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24-03-2013, 08:03 AM

Morning Dogsey daily thread (Sunday).

Morning all. Tis me again today.
Helena is having the day off as she has a lot on with the caravans.

I have been up since 5 again with Dillon do you know its light at 5am. I know Linda does.
I think I have found who and what is winding him up a chap who drives up near the crem and lets his Great Dane and a little dog wander round up there at around 5-6am. We found some tell tale signs in the snow today in the crem grounds.
He also lets them onto the field which of course is directly our house. I know he has to walk them somewhere and safe but can he not see there are houses just a few feet away.
Dillon was then pulling and sniffing in the area where the car had been parked so they wander about in the area where the car is why he is sorting getting them back into the car.
Still snowing there is alight dusting on the pavements and heavier on the verges and fields. It is also a bit slippery underfoot so take care out there.

More decorating and odd jobs here again today for us.

Malka I do hope you are feeling better today and if not that you can sort something out medically for yourself and someone to look after Pereg for you if you need it.
Linda hoping you have had a good night.
Bev that whatever decision you have made about the house it is the right one.

For everyone else hope you are all well and that all our furry friends are too.

Stay safe and warm and have a nice Sunday.
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24-03-2013, 08:14 AM
Morning Lynn and everyone

I thought we'd got away with it, but it's now snowing outside, only light, drizzly stuff, but we still don't want it. We had our fair share a few weeks ago, it's about time we started getting proper weather for this time of year. I can't quite believe the snow I saw on the news up in Scotland I don't think they can either.

Malka, I do hope you're less sore this morning and can get yourself organised enough to get some professional help in, you sound as if you really need it, and I do know your doctors are about on a Sunday morning so why can't you give them a ring? Nobody can force you to go into hospital, but at least they'll be able to do the best they can to fix you back

Lynn, I hope this morning might be a little quieter at yours with Dillon stressing out, you don't need all this do you atm. You made me laugh with your sussing him out bit, and I can just imagine how cross you are with that man atm, it reminds me of yesterday, when I was having a moan to Dave about this chap on my walk who has an aggresive gsd which has already ripped apart a weim dog and people have warned me about him, and we almost bumped right into him coming down a narrow path For some strange reason I made Zena walk behind me, and then I made her stop and wait so that I could check out the junction first, and lo and behold, there he was walking down the other track, we could have bumped right into each other had Zena been zooming on up ahead I said to Dave that I'm going to report him and Dave turned round to me and said "wot? for walking his dog???" Thanks for doing the honours for me this morning, it really helps me

We're back up to the new van this morning, to measure up for blinds. I actually like the curtains in there, but I don't want the nets. I can also have a good look at the mattresses to see where we stand on those and whether we've got to buy. I'm going to buy some lush toppers from Dunelms anyway, which will rectify all sorts of problems. I've bought the new tv and arranged for the local odd bod jobber to build a small patio area in the garden so that I can get a table and chairs and brolly. I do hope they do this fencing all around it for us like they said they would, but I'm sure I'm going to have to pester the life out of them to get it done It's paramount for me with my lettings to dog owners, and I don't really want to veer away from that, nor do we want the expense of doing it ourselves.

Zena's bad paw made a miraculous recovery last night when I let her out for her last wee and she zoomed up onto the very top level to check out whether the cat was still up there Funny that isn't it, because she was definitely very poorly on it before I let her out! A night of Savlon and a sock has made it a lot better, but I think it wise to keep her in today and keep it clean.

Hope everyone is well today along with the doglets, and hopefully, you can all have a nice relaxing Sunday which is just how it should be
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24-03-2013, 08:16 AM
Morning Lynn! I know exactly what time it gets light here! I see the sunrise most mornings. Just back from our walk - highlight was Bella vs the Butterfly.

Saw the dog that did for my knee again - in the distance - she appeared to be with her hubby this time (first time I've seen anyone else with her) and they had both dogs - both on leads! Result! They stopped dead when they saw me so I turned and retraced my steps so they could come down the path (they have a bit of a wait coz I ain't good on rocky slopes!) Not sure if the change in attitude is because she realises her dog IS out of control or because she doesn't want another lecture from me! But it's a result anyway.

It is SO gorgeous out there that I am tempted to don a cozzie and just flop out in the sunshine but I have online work to do and just lately (since moving actually) I haven't felt like working in the evenings at all - odd because that was when I preferred to work?

We will have to get a new nickname for Helena at this rate - 10Bertha? lol!

Malka - I hope you are feeling brighter today and that you can see the sense in making sure YOU are OK if you want your dog to be well cared for. If they cart you off to the hospital unconscious - you won't have a clue what's happening with Pereg - better to have a plan and put your own health top of the agenda so you can continue to do it yourself. And if you really think the other problem is cystitis you are foolish not to start on the meds as soon as possible. It responds well to PROMPT treatment.

Bella's not interested in her frozen chicken wing nor in lying in the sun - she is curled on a blanket on the sofa - I hope she's not out of sorts - probably just miffed at me refusing to allow her to murder all the pretty butterflies.
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24-03-2013, 08:17 AM
Morning Lynn

Aw, I do know it. Sorry you had an early start again with Dillon - same here with Loki.

I hope you enjoy your day with the decorating - a few glasses of wine might help.

Enjoy your Dunelm visit Helena.

I hope Malka is feeling better this morning.

Off to make breakfast for everyone now I'm not the only one awake!

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24-03-2013, 08:17 AM

Major apologies for having worried you all yesterday, and special thanks to June for listening to me on the phone when I was probably half concussed but she knew I was frightened to go to bed and listened to my rambling.

