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21-05-2013, 05:41 AM

Morning Dogsey daily thread (Tuesday).

Morning everyone.
It seems like Autumn has arrived today. Not very bright and a cold wind blowing. I did hear that it is meant to improve as the day goes on. Lets hope so.

Not a lot on here today a trip to Lidl some housework and washing. Basically catching up on what I didn't get done yesterday. Also a couple more phone calls to people updating about mum. Her brothers friend so she can take news to mums brother and the home.
Oh and walk Dillon of course.

Jenny I do hope your son feels better after his GP appointment today and they can sort his medication and get him back on the road to a fast recovery. That will mean you and his wife can stop worrying so much too when you start to see him feeling better.
Lorraine sorry your evening didn't turn out as planned, nice to read going back to work was a good experience for you.
I think you are going to have to switch that phone off some evenings so you do not get inundated with calls from your dad to drop everything and go over. Its bad enough when they are genuinely feeling down but when its because he is drunk well that isn't on really and you have been having a bad time too and need some free time.
June fingers crossed those plans come together soon.
I am sorry to hear about you having Osteoporosis my eldest brother also has it and Gill and I said this must be worrying to him. He isn't on steroids though he has injections but it is the steroids that have contributed to the Osteoporosis and bone crumbling being so severe with mum but she needs them for the Sarcoidosis which also effects the lung. Between a rock and hard place springs to mind.
Hopefully you and my brother won't have the problems mum is having.
Sally I hope there is no more lameness from Jimmi today.
I wonder what that was all about. Maybe he had a dead leg from laying on it.
Bev I hope Charly's exam went well and that the saying goodbye to Ash wasn't so traumatic this time as last time.
I hope you are enjoying that well deserved holiday.
Helena I do hope you are feeling brighter today and looking forward to your girlie day tomorrow and showing off your beautiful home to them. you should be all the hard work you and Dave have put into it.
Linda I hope Loki was fit free last night after his funny behaviour and twitchiness was it Sunday ? I seem too of lost a day. I hope the vet visit went well if it was yesterday but something tells me that's today so good luck with that if it is.
I also hope you slept better.
jenny good to read your mum was in good spirits and not worried about being toothless that did make me giggle. I always say mum is feeling better when she starts moaning but not so sure this time and it was a different kind of moaning if that makes sense.
Hey ho we will see.

I am sure there are some of you I must of missed so apologies for that. So for those I have missed if feeling unwell or having troubles I hope it all gets better very soon and if there are poorly pets out there wishing them well soon too.

Have a safe and nice Tuesday and I will catch up in while.
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21-05-2013, 06:15 AM
Morning Lynn and fellow members,

Dull and dank here too . My OH is off for the day to Essex to collect more car parts and my son is seeing private clients this morning before work so I'll have some time to myself

I haven't read back on last night's posts but will shortly.

Lynn I do hope your Mum is 'comfortable' today and you manage to update all the relatives. Enjoy your walk with Dillon and I hope it doesn't rain on you.

I too have a 'catch-up' day today but I went out yesterday evening to do my food shopping to leave me a free day today.

See you all later.
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21-05-2013, 06:18 AM
Originally Posted by jenny.g View Post
Morning Lynn and fellow members,

Dull and dank here too . My OH is off for the day to Essex to collect more car parts and my son is seeing private clients this morning before work so I'll have some time to myself

I haven't read back on last night's posts but will shortly.

Lynn I do hope your Mum is 'comfortable' today and you manage to update all the relatives. Enjoy your walk with Dillon and I hope it doesn't rain on you.

I too have a 'catch-up' day today but I went out yesterday evening to do my food shopping to leave me a free day today.

See you all later.
Morning jenny don't work too hard on your catchup day.
I don't intend too.
I have everything crossed the rain stays away I have a load of washing Michael has returned home.
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21-05-2013, 06:36 AM
Morning all,

Nice morning here today. Going to head off in a wee while.

I've text dad and told him I do not want to be around him when he is drunk. I'm going out tonight whether he likes it or not.

Talking my total war books with me today, trying to catch up with some of the reading.

Had to laugh, some uni has done a study to discover that penguins wings are not suited for flying....yeah really! Thought this was already known, have to wonder sometimes...
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21-05-2013, 06:37 AM
Morning Lynn, Jenny, Lorraine and all who follow

Weather is the same here today, not cold, but looks autumnal out there, which is probably the reason I overslept with no sunshine pouring into the bedroom this morning.

Feeling much better this morning thanks to all your help yesterday and lots of food for thought to digest, so thanks for all of it, much

Lynn, enjoy a quite day because tomorrow you might be getting very excited, we're all still rooting for Gorden that he hears the good news by tomorrow.

Jenny, what a great idea getting all that food shopping done last night to give you a free day today. No good for me cos I'd have to have gone in my jim jams - maybe you did?

