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21-08-2013, 05:37 AM

Dogsey daily thread (Wednesday).

Morning everyone.
Dillon slept till just gone 6 this morning so that's better.
He did go outside for a lie down but the pigeons and the magpie were making such a racket he came in again.
I am going to try to do some clearing out or packing today or maybe a bit of both.

Bev I do hope your day is easier for you today.
Jenny I hope you and your DIL are feeling less stressed about the blood test results.
June I hope the jam doughnuts are looking more appealing today now you are over the shock.
Helena I hope you had a lovely day yesterday.
jenny glad the noise is now sorted on the car.

There are bound to be those I have missed sorry so a group
hoping things are ok recognition and hugs if you need them.
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21-08-2013, 05:52 AM
Morning Lynn and all who follow. Just a quick hello before everyone wakes up. It's hotter than ever and I am more determined than ever to be OUT of Cyprus for next August!

I think a day on Finikoudes beach (main tourist area) is planned for today so I will be doing 2 short trips to get them down there and set up. Jen has developed her prickly heat (all round her neck and chest) first time for a few years now and started her period yesterday and feels a bit lousy so she won't be on the beach and nor will I.

With all the good grandmothery will in the world I just cannot cope with one day after another in the merciless heat (constantly going over 100F here at the mo - hotter even than usual for late August) .

I've got the aircon on in all rooms and in and out of the shower with or without my clothes on! And down in the pool as soon as it has shade after about 2pm.

Last night me and Jen had the boys while Dan, Em and Holly hit the town for a nice meal and walkabout. I brought the laundry up to date. We bathed, fed them and settled them down with DVDs in my room and Bella decided that's where she should be too - with the kids! Even after we took her out for a late pee she made a beeline back to them!
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21-08-2013, 06:11 AM
Morning Lynn, Pat and fellow members,

Up bright and early this morning so I can take the dogs on a good walk before leaving them to go and have my hair done. Still haven't started my ironing so I'll have to give myself a good talking to as the pile is about 3' tall

Lynn - good luck with the sorting/packing.

Pat - OMG that heat sounds too too much I hope you all make it down the beach so that you can have frequent dips to cool off.

See you all later.
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21-08-2013, 06:15 AM
Morning Pat that heat sounds merciless. Will you think about coming back to the UK or somewhere with sunnier climes but not so hot as Cyprus in the summer ?
Enjoy your day as much as you can.
Morning jenny. Good luck with the hairdresser and the ironing.
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21-08-2013, 06:26 AM
Jeez Pat, sounds a bit too hot over there for anyone!

Lynn, glad Dillon let you have a lie in this morning, probably the Magpie and Pigeons were arguing with each other.

This morning I'm posting my application for the next course in the degree, fingers crossed this is the last one!

Today, I'll be in classes, but in between I'll be reading up on my first aid lesson for tomorrow night. Need to study tonight though without excuses, and get an early night, didn't get to sleep till late on last night and I'm feeling it this morning, I'm shattered.
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21-08-2013, 06:43 AM
Morning Lynn, Pat, Jenny and everyone else

Lynn, I was so pleased to read what you got up to yesterday, and it seems to have made you realise, the cottage really IS for you, so now you can get that packing all done with a bit of enthusiasm huh? I hope so, you'll never look back Lynn, and I bet my bottom dollar you'll be very, very happy there. It's quite daunting starting a new life somewhere else, but I'm sure you'll be so glad you did once you're settled.

Jenny, hope the hair goes well, are you colouring or cutting? I'm really pleased with my cut this time and I'm off for my colour on Friday, but I can't remember whether I booked this Friday or next We were messing about at the till when he booked it for me

Pat, oh I don't envy you, if it's hotting up everywhere, then of course, it's gonna hot up in a hot place even more, so you'd be wise to get out of there during the hottest month next year, and I know just the place

Well, what a day yesterday, they wore me out the pair of them!!! Now i'm all for catching up with friends, but these two are a couple of hurricanes, lovely ladies, a good laugh, but they just wore me out I'm afraid. I'm getting too old for all this socialising, I'm much preferring it to be just me and Dave or me and Zena (how bad is that!!!). An hour just "went" when they arrived, so I had to rush to book a taxi down the town for our 1 o'clock lunch. Fantastic place, and cheap and very busy, right in the central street of the old Town. Then one of my friends was desperate to do the whole of the Old Town cos of all the vintage shops, so there I was, in the boiling heat, being dragged in and out of these really weird shops. She tried on a pair of bright pink/black trousers, which had that elasticated stuff like we had our swimsuits in back in the late 50's (as a kid!) and the crutch was down at the ankles Oh I could have p*ssed myself if I wasn't so polite!!!! This woman is 68 remember!!! but has a figure of a model Then, we went into this tiny shop where they make these linen clothes and she tried on this coat/dress which I could only describe as a *sack*. It buttoned all the way down the front and kinda looked ok as a coat, but she wanted to wear it as a dress, but because it was so small (about an 8!) the top buttons were a bit tight. She ummed and arred cos she loved it so much, and then I asked her the price and she whispered to me £178!!! I could hardly hold this thing up on the hanger it was sooooo heavy and thick Not for me I'm afraid, gimme Matalan anyday

