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15-05-2012, 12:22 AM

Struggling with recall - What step do I take next?

I've had Molly for nearing 3 years now and no matter what I do, I just cannot train a reliable recall. I've tried so many techniques but every time she is just starting to get it, we plateau and never get to the point where she has a reliable recall. All it ever takes is a bird or the sound of kids to distract her and she's off. At the minute she's on a long line all the time when we're walking.

Anyway, I have started again and trained her back up slowly in the garden, not even attempting it out on walks. At the minute I would say she is 95% reliable in the garden, coming in mostly when called, unless she is really distracted. I try not to call her when she is distracted and only set her up for success.

We are using high value food rewards and treat every time she comes inside when called. I'm also trying to make coming inside as fun as possible (Lots of excitement, praise, toys) and I'm trying not to associate recalling with the end of playtime so I do a lot of calling her in, rewarding her for recalling and then letting her straight back out again to play.

I've also been doing some control exercises with her to try and get her to focus more and take her orders from me instead of just doing whatever she likes. She now sits and waits at the open door and goes outside when given the command, which is going very well If she rushes out without being given the command, she is called back in (And comes when called!) and made to sit and wait again until we tell her she can go. I know it's not much but I do feel like she's learning to listen to me and control herself instead of just doing whatever she wants

My problem is, I feel like she's making so much progress and is doing so well this time that I don't want to go wrong at the next step and mess it up. I don't really know where to go next! What should I do next to keep her on the right track? Do I escalate it up to starting on walks or keep it in the garden?
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15-05-2012, 08:28 AM
I don't know what others think of this idea but it popped into my head. Could you take all her kibble she eats normally out on her walks and feed her meals as she is training- we did this with my old lab and he cottoned on pretty quickly if he didn't come quickly he wouldn't get fed. Another thing I used to do is take a friends well behaved dog for a walk with him and every time he ignored me I would make a massive fuss of her and give her his food- the penny dropped really quickly and we had him realiabley recalling off lead within a week even with the distraction of his mate because he wanted to eat it before she got the chance!
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15-05-2012, 08:42 AM
Well I am no 'trainer' but I think that's a reasonable idea to try.

I've never used treats to train but am trying it out with Bella. Bit of a problem when your dog only eats as much all day as a 'proper dog' would eat in 10 minutes' training session! Haven't tried it outdoors yet as she just is NOT interested in any food treats when outside. She will take them off you or whoever and just drop them. My cavvy was the same - all the dogs would get a treat - she'd turn her nose up - far more interested in the person handing them out.

Another reason I am doing this is because I want her to lose a little weight. We both put on weight over the unheard of awful long winter here when it was impossible to find places to walk (all our regular places were flooded). She is used to getting a kong treat when I come back, having left her. Or sometimes when she is a bit bored and I am busy.

She was fed twice a day - once when back from the long morning walk and again in the evening, but eating the treats in addition to her food. She now hasn't had any food put in a bowl for over a week and it seems to be working a treat. I put the amount of food and the amount of treat stuff all together on the side and dish it out during the day in her kong or even under some cupcake papers, yoghurt pot, eggcup, whatever (got that idea from this forum!)
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15-05-2012, 08:52 AM
Tangutica, thanks All I can say it worked for us as being a lab, he was food mad, and also being food mad, we wanted to keep his weight down as well, so this method worked for us
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15-05-2012, 02:45 PM
Why can’t I get a reliable recall?

‘Come’ is no harder to train than any other behaviour but in real life it has a huge number of criteria that have to be raised one at a time in order to guarantee success.

Often when puppies are brought home to their new owners this is the first time they have ever been separated from their dam and siblings and so they naturally attach themselves to their new family by following them about everywhere. Owners find this quite attractive and wrongly assume that this trait will continue into
adolescence/adulthood, whatever the circumstances. A dangerous trap to fall into…

At some point in time, usually from around 6 – 10 months, depending on the individual, “Velcro” dog will morph into “Bog off” dog (this is especially true of a breed that has been developed to exhibit a high degree of initiative). This is the time when owners suddenly realize that their dog will not recall when it sees another dog/person etc. Not only is this inconvenient but potentially dangerous as the dog could be at risk of injury from a car/train/another dog etc.

How and when do I start with a puppy?

My advice is to prepare for this inevitability from the day you take your puppy home. If you are lucky the breeder will have started this process whilst still in the nest by conditioning the puppies to a whistle blown immediately before putting the food bowl down during weaning.

