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Sue L
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28-07-2021, 07:31 AM

Daily Thread Wednesday 28th July

Good morning everyone

Pleased Gary had a good day with his friends and do hope that the deaf girl manages to get a place so they will both have someone to talk to

Rain overnight but sun out when I got up so hung the washing out, had breakfast and took Teazle out only for it to start raining hard. Home and washing now in the tumble dryer and still raining hard. Oh well the best laid plans of mice and men etc.

Hope all are well. Stay safe.
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28-07-2021, 08:52 AM
Good morning Sue and all to follow. Bit brighter here now. Have a good day, take it easy and above all everyone stay safe and well. God bless.
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28-07-2021, 09:24 AM
Morning Sue, Moyra and all to follow.
Similar weather here to Sue.

Worst nightmare this morning for months now we have thought when Dillon decided to do a longer walk one of us would be going home to get the van and drive back to pick him up and whichever one of us was waiting with him.
Well that happened earlier. We kept trying to turn him back but no not treats not anything.
We started returning home eventually for us a short walk for him a marathon now a walk we frequently did before his legs started giving out. He needed a rest and I decided to slowly walk off and he was this time happy to lie and wait, he had made it across the road and was patiently lying on the path resting with Gorden when I turned up to pick them up.
Not sure he would of made it home if he had it would of been hours.
I am afraid his legs are giving up and we are seeing an increased difference almost daily now.

Other than that and not sleeping at night he is managing bodily functions and eating well.
I truly think we are on a downward slope here now and anything that can be done is going to be palliative now till his poor old legs give up entirely.
A day I am and have been dreading for the past two years when he needed medical intervention.

To think we are using the tumble dryer in July Sue.

Stay safe everyone.
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28-07-2021, 10:15 AM
Awwwwww Lynn, so sorry to hear you had a bad walk, give Dillon a gentle squeeze from us
Sue, hope you didn't get to wet whilst out with Teazle
Moyra, I think we are in for showers today....I have ordered wet weather gear for at steves house lol
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28-07-2021, 11:12 AM
Good idea griff for the wet weather gear at Steve's, seems we are in for showery weather this Summer.
I will give Dillon his gentle squeeze when he comes in form the cabin.
He is fine now he is home and not walking any distance. Occasionally we get the odd leg confusion but he is much better when home and resting.
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28-07-2021, 12:18 PM
Good afternoon all.

We have been lucky this morning. A shower on our way in in the car and started raining when we were in the car coming home. In between it stayed dry so a nice walk.

Oh Lynn, so sorry to hear about Dillon. When my Sam got to that stage, we stopped the walks and he was happy to potter about in the garden instead. Give him a snuggle from me too and take one for yourself because I know how upsetting it is.
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28-07-2021, 12:47 PM
Thank you Chris.
We thought today we would take things easy and he seemed very sleepy that we would get washed and dressed and see how he reacted to that, well he got all excited as he knows that's the cue for a walk.
Seems he isn't ready brain wise yet to give up on walks. We usually now just potter over the park but for some reason today he kept going. We will have to be much more determined than him if he tries this again.
The heartbreaking thing is at home although not playful now and you can see his legs getting weaker he is still himself even though he sleeps more during the day (wish he would through the night) so if you didn't know him you just think a dog and old age catching up.
Of course we are noticing the subtle changing signs in his brain though he is still the silly old Dillon most days.

We will speak to the vet Saturday see what she suggests whether to try another dose of the Librela or whether she thinks something stronger. Going to try 2 Melatonin which is a brand called Melacutin a condensed version of Melatonin tonight although it's meant to be a one dose all sizes and breeds. See if that gets a few hours without disturbance.
Looking up about it it does say if 3 mg doesn't work you can dose up to 6 mg and for his his weight it states you can dose up up to 6 mg to.
I have a feeling she may mention Tramadol and I am not sure how I feel about that, I have always felt once we go onto that we are nearing the end although I know we are I am not sure we are near the end, end if you get my drift.
Mind you I wasn't keen on the thought of Previcox in the beginning but we realised for his comfort we would have to go that route 2 years ago and it has served him well for two years.
The mechanics of his legs and hips are rubbish now and the only thing that could possibly fix that would be surgery he is to old for that now, both hips would need doing one first get over the recovery then the second one.
He is 9 years and 9 months on the 2nd August so we know he has not many years left if years at all to be honest.

Hey ho lets see what the vet suggests Saturday to help him.
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28-07-2021, 01:25 PM
Lynn, I am not well informed about Dillon's condition...I am guessing there's no cure? Is it pain that made him stop do you think? If so, give acupuncture a go... I was honestly thinking I would have to have Kota put to sleep because the specialist wouldn't operate and she was so sad and uncomfortable, she was on steroids and 4 gabepentin a day.....her head was dropped, she would squeal in pain couldn't do the stairs and after 1 session of acupuncture she was more comfortable and only needed one gabepentin in that week, she's had none for weeks now, her head is upright, she climbs the stairs and is back to her mental self....the only thing that remains are the tremors in her legs. The lady who does her acupuncture is a vet.....maybe your practice has someone they can recommend?
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28-07-2021, 01:47 PM
I am so sorry to read about Dillon Lynn. This week I have heard from two friends that have lost their companions. I hope that Dillon stays with you for a long time still. Like Kelly suggests give acupuncture a go, it worked for me. Take care everyone and give your companions an extra special cuddle each day.
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28-07-2021, 02:39 PM
He has hip dysplasia severe very little muscle on either hip left one the worst, also elbow dysplasia. They are quite bad to, always had a rotation on his back right paw and has 3 broken digits that our vet in Essex missed at 5 months old and made him wait for a month for consultation at the RVC Potters Bar. So he has had osteoarthritis in those since a pup where it was quickly decided by x-ray his digits on back right paw were broken as I and his breeder thought and even though we went back that same night to speak to the vet about it to get them set to heal she insisted it was a cruciate problem.
His left paw now rotates due to severity of the hip issue and is now affecting further up the leg in the last few days.
I am also thinking the DM we thought possible two years ago he is a low risk carrier for exon 2 which refers to all breeds but is clear of exon 1 which is Bernese specific.
I feel sure if our vet thought acupuncture was viable she would of suggested it a long time ago. I will mention it though.
His pads are wearing on the back paws due to the scuffing and which is now a lot worse and you can really hear his nails scraping especially today after he decided to do a longer trek than usual now.
He needs the medication or medication of some sort due to pain he now suffers, vet can tell the pain is getting worse by the resistance when she manipulates and stretches his rear legs and folds the front legs towards his chest.
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