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Helena54 is offline  
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28-12-2013, 07:54 AM

Morning Dogsey Daily Thread - Saturday

Good morning all Dogsey Peeps

Another lovely lie in this morning. I've told Dave not to worry about coming with us on our mornings walks when he wants to be doing the bathroom, cos it wastes so much time, hence the reason he gets up at 6 am to get us out earlier I've stopped that now, he hasn't surfaced till 7.30 for 2 days, long may it continue.

First of all, we've got many injured peeps on here atm, so I hope you're all feeling better today.
Jen with your nasty coccyx injury (been there many a time when falling off big horse, you always land on that bit). Hope you're not bed ridden with that today Jen.xx

Lynn, your burnt hand, I hope it's settled down now. Your sister was right about the olive oil, but it's also the oil that gets to the hottest temperature, which means a really nasty burn. xx

Cath, your poor eye, and I think you ought to get that checked out if you fancy spending the day at casualty. Mind you, being an eye, they would send you off to another department, so maybe walk into the reception area and ask if you can get into the eye department in an emergency. Dave has done that many a time with his work injuries, metal bits in his eyes with welding. Hope it's not too sore this morning.xx

Eileen, hope you're feeling a lot better today, cos I think you felt sick last night when I last looked? Hope you're ok now after a good night's sleep.xx

I'm joining you in sick bay today too, cos I seem to have picked up a nasty cold, my throat is sore and my chest, and Dave is the same. He reckons we picked this up Christmas day at the pub Feel rubbish today, not looking forward to walking, I'd rather go back to bed.

Jenny, Hope the flooding has subsided around you cos we had a lot of heavy rain here overnight, I was thinking of you.

Weather is very quiet, no wind, no rain, just a dull old winter's day, but then that's good considering what we've all been through.

Didn't notice June about yesterday, I hope you're ok June cos you had the awful weather up there I think, hope everything is ok with you.

Off to the park to collect rent, I like that! Then doing nothing except my website, cos I never actually got around to doing it yesterday.

Enjoy the week-end everyone
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madmare is offline  
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28-12-2013, 08:15 AM
Morning H and all,

Back to work for me today and no more holiday till next Christmas. Charly and Ash are also leaving today for Devon. They are going to see his family and new year in down there and sort out their Devon house a bit more as they want to get it rented out. Then they will go back to their home in Surrey for Ash to return to work on 6th and he will bring Charly back around the 13th as her final and most important uni term will start.
I will miss them but it will also be nice to get some quiet time when I come home from work. (Well apart from Lyla and her antics ).

H I hope you are not going down with that dreadful cold I had. It lasted about 3 weeks and I ended up hardly able to breathe. The doctor put me on antibiotics and 8 steroids a day. Lets hope yours is short lived.

Lynn I hope your hand is not too sore today.

Jenny hope your back is a lot better today too.

Everyone else injured or poorly hope you soon recover

Have a good day all.
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28-12-2013, 08:26 AM
Morning Helena, have a good walk and enjoy the rent collecting. I hope you and Dave feel better soon.
Jenny hope your coccyx isn't too sore today.
Cath not sure what you did to your eye but I hope its better today.
My hand has lots of blisters on the inside of the thumb on the second finger along the top and a big big blister under the second finger in next to my thumb on the palm and in between the thumb and second finger. It all feels very tight and the smaller blisters are continually weeping.
I am getting very good at using my left hand.

I hope the weather is calm today for everybody it is here.
Michael emailed Gorden last night he was In Harlow seeing a friend who lived a few doors away from us so was probably spending the night there he was going to contact Mark today to see if he was in to drop presents round then was making his way here. Gorden has offered to drive to Harlow to pick him up from Marks. We are waiting to hear.

Still no damn tele signal.
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28-12-2013, 08:51 AM
Morning Helena and fellow members,

I'm so sorry that so many people are feeling unwell or are injured ..... not very festive for you all and I hope you recover very quickly (((hugs))).

I haven't been out to the shops yet but I assume the River Wey isn't flooding or we are bound to have had a phone call for help if it was.
The Thames is definitely up but that will probably continue slowly until all the water that has fallen north of us, as far as Oxford has drained down. Not worried about it as we can watch that and get our cars onto higher ground if necessary. I don't think we had any rain last night and the storm didn't come near us yesterday ... thank goodness

I believe there are still people with no electricity around the country which must be dire at this time of year ..... I bet lots of people are regretting removing fireplaces now

Not much on today, other than a food shop, walking the dogs, a couple of loads of washing and just a general tidy up.

Take care and see you all later.
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28-12-2013, 08:58 AM
Helena Sorry you are feeling off colour ... maybe you and Dave will just have to have a 'day-off' and do nothing other than the necessities.
Bev I don't think you are alone with looking forward to a little peace now after the Christmas festivities .... and of course you have little Lyla to keep you company
Lynn I hope your burn is doing OK and I was relieved for you to hear that Michael is up and about again and due to drive on up to you .... that has to be good news
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28-12-2013, 09:00 AM
Good morning Helena, Bev and Lynn and anyone who logs in while I am typing this.

Helena, sorry to hear you and Dave have caught colds.
They are certainly doing the rounds, Get well soon.

Lynn that hand of yours sounds terrible perhaps you should have it looked out before you get an infection in it.

Bev. That's not good back to work and no more holidays to look forward to.

Well back to some correspondence and paperwork for me too. Not that I am eager. Have a good day all, God bless.
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28-12-2013, 09:02 AM
Morning Jenny, hope all is well with you now, do take care. God bless.
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28-12-2013, 09:13 AM

Oh dear so many of us with ailments. Lynn, do look after that burn. Burns can get infected very quickly.
Helena I hope that throat doesn't turn into anything too severe for you and Dave.
It's dry here but I don't know how long for, it looks a bit threatening
Nothing much happening today so I will be in and out
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Mandyuk1 is offline  
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28-12-2013, 09:19 AM
Morning all
Hope all those injured and sick are feeling better very soon. Hubby seems a bit better this morning and is even considering a walk into town this morning
Weather wise it's nice and bright today but still cold but that's ok
I'm back at work this afternoon only for 4hrs though and I'm there tomorrow because I'm off New Year's Day they should have booked it off as a holiday but didn't, I didn't realise till it was. To late and would have lost a days pay
My son has gone back to York cos he's at work this weekend and coming back Sunday night then he's home till around the 10th Jan.
Right best ready now and get stuff done
Have a good day all
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28-12-2013, 09:29 AM
Morning one and all
Did write and comment to all that had posted earlier ,but lost the blooming lot ,so I'll just say hope all poorly ,injured get better soon do take care of yourselves please
Still raining here and blustery
Same old same old today work then hopefully get the muppets out for a decent walk
Take extra special care and stay safe xxxxx
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