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Zoundz is offline  
Location: Kilmaloda, Cork, Ireland
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06-11-2005, 11:14 PM

Breeding small animals

Hey all - this thread is not intended to offend anyone - I just wanted to see what your opinions are on the matter. I personally believe that the breeding of small furries should be undertaken in the same way the breeding of larger animals like dogs is. I wish to breed rats - but i am waiting until I have a suitable mentor who can help me get good lines and healthy, happy rats.
I am VERY against breeding petshop rodents. they simply don't have the health. And I am really against just breeding to see the miracle of life too. I think SB's breeding article applies to ALL animals.

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07-11-2005, 12:44 AM
With you on that one Zoundz though I think it highly unlikely that anything will change for our smaller furry friends unfortunately. In this country we can't even get laws to protect dogs properly which never ceases to upset me.
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07-11-2005, 12:43 PM
oh no - i'm aware it won't cha- all we can do is slowly change the beliefs of those that keep small furries. I am saddened to see how many people still breed petshop rats and rescue rats for example. There are a wealth of suitable breeders out there who would offer mentorship. I really have a problem with those that buy a guinea pig for example, and then decide she needs a boyfriend. it's just wrong. you wouldn't do it with dogs, so why rodents?

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08-11-2005, 10:17 AM
I agree with you on this too, there are so many small furries in rescue (30,000 bunnies for example) looking for homes, some have had horrendous lives and are just looking to live out what life they have left in some comfort and to have some love, others are unwanted pets, cute as babies but once the novelty factor has worn off, they are dumped into a rescue
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09-11-2005, 11:05 AM
I am involved with a small animal rescue which is contiuously full of animals. I do not agree with breeding unless there is a shortage of something, it is belived that if everyone stopped breeding for a period of 2 years or longer that for most animals there would still be many animals in rescues who have never had a permanent homes.

In 2002 the rescue I am a volunteer with, was asked to take in 13 guinea pigs, this year so far we have taken in 234 with 10 on a waiting list to come in. In 2002 32 rabbits were taken in, this year so far 175 have been handed in. Last night we were emailed from a rescue in Bracknell who had been asked to take 14 baby lops from a lady and have no room, we also have 50 rabbits due in from a lady in Bristol and we have another 25 on a waiting list. What chance do any of the rescues have if individuals, breeders and petshops remain churning out large numbers of babies?

If you talk to dog, cat, avarian and ratty rescues all over the country they will all tell you similiar stories.

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09-11-2005, 12:47 PM
Couldn't agree more Janice. I personally do have a very valid reason for breeding in the future. We are working on setting up an Irish Rat Fancy - and there IS a shortage of rats there at the moment. If I become head of the irish fancy, I will need to breed to keep the fancy alive so to speak. However, the people I have a problem with are irresponsible breeders who don't give questionairres, vet homes etc etc. I can't think of anything worse. The people that really annoy me are those who breed with nmo thought or forward planning, just sticking the two animals together. 'all my friends want a baby' - yes, they may, until the babies are here. And what if you can't home them all? rescues? dumped on the street? I rescue a lot of rats, and I've seen it happen. it's sickening. And there is NOTHING worse in my opinion, than selling babies to petshops.

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09-11-2005, 06:14 PM
I thing educating the public on the issues of petshop animals, breedeing willy nilly etc etc is going to be like hitting your head off a brick wall...going to be long & hard? People that want a pet make a bee line to nearest shop, to be honest with you lot I really don't think those that get a pet this way are aware of rescues that need homes for the animals that a feww months ago were from shops ..(if you know what i mean)

I spoke to a woman that was thinking of getting a guinea pig for the kids & got talking to her & i asked why she didnt consider a rescue ...her reply was only dogs & cats are in rescue, to get a smaller pet you would need to go to petshops? How many folk are thinking the same way ? You wonder where they think small pets end up when not wanted anymore? I did explain that not only dog & cats are in rescue but rabbits, rats, chins, gps, hamsters, birds, reptiles loads of animals end up in rescue for various reasons.

Not all petshops sell animals, they ones that do most of the money that comes in goes on non animal items so by stopping the seling of animals they are not going to lose out on the money side. (i know im not putting this accros properly but hope you know what I mean)

I could go on a far bit here but wont bore you ....they thing to start is educating the public on animal care/welfare, options of rescues, responsible breeders trying to get the message across to petshops on various issues while they are selling animals/birds, issues on breeding for a pet owner etc etc.

Ill shut up now lol
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08-06-2006, 11:31 PM
yay for petshops who don't sell animals
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hallie_j is offline  
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08-07-2006, 01:47 PM
i dont think pet shopsshould be allowed to sell pets - only food etc

reputable breeders with a licence should only b alowwed
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novavizz is offline  
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08-07-2006, 02:03 PM
I don't use any petshop/store which sells animals. I don't think it is right- there are too many people who buy little furries on impulse or because of pressure from their kids. This is just a way to get those people to spend more money, after all once they have bought their little pet they then have to buy food, housing, toys, books and anything else related.
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