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05-03-2013, 07:02 AM

Morning. Dogsey daily thread (Tuesday).

It is very chilly and frosty out there today but I do believe if the weather lady was right yesterday it is going to be a lovely sunny and warmer day than yesterday and that wasn't a bad day.
Had a lovely catch up with Gill and we both managed a good laugh in the corner of the garden centre cafe over lunch. Did us both good and just what we both needed.
I was of course jumped all over by Maisie the mad Whippet when I arrived to pick Gill up who we both think may be crossed with a Greyhound. As Maisie is growing Gill is convinced the dogs they met who they were told were her parents weren't as she has had a Greyhound from a puppy and we both feel Maisie is to tall and her snout is far too long for pure Whippet. Not that Gill is bothered she loves her even if she is naughty and mad at the moment.
Amazing Gorden did an out of the blue job for a school in London just before he went to Nigeria who manage their own finances and received his cheque yesterday for that session. He is still waiting for a large payment from another organisation and the one he went out to Nigeria for and they all take so long and have far more people working for them.
CG I did have an idea the money wouldn't clear that was what I was saying why pay it in on a Sunday ? County who Gorden invoices have their computers set up so it doesn't understand February is a short month and it works on the assumption February has 30 or 31 days not 28 or 29 really unhelpful and annoying when your mortgage and bills need paying. Thankfully because he keeps them informed of us being paid late so it holds our payment up they are being understanding but in effect he should be charging County or whoever he is invoicing in the future if it happens again because we are only getting away with not being charged late payment by the skin of our teeth.
Anyway sorted for few weeks now till the next round. So I will recharge my batteries for the next battle.
He has a half days work this week at the local school he works 3 days for so that's a bonus. We are popping out later to pay the cheque in and treat ourselves to coffee in Costa. They are short listing for North Lincs this week so start firing up those Dogsey vibes because boy do we need them. Goodness its like war and peace this morning I shall shut up now.

Helena I hope you are all sorted now and can start to relax and enjoy the Spring weather.
Lorraine sorry to hear the colleges/uni's are not running the course you want. Fingers crossed something will turn up which will be right for you.
Jenny in lovely Devon I hope your toothache is not as bad this morning even better that's its gone and you had a good nights sleep.
Malka I hope you are feeling better today.
June it is such a shame about Sasha but like you say not a lot you can do. I had really hoped after all the hard work you did pulling Sasha through they would of kept you up to date on her progress.

Everyone else I hope you are all bright eyed and bushy tailed and the doglets too. (((Hugs))) for those feeling not so bright today.

Enjoy your day everyone and stay safe.
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05-03-2013, 07:20 AM
Morning Lynn and everyone

Glad to see you sound a lot more upbeat this morning Lynn, it shines out from your post, but that's probably cos the mortgage has been paid (I know the feeling well!!), but I'm sure it's also because you had such a nice time with Gill yesterday and the sun was shining which makes everything better doesn't it.

Woken up alone this morning as Dave went off very early, didn't even hear him go, and although I can't wait to have him back, blimey, he does wear me out when he's here, and not in the way you're thinking, but mentally I'm focused on what I'm doing, I'm all organised as usual, and then out he comes with something, gets me all involved, and I have to start "doing" again on his behalf. Ten years ago, it wasn't a problem, multi tasking came easily to me, but not now, I like to do things more slowly and methodically having organised myself first so that I can take my time. It must be to do with age slowing us down mentally as well as physically I suppose, but I just can't take stress anymore it sends me haywire. Please make a note of that one Lynn, and get that move sorted before you reach my ripe old age

Off down the beach again as the tide is out, then I'm off up to the van to leave some flowers in there for my first guests of the year and do a quick check that everything is up and running for them. I had a cancellation last night for the end of May, and I'm hoping somebody fills it quickly.

I'm a bit worried about the metronidazole the vet has given me for another 2 months here. It's a different box and instead of big, yellow pills, these are small white ones although still marked Metronidazole on the box, but it looks a very cheap old box. Anyway, she went a bit "funny" on me last night after dinner when she had her daily dose and I couldn't help but think it was the change of pills as she's been on these since Christmas. Call it gut instinct, but I'm going to have to ring and ask the vet about the difference between the yellow and the white ones, cos Google can't seem to tell me about them. Don't suppose anyone knows at all?

Oh it's a glorious morning out there, sun is up, sky is blue over the woodland and not a leaf stirring on the trees. I think Spring has got to be the best season, especially as it comes after a dull, bleak winter we've had, I just hope it lasts (it won't of course will it!).

