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Latedogluvr is offline  
Location: Sloan, NY, USA
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23-06-2024, 07:33 PM

Prosthetics for Degenerative Myelopathy in my Rescue mix

My 11-year-old Terrier/Rottie mix, Haley, has gradually lost the use of her hind legs since 2020. Our vet initially thought she had torn her flexor tendon but then her other leg began to give her trouble.

Vet changed the diagnosis to DM last year. Up until the first of the year she was doing OK but she has really declined and we're looking for any prosthetics that might help her inside and out in our multi-level home.

We've considered a "wheelchair" but they're not recommended for stairs. I've seen several harnesses designed for injury/surgical recovery but nothing specific for DM.

I've been researching harnesses with braces for the back legs but, again, nothing is recommended specifically for DM.

Does anyone have experience with this condition? I'd sure appreciate any info you can share. And so would Haley! Thanks

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24-06-2024, 08:08 PM
A dog we see regularly has wheels for his back legs which are also held up in a kind of styrup affair that keeps his back feet from dragging on the ground

I doubt you need special equipment for the disease, just equipment that your dog is comfortable with
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11-07-2024, 12:04 AM
Thanks for your response. I apologize for taking so long to reply. If things weren't already bad enough.

We just learned that Haley also is suffering from Pancreatic Insulinoma. So her blood sugar is perpetually low. How ironic.

Our Chihuahua mix, Moonshine, is diabetic. I'm Type 1 for nearly 50 years. I just managed to get Moonshine's blood sugar under control and now Haley's perpetually hypoglycemic.

Because of the DM Haley isn't a candidate for the procedure to remove the tumor. The vet said in his experience even otherwise healthy dogs have not survived more than a few months after the surgery.

Haley is still functioning fairly well. I know she hurts but she's still acting very happy and plays with our newest dog, Daisy, a Cavi Dachshund mix. And she's definitely still guarding us. That makes me really reticent to have her put down yet although I know that's going to be the final outcome.

Sorry to vent. I guess I'm still not over the pup Daisy "replaced". That was Evie. A Rat Terrier Poodle mix we rescued when she was 13. A week before Christmas, literally one day to the next, she was fine then she went into kidney failure. We'd only had her 2 years and I just wasn't ready to let my "12 pounds of meanness" go. TBH, I'm still not over her.

Anyway, back to the subject. I've ordered Haley a rear lift harness to help her get her feet under her and for coming up the 3 stairs to go into the main house.

Thanks again for your help and again I apologize for going way off into the weeds.
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Chris is offline  
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11-07-2024, 08:36 PM
So sorry about the update on Hayley.

Honestly, you will know when she has had enough and it's time to let go.

In the meantime, make happy memories with her every day
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