Dogs learn by cause and effect ie sound of whistle = food. If you, the new owner, continue this from the moment your puppy arrives you will lay down strong foundations for the future.

By using the whistle in association with meals/food you need to establish the following criteria:

• Come from across the room.
• Come from out of sight
• Come no matter who calls
• Come even if you are busy doing something else
• Come even if you are asleep.
• Come even if you are playing with something/someone else
• Come even if you are eating

Once this goal has been realized in the house, drop all the criteria to zero and establish the same measures, one at a time, in the garden.

Once this goal has been realized in the garden, drop all the criteria to zero and establish the same measures, one at a time, in the park/field etc.

To train this, or any other behaviour:

1. Make it easy for the dog to get it right
2. Provide sufficient reward

Do not expect a dog to come away from distractions in the park until you have trained it to come to you in the park when no diversions are around. Be realistic and manage your expectations; your sphere of influence/control over your dog may be only 20m to begin with, therefore do not hazard a guess that the dog, at this level of training, will successfully recall from 50m or more away. Distance, like every other criterion, must be built up over time.

Some simple rules to follow when training the recall:

• Whistle/signal/call only once (why train the dog to deliberately ignore your first command?)
• Do not reinforce slow responses for the dog coming eventually after it has cocked its leg, sniffed the tree etc (you get what you train!)
• If you know that the dog will not come back to you in a certain situation, go and get him rather than risk teaching him that he can ignore you. (If you have followed the programme correctly you will never put your dog in a position to fail).
• Practise recalling the dog, putting him on the lead for a few seconds, reinforce with food/toy etc and immediately release the dog. Do this several times during a walk etc so that the dog does not associate a recall with going on the lead and ending the walk or being put on the lead with the cessation of fun.
• Eventually, when the behaviour is very strong, alternate rewards ie verbal praise, physical praise, food, toy and also vary the “value” of the rewards, sometimes a plain piece of biscuit, sometimes a piece of cooked liver etc so that you become a walking slot machine (and we all know how addictive gambling can be)!

In my experience recall training should be consistent and relentless for the first two years of a dog’s life before it can be considered truly dependable. You should look on it as a series of incremental steps, rather than a single simple behaviour, and something that will require lifelong maintenance.

What about an older or rescue dog?

Follow the same programme as outlined above however for recalcitrant dogs that have received little or no training, I would recommend dispensing with the food bowl and feeding a dog only during recalls to establish a strong behaviour quickly.

Your training should be over several sessions a day, which means you can avoid the risk of bloat. It is essential that the dog learns that there will be consequences for failure as well as success.

Divide the day’s food ration up into small bags (between10 – 30), if the dog recalls first time, it gets food, if it does not, you can make a big show of saying “too bad” and disposing of that portion of food (either throw it away or put aside for the next day).

Again, raise the criteria slowly as outlined in puppy training.

Hunger is very motivating!

For those of you who believe it unfair/unhealthy to deprive a dog of its full daily ration, not having a reliable recall is potentially life threatening for the dog ……………

How do I stop my dog chasing joggers/cyclists/skateboarders/rabbits/deer?

Chasing something that is moving is a management issue. Do not put your dog in a position where it can make a mistake. Again you need to start training from a pup but if you have already allowed your dog to learn and practise this behaviour you may need to rely on a trailing line until your dog is desensitised to these distractions and knows that listening to you results in a great reinforcement. Chasing is a behaviour much better never learned as it is naturally reinforcing to the dog, which makes it hard for you to offer a better reinforcement. If you want to have a bombproof recall while your dog is running away from you then use the following approach:

Your goal is to train so that your dog is totally used to running away from you at top speed, and then turning on a sixpence to run toward you when you give the recall cue.

You need to set up the training situation so that you have total control over the triggers. For this you will need to gain the co-operation of a helper. If you have a toy crazy dog you can practice this exercise by throwing a toy away from the dog towards someone standing 30 or 40 feet away. At the instant the toy is thrown, recall your dog! If the dog turns toward you, back up several steps quickly, creating even more distance between the you and the toy and then throw another toy in the opposite direction (same value as one thrown)..

