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brenda1 is offline  
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09-12-2022, 08:36 AM

Freaky Friday 9th December 2022

Morning all. Very very frosty here. Put my heating on and then noticed that the thermostat on the wall had blanked out so pushed some buttons and I think it has come back on, yep still showing. Hope you all manage to stay warm. The sun is shining in so the place will keep warm even with the radiators going off for a bit. Might delay the walk. Waiting for Tesco to come this morning. Not happy with the subs that they have said will come so will decline them. Kelly, Lynn and Gorden hope you are feeling better today. Chris hope your son is ok after his fit. Not good for him or you with the worry. Sue hope your day is an easy one. Kazz hope work isn't to busy now as it is getting nearer to Christmas. I expect the sale will start soon? Have a good day everyone.
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09-12-2022, 09:45 AM
Morning brenda and all to follow.
Cold and frosty here again too today. A little more beading around the living room then it's done.
Next job moving the small round table into the cabin, bringing the big extendable table into the small end of the living room and extending it for Christmas. We may need to move it more into the living room for Boxing day, but we have decided running the electric fire to keep the cabin warm will be to expensive this year, so into the bungalow and a bit of re-arranging for the day will have to be the way to go especially as we have Freya here it will be to cold for her in the cabin if we have to turn the fire off.
I think it will be difficult to eat a Christmas dinner in coats, hats,scarves and mittens.

Thank you brenda we are beginning to feel better and will be glad when we test negative.

griff hope you are feeling better today. As Chris has said I think it's about time someone did some things for you.
Men are capable if they have to be. Please take care of yourself for a change.
Sue hope the roads aren't too treacherous when you have to leave for the school run and pick up.
Kazz as brenda says hope things aren't getting too manic at work.
Chris hoping Gary is feeling better and will remain fit free for a good while.
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09-12-2022, 10:43 AM
Good morning Friday friends.....LOL

Bright and crisp here this morning, work this afternoon to cover absence.

No sale as such with us but a bit quieter a few people decorating before Christmas and obviously tree (real trees start to fly now) and decorations. But not as busy as usual think the cost of living has caused people to pause slightly with spending and only by what they "need"

Anyhow yes all good here off out this weekend etc etc going to the theatre in Lichfield next week when I am off to see "Bah Humbug" although I am far from that LOL

Brenda Does your unit have batteries, may be worth checking them? Lots of substitutes are often acceptable/good but on occasion I find online shopping send the weirdest subs I think though when you go the the supermarket you can see the lack of depth across the ranges on the shelves, so could simply be no stock.

Lynn Sounds like a plan to be in the house bet it will be brilliant having everyone there make the most of it sure you will. How lovely for your lad to say that with his gift, is Spain having similar issues with heating etc? My cousin who lives in USA says they have shortages of certain products as well, and lots belt tightening. Keep the cabin for Summer could you fit a "stove" out there at all? Hope you are clear for Freya next week she will be missing you and you her I imagine.

Chris Hope your lad is alright today, have you tried any new cafes? you need to write a little book on the variety of breakfast eating in your area maybe start sending to the local newspaper etc?

Sue I am sure Teazle secretly likes her coat LOL or maybe not eh, how did the first day of school go? Hope you are staying well have you heard at all how Dawns dogs and cats are getting on I know they were rehomed.

Griff As long as you are happy running around after people then life is good, a lovely gesture to pay for the shopping Good on you. Hope you are feeling better? when does your brother arrive and for how long?

Moyra Hope Christmas is going well in the preparation for you.

Right bits to do before work so catch you all this evening.
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09-12-2022, 11:18 AM
Morning Kazz I think everywhere will be quieter but Lauren says the Works is really busy. Guess because the craft bits and card and wrapping paper are so much cheaper.
Yes we are missing Freya I am sure she isn't missing us I think she will love having mummy and daddy doing shifts and having more time with them.
She absolutely adores them both, if you could hear the squeals of excitement when she hears the front door go and knows one of them is home. It's so heartwarming to witness.