Jen, let's hope for something positive today with your son, and some hugs to you and his wife, it's not easy, but I'm sure he will get the help he needs from somewhere very soon.

Linda, hope you managed to get a good night's sleep and that Loki is calmer today.

Lorraine, sorry your dad upset you last night, and you did the right thing there with that text.

I haven't caught up on last night's chit chat either, but I hope everyone else is ok along with the doglets.

I got another booking for van 2 last night and he's a dog handler for the prison with a lovely gsd, and we had a good chat via e-mail me and his wife exchanging pictures, so I will make sure I meet up with this couple.

Better clean the house today ready for my guests tomorrow cos I want to impress them. I don't know where to book a lunch, and I'm tempted to book the famous fish and chip shop we have on the beach, but I've probably left it too late cos they are jam packed every day of the week, so we might end up going to the pub I took them to last time, but it's a lovely place in a little village with a big garden and the food is always good and very reasonable.

Don't know where to walk this morning either, cos I don't like it up on the top when it's misty and it probably will be again today with the weather like this, the tide is in, and the woods are muddy after all the rain. That's the trouble when you've got too much choice isn't it.

Well better get motivated and get a shifty on cos it's getting late and I don't want to be caught up in that school run.

Enjoy your day everyone and I'll catch you later
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21-05-2013, 06:37 AM
Morning Lynn, Jenny and all,

I am hoping if Charly gets up, that we will be going for a Toby Carvery breakfast this morning, we will need to leave by 8am though to get across town before the awful rush hour traffic starts. So far no sign of movement and I havn't the heart to wake her she is very tired after all the hours of studying and stress she has been through recently.
She said her exams havn't gone well at all, she had so much going on with Ash leaving and her two best friends also leaving the country and thinking of moving, she just didn't get the revision time and couldn't concentrate either.

Dentist gave me antibiotics yesterday for my abcess, he was amazed I could put up with that and the pain for 4 weeks, but it hurt more yesterday after he had pulled my mouth about .

Lily has been very quiet since we done that show at the weekend, she is just plodding along behind me, quieter than normal on her walks, which I am keeping short and sleeping all day indoors. Just hope her kidneys are not taking a turn for the worse.

Its hard to think looking at the weather out there that in about 4 weeks time it is the longest day of the year and then the nights start pulling in for winter again, they say it is mean't to get very cold by the end of the week. I just want some real summer as we didn't get it last year and winter was so long.

Jenny give yourself some you time and relax while you have the house to yourself, you can catch up slowly later.

H I hope you feel a bit brighter this morning

Lynn you say not a lot on for you, but it sounds like enough to me, funny how us women have all these jobs to do but never consider it a lot, because its just normal stuff

Take care all and I hope all of those who have had lots of worry over family or dogs lately have a better worry free day. Thinking of you all.
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21-05-2013, 06:50 AM
Originally Posted by lore View Post
Morning all,

Nice morning here today. Going to head off in a wee while.

I've text dad and told him I do not want to be around him when he is drunk. I'm going out tonight whether he likes it or not.

Talking my total war books with me today, trying to catch up with some of the reading.

Had to laugh, some uni has done a study to discover that penguins wings are not suited for flying....yeah really! Thought this was already known, have to wonder sometimes...
Morning Lorraine that's the spirit take some time for yourself. Enjoy the evening out.
Ha ha yes I thought we all knew Penguins couldn't fly. Someone in some research centre must be bored.

Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Morning Lynn, Jenny, Lorraine and all who follow

Weather is the same here today, not cold, but looks autumnal out there, which is probably the reason I overslept with no sunshine pouring into the bedroom this morning.

Feeling much better this morning thanks to all your help yesterday and lots of food for thought to digest, so thanks for all of it, much

Lynn, enjoy a quite day because tomorrow you might be getting very excited, we're all still rooting for Gorden that he hears the good news by tomorrow.

Jenny, what a great idea getting all that food shopping done last night to give you a free day today. No good for me cos I'd have to have gone in my jim jams - maybe you did?

Jen, let's hope for something positive today with your son, and some hugs to you and his wife, it's not easy, but I'm sure he will get the help he needs from somewhere very soon.

Linda, hope you managed to get a good night's sleep and that Loki is calmer today.

Lorraine, sorry your dad upset you last night, and you did the right thing there with that text.

I haven't caught up on last night's chit chat either, but I hope everyone else is ok along with the doglets.

I got another booking for van 2 last night and he's a dog handler for the prison with a lovely gsd, and we had a good chat via e-mail me and his wife exchanging pictures, so I will make sure I meet up with this couple.

Better clean the house today ready for my guests tomorrow cos I want to impress them. I don't know where to book a lunch, and I'm tempted to book the famous fish and chip shop we have on the beach, but I've probably left it too late cos they are jam packed every day of the week, so we might end up going to the pub I took them to last time, but it's a lovely place in a little village with a big garden and the food is always good and very reasonable.