Hope you're all good this morning along with the doglets and I'll catch you later, enjoy the glorious sunshine today
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05-03-2013, 07:35 AM

Really really wanted to go back to bed after Pereg's 7am pill but Mei Eden water delivery due today and they could have turned up at the crack of dawn. Of course they are still not here which means I cannot go to the macolet until they have been. They do say I do not have to be in - just leave empty containers outside and they will leave full ones according to the number of empty ones, but been there, done that, worn out the teeshirt and they ignore it - if I am not in then another 4 weeks until the next delivery.

Did not manage to get to the doctor yesterday, and am still not happy about far too many problems that are insurmountable, but hey ho, nothing I can do about any of them, is there?

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05-03-2013, 07:40 AM
Morning Lynn,

Cold and frosty this morning but the sun is out,so hopefully another nice day

Helena hope Zena is ok,

Lynn glad you enjoyed your catch up with Gill.

Luke's gone off to his course,Tom is just about to leave for school and I will be dropping Lizzie off in a bit,she has crufts dogs today
The lady who runs the groomer's said she would like to train her up later on

Need to pop to Tesco but I can do that when I drop Lizzie,apart from that nothing planned for today.

I am getting quite nervous Meg is in for bloods in the morning and I must remember NOT to feed her

Have a good day all x
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05-03-2013, 07:49 AM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Morning Lynn and everyone

Glad to see you sound a lot more upbeat this morning Lynn, it shines out from your post, but that's probably cos the mortgage has been paid (I know the feeling well!!), but I'm sure it's also because you had such a nice time with Gill yesterday and the sun was shining which makes everything better doesn't it.

Woken up alone this morning as Dave went off very early, didn't even hear him go, and although I can't wait to have him back, blimey, he does wear me out when he's here, and not in the way you're thinking, but mentally I'm focused on what I'm doing, I'm all organised as usual, and then out he comes with something, gets me all involved, and I have to start "doing" again on his behalf. Ten years ago, it wasn't a problem, multi tasking came easily to me, but not now, I like to do things more slowly and methodically having organised myself first so that I can take my time. It must be to do with age slowing us down mentally as well as physically I suppose, but I just can't take stress anymore it sends me haywire. Please make a note of that one Lynn, and get that move sorted before you reach my ripe old age

Off down the beach again as the tide is out, then I'm off up to the van to leave some flowers in there for my first guests of the year and do a quick check that everything is up and running for them. I had a cancellation last night for the end of May, and I'm hoping somebody fills it quickly.

I'm a bit worried about the metronidazole the vet has given me for another 2 months here. It's a different box and instead of big, yellow pills, these are small white ones although still marked Metronidazole on the box, but it looks a very cheap old box. Anyway, she went a bit "funny" on me last night after dinner when she had her daily dose and I couldn't help but think it was the change of pills as she's been on these since Christmas. Call it gut instinct, but I'm going to have to ring and ask the vet about the difference between the yellow and the white ones, cos Google can't seem to tell me about them. Don't suppose anyone knows at all?

Oh it's a glorious morning out there, sun is up, sky is blue over the woodland and not a leaf stirring on the trees. I think Spring has got to be the best season, especially as it comes after a dull, bleak winter we've had, I just hope it lasts (it won't of course will it!).

Hope you're all good this morning along with the doglets and I'll catch you later, enjoy the glorious sunshine today
Morning Helena I know you have a few jobs to do today re: the van but after that take the rest of the day nice and slow and start to wind down a bit. I know I do not cope with stress and to many things to do at once nearly as well as I did a few years ago.
Not sure if its any help but when I was on Prozac a long time ago my pills were in a different box and a different colour and I rung up worried but they assured me they were the same ones just different manufacturer. They didn't make me any worse than usual though.
Might be worth checking with the vet. Hope Zena is ok this morning.

Originally Posted by Malka View Post

Really really wanted to go back to bed after Pereg's 7am pill but Mei Eden water delivery due today and they could have turned up at the crack of dawn. Of course they are still not here which means I cannot go to the macolet until they have been. They do say I do not have to be in - just leave empty containers outside and they will leave full ones according to the number of empty ones, but been there, done that, worn out the teeshirt and they ignore it - if I am not in then another 4 weeks until the next delivery.

Did not manage to get to the doctor yesterday, and am still not happy about far too many problems that are insurmountable, but hey ho, nothing I can do about any of them, is there?

Morning Malka you still seem a bit down and not coping too well. (((Hugs))). I hope you improve during the day.

Originally Posted by Sal View Post
Morning Lynn,

Cold and frosty this morning but the sun is out,so hopefully another nice day

Helena hope Zena is ok,

Lynn glad you enjoyed your catch up with Gill.