If the dog ignores you and continues toward the thrown object, your “helper” simply picks the ball up and ignores dog. When dog eventually returns (which it will because it’s getting no reinforcement from anyone or anything), praise only. Pretty soon the dog will start to respond to a recall off a thrown toy. You will need to mix in occasions the toy is thrown and the dog is allowed to get it ie you do NOT recall if you want to make sure it does not lose enthusiasm for retrieving.

For the food obsessed dog, you can get your helper to wave a food bowl with something the dog loves in it and then recall the dog as soon as you let it go to run towards the food; again if the dog ignores you and continues to the food, your helper simply ensures the dog cannot access the food and start again. (It is extremely important that the helper does not use your dog’s name to call it for obvious reasons).

Gradually increase the difficulty of the recall by letting the dog get closer and closer to the toy/food. Praise the moment the dog turns away from the toy/food in the
early stages of training. Don't wait until the dog returns to you; the dog must have instant feedback.

Once the dog is fluent at switching directions in the middle of a chase, try setting up the situation so that it is more like real life. Have someone ride a bike/run/skate past. (It is unrealistic to factor in deer/rabbits however if your training is thorough the dog will eventually be conditioned to return to you whatever the temptation in most contexts).

Until your training gets to this level, don't let the dog off-lead in a situation in which you don't have control over the chase triggers. Don't set the dog up to fail, and don't allow it to rehearse the problem behaviour. Remember, every time a dog is able to practise an undesirable behaviour it will get better at it!

Most people do not play with toys correctly and therefore the dog is not interested in them or, if it gets them, fails to bring it back to the owner.

Play the two ball game, once you have a dog ball crazy. Have two balls the same, throw one to the left, when the dog gets it, call him like crazy waving the next ball; as he comes back throw the other ball to the right and keep going left right so that YOU are the centre of the game and the dog gets conditioned to return to you for the toy. Once this behaviour is established you can then introduce the cues for out and then make control part of the game ie the game is contingent on the dog sitting and then progress to a sequence of behaviours.

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15-05-2012, 02:47 PM
Ultimate Recall: 4 Day Course with John Rogerson

• Training a reliable, automatic, non-negotiable, reality recall
• Building block and foundation training of the recall
• Relationship/influence building in recall training
• The chasing/emergency recall
• Sit and/or down on recall
• Freeze/stop on recall/running wait
• Distance/direction control
• Calling dogs off of distractions
• Out of sight recall (owner hidden)
• Obedience/competition recall (dog is called from a stationary position)
• Free running recall (dog is called while in motion)
• Type "A" recall (dog re-joins his owner in motion)


Dates for Ultimate Recall Course:
At Caersws, Wales
7th-10th June, 2012; 4 days duration 9.30 am-4.00 pm
To register contact Gail Gwesyn-Pryce at

At Andover, England
7th-10th August , 2012; 4 day duration 9.30 am-4.00 pm
To register contact Pauline Wise at

At Nottingham, England
26th – 29th October, 2012; 4 days duration 9.30-4.00 pm
To register contact Beverly Smith at

Chase Recall Masterclass (with Practical Demos) with Stella Bagshaw

Date: Friday 22nd June 2012 Venue: Chobham, Surrey Max number of participants: 22
Teaching a chase recall needs to be strategic, methodical and motivational – for both dog and owner.
With unique understanding and first-hand experience of successfully teaching remarkably effective
chase recalls, Stella Bagshaw will show you how to teach this important skill step-by-step, including:
What signals to use – when and how
Equipment, including line handling
Theory versus real life!
Motivation – what it really means to the dog
Handler commitment and motivation.
Prey – what the dog considers prey
Environment – where you walk your dog and why it matters
Practical demos included. Everyone should do this course! Donʼt miss it!
The cost is £145 per person, to include refreshments and a light lunch.


Stop! How to control predatory Chasing in Dogs
by David Ryan

Chase! Managing Your Dog's Predatory Instincts
By Clarissa Von Reinhardt


by Leslie Nelson

Website article:
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15-05-2012, 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by Magpyex View Post
At the minute she's on a long line all the time when we're walking.
Do you practice recall outside whilst she is on a long line? That way she can't 'not come'.
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15-05-2012, 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by Magpyex View Post
All it ever takes is a bird or the sound of kids to distract her and she's off.
You mean nothing to her. You're just a 'hotel employee at her beck and call' why should she do as you aks?

