkie incident they tried to claim a vet bill off me for the damage my terrier did to the dog which I refused to pay as it was her dog that started it.
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23-01-2007, 04:25 PM
I have both a large and a small dog, so know how it is from both sides!

BUT, I can honestly say my Big dog (Bullmastiff) has been attacked more than my Yorkshire terrier.
My Bullmastiff is constantly (nearly every walk) getting 'bullied' by little dogs. A lot of owners seem to think it's funny, and like Ozzysmom, they make stupid comments about being her dinner.
Most of them LET their dogs carry on biting my dog, whilst Teagan stands there, taking it.
Once she did try and bite back,(multiple terriers all biting her) and the owners of the little dogs started screaming at me to move my dog, put it on a lead etc!
Teagan then went for one of the terriers (she didn't make contact).

Bigger dogs Teagan has been attacked by are Labs and Collies.

My Yorkshire Terrier has never been attacked, and he's 11.
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23-01-2007, 04:34 PM
Oh yes, I too have had larger breeds have a bop at him too, just recently it seems the small ones are out in force!

It is when the owners laugh or smile genially at the little sods that gets my back up the most!

Have to say where I live the two most aggressive dogs on our estate are a Black Labrador rescue dog and an Hungarian Vizla! Both of these dogs in my opinion should be muzzled in public places and are definately a danger and still their owners let them off
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23-01-2007, 05:44 PM
I completely agree Ozzy! Two doors down from me there is a Jack Russell, and this thing is crazy ! ! The owners (pair of idiots if you ask me) just let it out of the house every now and then to wander about and do it's business (anywhere it pleases ). As soon as I pass with my dogs, on lead, it comes flying at my two, attacking their legs and sometimes even their faces. They NEVER retaliate (sp?), which surprises me as they are not shy, but what if they did?? It would be my dogs at fault, makes me so angry !
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23-01-2007, 07:26 PM
Tara was really aggressive for a while towards little dogs as she's has quite a few bite her legs.....which used to really annoy me, as when she'd have a go back (can u blame her?!) people would look at me like it was my fault that my dog was sticking up for herself! Hmph! I like little dogs, don't get me wrong, but I don't think its fair that the bigger dogs are expected to take it just because they're bigger!!!!!
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