Luke's gone off to his course,Tom is just about to leave for school and I will be dropping Lizzie off in a bit,she has crufts dogs today
The lady who runs the groomer's said she would like to train her up later on

Need to pop to Tesco but I can do that when I drop Lizzie,apart from that nothing planned for today.

I am getting quite nervous Meg is in for bloods in the morning and I must remember NOT to feed her

Have a good day all x
Morning Sal good news about Lizzie.
Fingers crossed for Meg today and the blood test results.
Keep us updated please on how it went.
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madmare is offline  
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05-03-2013, 08:10 AM
Morning lynn and all.

Glad you sound happier today lynn, you have had so much stress lately, you deserve a break from it.

H, hope Zena is ok, they are probably the same tablet but a different manufacturer, but best to check with the vet to be sure.

(((hugs))) Malka

Sal everything crossed for Meg today.

I am off to slimming world this morning. I have a real incentive with the excitement of having a holiday in August to get that weight off now. Especially as I want to climb Hangmans cliff with Charly and Ash, I will need to be fitter and not carrying this weight to get up there.

When I phoned the greyhound rescue yesterday and spoke to Debbie the owner about having Lily in August she was telling me about her and her hubbys ill health and the fact their kennel hand jeff has to have a tumour removed from his arm in April/May so they don't know how they are going to cope with the Racing dogs, Rescue dogs and holiday dogs, so i have offered to go weekends and work there if she needs me. She was so grateful and said she would be ringing me. She said she couldn't pay much but lily was welcome to come and spend the days there I was working. I told her I didn't want paying, just to give me my petrol costs, which she was so grateful about.
I won't be allowed to touch the racing dogs as only liscensed people can touch them but there is all the rescue ones and the boarding greyhounds that need seeing too and I know Debbie worries about them being short of cuddles and attention if they are short handed.

Oh well better jump in that shower and then get off to slimming world.
Have a good day all it looks like its going to be a beautiful one out there.
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05-03-2013, 08:44 AM
Good morning fellow members a heavy frost here but it is going to be a lovely day .

Hannah is due any moment and the twins are coming with Daddy after play school then we are going to the park and back to Nanna's for tea. Hannah and I are going to make some scones.

Enjoy your day everyone
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05-03-2013, 08:45 AM
Morning all. Helena first I googled what is the difference between the white and yellow Metronidazole. So far got just this response which seems to say there is no difference:


Off for another little looky now (hey it's better than working!)

and this:

Metronidazole has a molecular weight of 171.16. It is a white to pale yellow crystalline powder. It is slightly soluble in alcohol and has a solubility in water of 10 mg/mL at 20°C. Metronidazole is a member of the imidazole class of anti-bacterial agents and is classified as an antiprotozoal and anti-bacterial agent.
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05-03-2013, 08:52 AM
Morning Lynn, morning all,

A beautiful bright and sunny morning here including a thick frost ... stunning.
I plan to walk the dogs earlier than normal this morning before going to do a food shop. Lots of jobs to catch up on this week so I plan to do some of the outside ones this afternoon before it rains tomorrow.

Lynn - You can enjoy a temporary sigh of relief, which my goodness you deserve. You clearly had a lovely time with Gill - isn't it lovely having a good laugh. Enjoy your coffee.

Sal - Everything crossed for Meg today.

Helena - I would definitely check Zena's new tabs out, they'll almost definitely be the same as the others just made by a different manufacturer - however, counterfeit does come to mind. I hope you have a quieter day today and enjoy the sun while it lasts.

Malka - Morning I hope your delivery happens today with no hitches. Take care.

Bev - Having your holiday time booked will certainly 'up' the incentive to diet. So exciting
What a star you are to offer to work weekends if needed at the greyhound kennels. Maybe they could offer you a cheaper deal for Lily when you go on holiday?

This post has just taken me ages to type as the phone as gone 3 times and OH called me to help him lift a chest of drawers, so 'hello' to any member who has posted since I last looked.

Enjoy your day folks and see you all later.
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05-03-2013, 09:00 AM
Good morning all.

Glorious sunshine this morning. Heavy frost on the grass mind, but oh so glorious sunshine. I'm with you, Helena, spring is my favourite season - a time when everything starts to come alive.

Dave is on the mend. His hacking cough isn't quite as bad as it was and he's got a bit of colour back now so business as usual with our 'same old, same old'.

I've got to get a couple of birthday cards and a Mothers' Day card while we are out and sort out getting them posted.

Gary is coming with us today so we are going on our earlier run as he loves to go for breakfast.

Have a good 'un all, whatever you are up to, and enjoy this lovely spring day x
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