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14-06-2013, 05:56 AM

Morning Dogsey daily thread (Friday).

Morning everyone. I was awake at just gone 5am and the sun was pouring in the window. Nodded back off and Dillon huffed at the bottom of the stairs as if to say come along get up just before 6am sun still pouring in the window.
So where's it gone in between getting up and getting dressed and down the stairs ? Its disappeared.

I am having a nice relaxing day today after my rather annoying blood pressure raising day yesterday and sacking the EA.

I am sorry I didn't really take in yesterday what was going on with everybody so cannot really comment individually today so its going to be big group (((HUGS))) for everyone troubles or not.
I will pay more attention today.

Have a safe and lovely Friday everyone and see you all later.
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Tang is offline  
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14-06-2013, 06:09 AM
Good morning Lynn. Like you, I was awake and up early. I'd said I'd take the neighbour (the one I took to a doctor for a complete checkup yesterday) back there this morning for blood tests to be done.

However, she tells me her husband says it's wasting money and she must wait until they are in Romania in August to get all this done! Words fail me - total cost for yesterday (one and half hours in the surgery with the gastro specialist doc), complete physical check up external and internal, full history taken, injection for the pain and two lots of pills to take prior to having an endoscopy test - total cost €60!

Really brings it home to you just how far women have come in 'some' EU nations compared with others. (Interesting to note that he doesn't have any objections to his wife 'going out to work' daily - cleaning, cooking and generally caring for a geriatric disabled Cypriot lady?)

Not wanting to be accused of implanting any womens lib views in his little wifey - I restricted my comments to making sure she understood that if she didn't phone and cancel this morning's appointment she could well be charged for it and that they have her address!

I'm not sure what my plans are for today. I have a couple of spreadsheets to update and a trip to the developer office (again) to pay common expenses.

Some idiots (most likely holidaymakers coz they are arriving in their droves already to the 'rentals' here and about) had a BBQ in the carpark outside the pool and have dragged my one sunbed out of the pool area to use by the fire. Just ashes this morning and the sunbed in the middle of the uncovered carpark area.

This incident has made my mind up NOT to buy the two beach type sunbeds with cushions that I was going to get from the 'bargain' column this week for use in August. Even if they are a real bargain - don't want to end up with THREE sunbeds to keep putting back by the pool or, worse still, have THREE sunbeds chucked in the pool by eejits (which is what was happening last year throughout these joyful NOT 3 months of summer silliness here). I am not physically strong enough to hoick a full length sunbed out of the pool and you can hardly use it for swimming in when it is full of 'furniture'!
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14-06-2013, 06:09 AM
Morning Lynn, Pat and everyone

We've got it!!! Your sun, that is Lynn, it's glorious down south this morning, but hopefully, your cloud will burn off soon.

Dave home and chatty again, and we'll be up at the van together most of the day sorting out this and that, but first we have to go and find some turf. I'm not doing lunch cos we want to work through and get the whole lot finished, so I'll cook tonight.

Well would you believe it, when I started typing this it was lovely and sunny and now it's going all cloudy here too. I definitely don't want rain today what with doing that turfing.

Hope everyone is good today along with the doglets and I'll try and pop in this evening, enjoy your day everyone it'll soon be the week-end
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Lucky Star
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14-06-2013, 06:35 AM
Morning everyone

Oh I didn't want to get up this morning. I had some horrible dreams last night - in one I lived with a lovely view of the sea and they went and built houses between me and the sea and I was devastated!

Have a lovely day everyone.
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madmare is offline  
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14-06-2013, 06:38 AM
Morning Lynn, H and all,

Just had a lovely warm sunny walk with lily now she has 4 legs again to walk on again. She was pleased to be back on the bed with me last night too. Hope the sun stays as it feels quite nice out there.

I am out all morning helping a friend do some fencing on her horse field and then back to walk Lily and off to work. No mums today I will be doing her tomorrow instead.