You are not her leader (or should I say a 'guide'? so we don't stray from the subject).
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16-05-2012, 12:44 AM
Originally Posted by labaddicted91 View Post
I don't know what others think of this idea but it popped into my head. Could you take all her kibble she eats normally out on her walks and feed her meals as she is training- we did this with my old lab and he cottoned on pretty quickly if he didn't come quickly he wouldn't get fed. Another thing I used to do is take a friends well behaved dog for a walk with him and every time he ignored me I would make a massive fuss of her and give her his food- the penny dropped really quickly and we had him realiabley recalling off lead within a week even with the distraction of his mate because he wanted to eat it before she got the chance!
Thanks for the speedy reply! I've tried feeding her meals as treats for recall but unfortunately it just doesn't work for her, even when she's missed a few days & she must be hungry! I think kibble just isn't interesting enough to pique her attention compared to all the exciting sights, sounds & smells.

I do like the idea of walking her with someone else though & I think that might work quite well Fortunately she loves attention so another dog getting all the fuss and praise might just make her get the hint! I'll put my feelers out & see if I can find anyone locally who is willing to lend me a stooge dog


Originally Posted by Tangutica View Post
Well I am no 'trainer' but I think that's a reasonable idea to try.

I've never used treats to train but am trying it out with Bella. Bit of a problem when your dog only eats as much all day as a 'proper dog' would eat in 10 minutes' training session! Haven't tried it outdoors yet as she just is NOT interested in any food treats when outside. She will take them off you or whoever and just drop them. My cavvy was the same - all the dogs would get a treat - she'd turn her nose up - far more interested in the person handing them out.

Another reason I am doing this is because I want her to lose a little weight. We both put on weight over the unheard of awful long winter here when it was impossible to find places to walk (all our regular places were flooded). She is used to getting a kong treat when I come back, having left her. Or sometimes when she is a bit bored and I am busy.

She was fed twice a day - once when back from the long morning walk and again in the evening, but eating the treats in addition to her food. She now hasn't had any food put in a bowl for over a week and it seems to be working a treat. I put the amount of food and the amount of treat stuff all together on the side and dish it out during the day in her kong or even under some cupcake papers, yoghurt pot, eggcup, whatever (got that idea from this forum!)
I know what you mean about treats, it is difficult when you have a small dog who is only able to eat a small amount

And I empathise about the taking and dropping of treats outside. Molly is exactly the same, such a waste of treats! I know it's probably something you've already tried but have you considered using higher value treats outside? Molly will not take any sort of kibble or biscuits outside but a tiny bit of sausage or cheese seems to pique her interest enough to get her to take the treat & do what she's asked

Originally Posted by smokeybear View Post
Super helpful post filled with recall tips
Thank you so much for this! The information about dealing with chasing things was especially helpful as I think that's what I'm really struggling with. I'll definitely be picking up the books you suggested & if I can save up the money i'll be booking a place on the seminar

Thank you!

Originally Posted by muddymoodymoo View Post
Do you practice recall outside whilst she is on a long line? That way she can't 'not come'.
I mentioned in my post that I have done in the past but that currently we are not attempting recall on our walks until she's mastered it in the garden. I would disagree that she can 'not come' on a long line - she is ultimately in my control but she can still ignore recall attempts. I want her to come because she is called, not because I'm tugging her on a long line. I've tried that before and it doesn't teach her anything, only reinforces that she can ignore being called.

Originally Posted by muddymoodymoo View Post
You mean nothing to her. You're just a 'hotel employee at her beck and call' why should she do as you aks?

You are not her leader (or should I say a 'guide'? so we don't stray from the subject).
I'm sorry but I find this post to offer very little in the way of constructive advice, I'm not entirely sure what you help you're trying to offer me here? It doesn't even relate to the question I'm asking, which is where to go from here now I have a mostly-reliable recall in the garden & how to train her out of an ingrained, predatory response.

And as for not being her 'guide' and meaning nothing to her, I obviously hold some stock with her because, as I mentioned in my original post, she will come when called in the garden and reacts to me giving her other commands too.
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16-05-2012, 06:42 PM
I am trying to help. And I think one clue is in your original post.

Why do YOU think that she takes little or no notice of you when away from home?

Re long line - when she is on it, where is she in relation to you? Do you ever change direction? If so - does she have to run after you to catch up? If so why not give her the recall cue when she is close to you? No tugging.

Does she play when you're on your walks? Do you have any interaction with her on walks?
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