Spain is having its issues but the Government there does so much more for their citizens regarding rail fares and the metro.
Also better help with heating costs the companies are kept in check Michel sounded quite upset that some families here in the UK are having to make such harsh choices especially the families with children.
He comes over as aloof if you don't know him whereas Mark is an open book but they both have very big hearts in the right places we must have done something right for them to grow up so caring.
When we first went to Madrid Gorden was getting money out for a tip after a meal and drinks Micheal and Maca looked and said we don't leave tips.
We both looked puzzled and said really, their reply was the waiting staff and those who work in hospitality get paid a living wage and do not like our hospitality people here have to rely on tips to supplement their income.
If you feel you have had exceptionally good service you leave a euro or sometimes 2 euros but never more than that, a gracias and a smile is all they need and they appreciate it.
In fact most people I think across the board get a living wage in Spain. In Madrid anyway.
Michael has a good job and earns a much better wage there for the same job he would do here. The cost of living is high like everywhere else but still prices are more reasonable there.
They do have homeless people we saw them this time on the streets not many but some. Michael was saying in Spring and Summer they have plenty of places they tuck themselves up when the weather is warmer but in the Winter they are more visible due to the cold and less people in the parks, coming into the city they can find warmer spots to stay.

So that's my essay for the day.
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Sue L
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09-12-2022, 11:21 AM
Good morning Brenda, Lynn and Kazz

Good idea to bring the table in Lynn you will manage the same as me I will have to rearrange furniture to fit us all round my dining table but hey ho only one day

No Kazz I have not herd anything regarding Dawn's dogs but I do know they were taken in by people in the breed so all should be well.

First day of school went well other than she did not like the school dinner but was afraid to tell me. Maria told me so I said to Sarah have a packed lunch not a problem to do for you so she is now happily taking her lunch with her. She seems to have settled well and her teacher is pleased with the progress they are making although speaking is the difficult part. We are all working on that but having her over gran here is not really helping. She told her that if she didn't want to go to school she didn't have too Ben soon told her that was not the case. This morning when I dropped her off she gave me a cuddle and ran off into school happily.

Hope all are well. Take care
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09-12-2022, 11:59 AM
Ahhh Sue; "other Gran" sounds like a security blanket with Velcro.

Maybe though she is lonely with the girls out at school. How long has it been since the whole family has been together?
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09-12-2022, 12:38 PM
Bit awkward Sue and I guess she has been used to being in charge, sounds like maybe she is a bit of a too soft Nanny ? Nothing wrong with that in the right place. Like Kazz says maybe she is lonely.
Glad the school dinner problem is sorted now and she is happy.
Yes like you we will manage with the dining table arrangement, there will be two strong boys to do the furniture lifting.

When Michael moved to Madrid he was already learning Spanish when he was in London so had a few words and phrases. He and Maca moved in with Maca's parents till the flat was ready and Maca's mum said right now Michael is living here the only way he will learn is no one speaks to him in English he has to be spoken too and speak in Spanish.
He was still doing the lessons but said it was very hard but the only way to learn.
He has however said it was the right thing to do. He was/is an adult though but sometimes being thrown in at the deep end is the way to go.
He now speaks and writes fluently in Spanish. Counts too, in his job his boss and colleagues are Spanish and his boss was going to make amends they all speak English but Michael said no Spanish please.
He sometimes forgets when he is home and comes out with something in Spanish and Gorden and I look at each other puzzled.
Macaren even put a post it note on the fridge not to speak English.
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09-12-2022, 03:06 PM
I wonder if anyone will resort to praffin valor heaters? Pink parrafin and the smell and smuts. lol!! Yep the thermostat does have batteries but at the moment it is working and the battery thing isn't flashing.
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09-12-2022, 09:12 PM
Good evening all

Heck no, Kazz. Our favourite cafes are our secret otherwise we'll never get in. Bad enough now in summer

Sue, do you think other nan is secretly hoping she will go back with her when she goes back to Madrid. She is seeing her family seep away from her.

Was supposed to go to the bank today, but forgot. Oh the joys getting old
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