Enjoy your relaxing day Lynn, I have forgotton what they are like .
Glad Dave has arrived back happy again H, hopefully you will be in for another good weekend.
Pat sounds like you are in for 3 months of annoying people, don't envy you that.

Take care all whatever you are doing and have a good day.
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14-06-2013, 06:38 AM
Good Morning everyone, Just cloud here. I have to give Amber her 6 monthly worming tabs and her monthly flea application she doesn't like that so I guess for the tablets it will be a small tin of pilchards. Where there's a will and if she spits them out like she did the A/Bs then it will be upsetting for both of us. Have a good day everyone. Hopefully a nice peaceful sunny one. God bless. Moyra

PS Wish me luck the car goes in for its MOT at 9.00am. Help!
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14-06-2013, 06:42 AM
Morning Lynn, Pat, Helena and fellow members,

We've got the sun - at the moment anyway - which makes a change 'cos we didn't see a glimmer yesterday I too was up early but did manage to be in bed before midnight for a change which is good. Not sure what is in store for me today but a joiner is due here to replace two sections of barge-boards which are rotten and the painters too.

Lynn - I hope you have a more relaxing day today after you 'stressathon' yesterday ((hugs)).
Pat - Core, what a cheek those people helping themselves to a sunbed and dragging it away from the pool Have a good day .... has Bella still commandeered you day bed?
Helena - A busy day for you and Dave today. I think this afternoon looks like wall-to-wall sunshine for all of us down south. Good luck sorting the van garden and hopefully you and Dave will have a laugh doing it.

I hope any poorly people or dogs are on the mend.
See you all later.
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14-06-2013, 06:44 AM
Hi LS, Bev and Moyra - you all ran in while I was typing (and making my OH a cuppa). Good luck Moyra with your car MOT. Enjoy your day and see you later.
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Lynne is offline  
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14-06-2013, 06:55 AM
Morning all. Would you believe it's us that have the sun. Well up to now anyway. By the time I'm ready to go out it'll probably be raining
Have a good weekend with Dave Helena. Hope you get everything done at the van.
Enjoy your stress free day Lynn.
Glad lily has remembered she still has 4 legs this morning Enjoy your fencing - rather you than me!
I think I would be getting fed up of those painters & other workmen hanging around by now jenny. Bet it's costing you a fortune in tea, coffee & cake
Not much planned here. Just shopping & then upstairs needs doing.
Take care all of you.
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14-06-2013, 07:02 AM
Originally Posted by Tangutica View Post
Good morning Lynn. Like you, I was awake and up early. I'd said I'd take the neighbour (the one I took to a doctor for a complete checkup yesterday) back there this morning for blood tests to be done.

However, she tells me her husband says it's wasting money and she must wait until they are in Romania in August to get all this done! Words fail me - total cost for yesterday (one and half hours in the surgery with the gastro specialist doc), complete physical check up external and internal, full history taken, injection for the pain and two lots of pills to take prior to having an endoscopy test - total cost €60!

Really brings it home to you just how far women have come in 'some' EU nations compared with others. (Interesting to note that he doesn't have any objections to his wife 'going out to work' daily - cleaning, cooking and generally caring for a geriatric disabled Cypriot lady?)

Not wanting to be accused of implanting any womens lib views in his little wifey - I restricted my comments to making sure she understood that if she didn't phone and cancel this morning's appointment she could well be charged for it and that they have her address!

I'm not sure what my plans are for today. I have a couple of spreadsheets to update and a trip to the developer office (again) to pay common expenses.

Some idiots (most likely holidaymakers coz they are arriving in their droves already to the 'rentals' here and about) had a BBQ in the carpark outside the pool and have dragged my one sunbed out of the pool area to use by the fire. Just ashes this morning and the sunbed in the middle of the uncovered carpark area.