Then we walked the whole of the old Town, down onto the seafront looking at the old fisherman's huts, the art gallery, and as it was getting late we wanted our taxi back, but because they were insistent they paid for it but had no cash only plastic, we had to find a cash machine, so I sent them off into the arcade. I rang for a taxi, and sat there for ages in the boiling sunshine, hundreds of people walking past, but none of them were these 2 loons, and I worried the taxi would pull up and we'd have to pay waiting time They eventually arrived and said they found the machine but it was broken! I was only thinking how I'd left Zena home for nearly 4 hours. Thankfully, they wanted to miss the rush hour, so just came in for a quick glass of water before heading off. Phew! Alone at last My worst nightmare really, a big lunch, 2 g & t's, then being dragged around shopping in all that heat when I'd already done my hour's stint in the woods with Zena at 7 am. Hey ho, I've probably got another year to get over that one

Zena was as good as gold and yes, she did her scarey thing at the gate when I came back up the steps with them having greeted them on arrival, so she was told to go and get her ball, and she never assaulted them, didn't bark, just chucked the ball in the air and wanted them to play with her. Although one of them has a little border and thought Zena was the prettiest gsd she has ever seen, I think Zena got up their nose a tad with her new squeaky ball, so I had to swap it for a quiet one On our return, she did nothing, except get her ball and leap around in the air, she's getting better and better with visitors, but then the more I have, the better she'll get.

The little foreign delivery guy came up last night with some paperwork, he looked so very worried, but I told him, no worries, it's gone to the right bloke (that i-pad) and he asked if I could write all that down on his paperwork so I did. I just hope the other guy will confirm it, cos otherwise I could be in deep sh*t if he denies having come up to collect it I doubt that very much though.

Well, that's it for me, got woken up at 1.30 am by the phone, Dave's alarm had gone off, so I had to ring him in his little caravan to get him up and down to his garage, he wasn't happy, nor was I cos I was so tired. I'm having a do nothing day today, I feel a bit *odd*, bit sick and still tired.

Sorry for the long post but I had a lot to say didn't I!!!! Will catch up later, hope you're all good along with the doglets and enjoy your day.

ETA Morning Lorraine, sorry I missed you out but you crept in whilst I was typing. Mind you, you had plenty of time with that lot I just typed lol! Enjoy your day and hope you're getting through it
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21-08-2013, 06:51 AM
Morning Helena yesterday sounded fun but waring. Glad you enjoyed it though and you can have all day today catching up.
Well after you have sorted when your hair appointment is.
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madmare is offline  
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21-08-2013, 08:05 AM
Morning Lynn and all,

I am going over to my new house this morning with a friend as I want to put up some screening along the back fence to stop Lily from seeing the rabbits or wildlife playing in the farmers field. I don't want her trying to jump out to get them.

Then this afternoon and evening its work as normal.

I'm a bit worried about Lily. She is just not herself, she seems very down and I have noticed over the past few months she gets tired very quickly. She is also rapidly losing weight and I can now see her spine and pin bones despite giving her as much as she can manage to eat. She has also been mouting heavily for about 2 months which is very unusual.
To be honest I am scared she may have a cancer as its very common in greyhounds.
Still i must stay positive for her.

Good Luck with the packing Lynn, I still have loads to do, it seems never ending.
Glad you had a good day with your friends H, and hope you feel better after a restful day.

Hope everyone else is ok and you all have a good day.
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21-08-2013, 08:08 AM
Morning Lynn and everyone.
Haven't rung DiL yet Lynn I thought I would give her a chance to wake up!
Tang I certainly wouldn't be able to stand your heat.
Jenny ONLY 3'
Lore don't work too hard.
Helena sounds like you need a good rest today to get over your friends

Lovely here again at the mo. We thought we might go to Berry Head this afternoon for a stroll and an ice cream, pretend to be Grockles Hahaha pictures to follow I expect!
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Moyra is offline  
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21-08-2013, 08:09 AM
Good Morning Everyone,

Lynn, glad you went to look at that other place and now decided to stay with the cottage at Upwell. it is a lovely place.

Helena, you wore me out just reading your posting.

Bev, you're getting there slowly and that is a nice arrangement you have with the people taking on your place.

Lore, glad your day went ok yesterday except for the wobble. Hopefully better today.

jenny.g glad I haven't got your pile of ironing. I very seldom have anything to iron. If it needs ironing after washing then I do not wear it, as simple as that.

I am much happier now I know that it was merely to cut some of my medication out. I can only assume my cholesterol has gone up because I have drinking a lot more tea lately and hence more milk. Have a lovely day all, take care, God bless.
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