Don't know where to walk this morning either, cos I don't like it up on the top when it's misty and it probably will be again today with the weather like this, the tide is in, and the woods are muddy after all the rain. That's the trouble when you've got too much choice isn't it.

Well better get motivated and get a shifty on cos it's getting late and I don't want to be caught up in that school run.

Enjoy your day everyone and I'll catch you later
Morning Helena. I am sure wherever you go the lunch will be lovely.
Glad you are feeling brighter today.
We will wait with baited breath where you decided to go for a walk.
Originally Posted by madmare View Post
Morning Lynn, Jenny and all,

I am hoping if Charly gets up, that we will be going for a Toby Carvery breakfast this morning, we will need to leave by 8am though to get across town before the awful rush hour traffic starts. So far no sign of movement and I havn't the heart to wake her she is very tired after all the hours of studying and stress she has been through recently.
She said her exams havn't gone well at all, she had so much going on with Ash leaving and her two best friends also leaving the country and thinking of moving, she just didn't get the revision time and couldn't concentrate either.

Dentist gave me antibiotics yesterday for my abcess, he was amazed I could put up with that and the pain for 4 weeks, but it hurt more yesterday after he had pulled my mouth about .

Lily has been very quiet since we done that show at the weekend, she is just plodding along behind me, quieter than normal on her walks, which I am keeping short and sleeping all day indoors. Just hope her kidneys are not taking a turn for the worse.

Its hard to think looking at the weather out there that in about 4 weeks time it is the longest day of the year and then the nights start pulling in for winter again, they say it is mean't to get very cold by the end of the week. I just want some real summer as we didn't get it last year and winter was so long.

Jenny give yourself some you time and relax while you have the house to yourself, you can catch up slowly later.

H I hope you feel a bit brighter this morning

Lynn you say not a lot on for you, but it sounds like enough to me, funny how us women have all these jobs to do but never consider it a lot, because its just normal stuff

Take care all and I hope all of those who have had lots of worry over family or dogs lately have a better worry free day. Thinking of you all.
Morning Bev hopefully Charly will of done better than she is expecting with the exams.
All these things came at the wrong time didn't they ?
I hope you manage to get your breakfast out.
Poor Lily hopefully she is just tired still.
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21-05-2013, 06:56 AM
Good Morning Everyone, not a very nice day out there. Just got back from walking Amber. I let Amber off to have a run around the green but then there was a large plastic bag in the road and the cars going past were making it bang and make a noise each time they hit it Amber started to make a go for it so I had to grab her quickly and put her back on her lead. The end of her run around. Couldn't take the chance of her running into the road. Well my back feels a little easier this morning thankfully. Son, Steve is off to the osteopath this morning for his. I think I have to emphasize that Steve is my son now as so many peeps have mistaken him for my OH.

Lynn, what a state your poor old mum is in. Doesn't sound as though you will have her around much longer does it. I was never close to my mother but I feel sorry for people that are. When my mum died my little sister was beside herself with grief and I just wasn't sure what I should feel, just sad I suppose that we weren't close.

Hope Helena has a good day today.

Jenny enjoy your catch up day.

Malka, I hope you and Pereg had a good night last night and all our friends on here who are ailing or have ailing relatives I wish all well. Have a good day all
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21-05-2013, 06:56 AM
Morning Lorraine and H, you snuck in while I was typing
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21-05-2013, 07:01 AM
Originally Posted by Labrador Lover View Post
Good Morning Everyone, not a very nice day out there. Just got back from walking Amber. I let Amber off to have a run around the green but then there was a large plastic bag in the road and the cars going past were making it bang and make a noise each time they hit it Amber started to make a go for it so I had to grab her quickly and put her back on her lead. The end of her run around. Couldn't take the chance of her running into the road. Well my back feels a little easier this morning thankfully. Son, Steve is off to the osteopath this morning for his. I think I have to emphasize that Steve is my son now as so many peeps have mistaken him for my OH.

Lynn, what a state your poor old mum is in. Doesn't sound as though you will have her around much longer does it. I was never close to my mother but I feel sorry for people that are. When my mum died my little sister was beside herself with grief and I just wasn't sure what I should feel, just sad I suppose that we weren't close.

Hope Helena has a good day today.

Jenny enjoy your catch up day.

Malka, I hope you and Pereg had a good night last night and all our friends on here who are ailing or have ailing relatives I wish all well. Have a good day all
Morning Moyra glad your back is easier and good luck to your son today. Poor Amber having her run finished but better safe than sorry.
It isn't sounding to good with mum and to be honest I think it will be a relief for her when the end comes. She has been in so much pain with all the breaks and fractures for many years but all her own doing as she would not listen or slow down.
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