This incident has made my mind up NOT to buy the two beach type sunbeds with cushions that I was going to get from the 'bargain' column this week for use in August. Even if they are a real bargain - don't want to end up with THREE sunbeds to keep putting back by the pool or, worse still, have THREE sunbeds chucked in the pool by eejits (which is what was happening last year throughout these joyful NOT 3 months of summer silliness here). I am not physically strong enough to hoick a full length sunbed out of the pool and you can hardly use it for swimming in when it is full of 'furniture'!
Morning Pat. What a bleep bleep. Words fail you sometimes don't they.
The dreaded holidaymakers will they be the silly English boys and girls who think its fine to get totally paralytic and think its fun to have no respect for the people who live in the country they are visiting.
I think you and I will be nanny napping with Helena later today.

Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Morning Lynn, Pat and everyone

We've got it!!! Your sun, that is Lynn, it's glorious down south this morning, but hopefully, your cloud will burn off soon.

Dave home and chatty again, and we'll be up at the van together most of the day sorting out this and that, but first we have to go and find some turf. I'm not doing lunch cos we want to work through and get the whole lot finished, so I'll cook tonight.

Well would you believe it, when I started typing this it was lovely and sunny and now it's going all cloudy here too. I definitely don't want rain today what with doing that turfing.

Hope everyone is good today along with the doglets and I'll try and pop in this evening, enjoy your day everyone it'll soon be the week-end
Morning Helena well you thought you had our sun seems you haven't now.
Do be careful you two all that work and no lunch. will you be fit too cook later I know I wouldn't it would be take away for us or fish finger sandwiches.
Glad Dave is chirpy again this weekend.

Originally Posted by Lucky Star View Post
Morning everyone

Oh I didn't want to get up this morning. I had some horrible dreams last night - in one I lived with a lovely view of the sea and they went and built houses between me and the sea and I was devastated!

Have a lovely day everyone.
Morning Linda. Another one joining the group for a nanny nap later.
That building development going on where you walk Loki must of been playing on your mind.

Originally Posted by madmare View Post
Morning Lynn, H and all,

Just had a lovely warm sunny walk with lily now she has 4 legs again to walk on again. She was pleased to be back on the bed with me last night too. Hope the sun stays as it feels quite nice out there.

I am out all morning helping a friend do some fencing on her horse field and then back to walk Lily and off to work. No mums today I will be doing her tomorrow instead.

Enjoy your relaxing day Lynn, I have forgotton what they are like .
Glad Dave has arrived back happy again H, hopefully you will be in for another good weekend.
Pat sounds like you are in for 3 months of annoying people, don't envy you that.

Take care all whatever you are doing and have a good day.
Morning Bev glad Lily has realised she has 4 legs again and that they all work.
Where do you get the energy I need to go back to bed just reading about yours and Helena's day.

Originally Posted by Labrador Lover View Post
Good Morning everyone, Just cloud here. I have to give Amber her 6 monthly worming tabs and her monthly flea application she doesn't like that so I guess for the tablets it will be a small tin of pilchards. Where there's a will and if she spits them out like she did the A/Bs then it will be upsetting for both of us. Have a good day everyone. Hopefully a nice peaceful sunny one. God bless. Moyra

PS Wish me luck the car goes in for its MOT at 9.00am. Help!
Morning Moyra good luck with the worming tablets. Can you or do you crush them into the Pilchards I find that helps.
Good luck with the mot mine is due and off the road till we can afford it and we will have everything crossed it passes.

Well the day starts badly before getting going. Dillon's insurance didn't go through the other day it missed some of Gorden's money going in by a day but they called for it again today and it went out so that was good news. But they charged us £20 for late payment.
Then BT took their money earlier than usual making us overdrawn again and taking my housekeeping money which I had just got back and they haven't included the free phone calls we always get. This is due to this new infinity broadband I expect the whole package has changed and confused them.
Gorden is going to ring them when he gets home and try to get the charges now incurred through them back.
I am sorry for wishing the Summer away but I will be glad when the end of September comes a regular wage and everything paid and no overdraft fees and bank charges and just knowing where we are with everything one wage one pay day.
At least we have enough to eat and Dillon has food in his freezer.
Oh well could be worse I suppose.
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