I am sorry if I worried you all - still not sure what happened yesterday or rather the time scale or how I let Pereg out without my normal double checking that she was clipped on securely. And I should have know that heaving outside on my crutches is Not A Good Idea because of a useless right arm/shoulder, so I fell once I got indoors. I am still not sure what happened.

Pereg came running back when I called her - such a good girl - and I think that one of the guys [on their way to afternoon services] must have picked her up and carried her in because there was no way I could have done. And I think that as I got indoors my right arm gave way and I crashed down on the stone floor.

The only good thing is that on the occasions I do have to heave myself on my crutches I always take my spectacles off first - because last time I smashed my skull up I was wearing specs and you do not want to know what they did to my face.

Now? I have a disgustingly large lump on my right temple - a glorious black right eye, and have to make sure nobody sees me for a few days . No point in going to the hospital as they will do a CT scan and tell me exactly what I know - that I have an eye socket fracture and a cheekbone fracture and that they will heal "when they heal". I do not need to pay the hospital for an unnecessary CT scan to tell me what my fingers can feel. Been there worn out the teeshirt. I just look even more horrible than usual.

Again, many many apologies for worrying you all yesterday.
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24-03-2013, 08:18 AM
Morning Lynn. don't tell me I'm the first one to answer you today.
Can you go out without Dillon & collar this man & tell him what you have to go through & ask him to change his route?
It's still trying to snow here - just flurries but I don't want any.
I came on early to see if there was any news of Malka. Hope you are feeling better today. Must go & get dressed now & do the morning walk.

Just seen Malka has snuck in while I've been typing. Going to read it now.

Think everyone else was typing faster that me & got here before me.
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24-03-2013, 08:20 AM
Morning Lynn and all,

Its lethal out there. We have at least 2 inches of snow except for on the pavements and roads where it started to melt yesterday. That has frozen over night so paths and roads are just a thick layer of ice. Lily had a very short walk this morning as her legs were sliding from underneath her too as we tried to slowly walk along.

Charly and her friend have just left for uni to get the coach to Strasbourg. Ash has driven them there as he has a 4 wheel drive so will be safer on the road than me. They have a long coach journey ahead of them and don't arrive till about 10 tonight maybe later depending on the roads.

What a pain about that man with his two dogs Lynn, still I don't suppose he realises it upsets Dillon and is just exercising his dogs.

I hope Malka is feeling better today. I have been worrying about her constantly.
I think having been a care worker for years, I just hate to see her in this position with no help and want to be able to get to her and help. Obviously I can't and I feel so frustrated.
Malka perhaps you should see about getting yourself someone to come in and help you even if just an hour a day so they can check your alright, help you and learn how to do everything for Pereg should you need to go into hospital anytime. It would be a big weight off your mind then.

Anyway have a good day all and please take care out there.
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24-03-2013, 08:23 AM
Oh Malka! Glad you sound a bit better this morning. You had us all worried yesterday. Take it easy today & look after yourself - we can't go through all that again in a hurry
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24-03-2013, 08:24 AM
Ooh look that Helena crept in while I was typing! Your account of what Dave said about the bloke walking his dog made me laugh out loud! Reminded me of the neighbour here who wanted me to complain to another of my tenants that he'd kept him awake until 4am because he was sitting on the sofa talking to his girlfriend - backing onto complainer's bedroom where he could hear them!

Yeah right - we can't have any of this sitting up all night on a bank holiday weekend TALKING TO YOUR GIRLFRIEND! Geez I am impressed that there are at least some young people who do still talk to each other about stuff all night instead of both sitting faffing about on their mobiles or iPads!

I really don't like nets either and have mostly lived where I don't need them as not overlooked. I've just put some up here though - at strategic windows - because they are overlooked by all side windows of the next block. And my kids are all nudists at heart! The girls love to sunbathe in not much more than their birthday suits!

For the same reason I've had a bit of trellis put up at one opening on one side of the verandah at the front.

Must say where I have doors and windows open 24hrs most of the year - the nets do help keep the various entymological species that can fly out too.
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24-03-2013, 08:45 AM
Morning Lynn and all

I know when it gets light too Lynn, my dogs are up with the dawn chorus pestering. At least you know what is upsetting Dillon, the snow is so revealing.

Have a good day up at the van H. I just love the caravans so much fun getting them nice, I don't mind the twiddling around or even decorating, it's the housework I hate, always seems a waste of time here. Lucky escape for you and Zena with that dog on the loose, I would be terrified to walk my lot knowing that could be around.

You can really go off of people Pat, we are all shivering over here and you are thinking of putting on your cossie!

We were very worried about you Malka, with a bang like that you should have had someone checking on you. I didn't want to worry you but you are supposed to be woken up every hour to so to check you are not falling into unconciousness. My daughter was once taken into hospital when she came off of a horse and had a bang on her head. You should check that both of your pupils look the same too. Thank goodness Pereg is a good girl or that could have made the situation so much worse.

I am supposed to be at the club show today but now it's been cancelled I have an unplanned day, I may go and sort out my van today, try to get this battery to charge up. It's quite a luxury for me not to have anything planned. I went to work yesterday morning only to find out I wasn't down to do all day, shame no one told me. It all worked out well though as the manager's diary was a mess for some reason and he had a meeting not in the diary and two booked in for the same time! My colleague and I were able to help out with one and had a lovely time helping someone plan their sponsored walk, she is raising funds to send her son to America for an operation.

Well we missed the snow but a place not far from us had 3", I am hoping that it stays dry for a change.

Have a good day everyone.
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