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Cat lover jailed for trying to hit two dog walkers with her car

Kerry Barlow, a cat lover from the Lleyn Peninsula, has been given five years in prison after repeatedly trying to hit two dog walkers with a car. Kerry Barlow had turned her home into an animal sanctuary, and had "completely lost it" when she tried to mow down mother and daughter Denise Roberts (52) and Donna (29) - months earlier, Kerry's cat was 'picked up' by Donna's terrier, Tyson - the cat had to be put down.

Kerry complained to the police, but nothing was done so she took out a complaint against the police as she felt she was ignored. But then when the two women walked past her home with their dog and, according to Kerry, Tyson chased another cat, she followed them up the road in her Ford Fiesta.

Denise and Donna say they have been traumatised by what happened and have since moved away from the area. Kerry admitted dangerous driving but denied attempting to cause grievous bodily harm with intent to Mrs Roberts and Donna, who were her near neighbours.

The judge said, after hearing Kerry believed another cat was chased by Tyson:

“That belief triggered off in you an uncontrollable rage."

"You decided to follow them and teach them a lesson.”

“You were fed up with them, you were fed up with the police who you thought were not taking you seriously, and simply decided to take the law into your own hands."

“Once you found them you drove at them at speed, deliberately steering onto the grass verge in order to hit them."

“You looked angry, gripped the steering wheel, stared straight ahead, not taking your eyes off the two women.”

In this, the fourth attempt to hit the two women, Denise was hit by the car, landed on the road and hit her head on the tarmac. Donna's leg was grazed and two dogs were run over and were yelping in pain. Kerry Barlow then proceeded to continue manoeuvring the car , attempting to hit the women. When Denise tried to get Barlow out of the car to stop her, she reached for an axe, shouting and threatening to kill them both. When the two women tried to escape over a gate, Barlow drove at it and Mrs Roberts was knocked into a field.

Barlow was said to live in isolation, suffer from mental health problems and prefer the company of animals to people after “historic physical abuse”, and saw herself as the victim. However, the judge warned her that if one of the victims had died, she would have been facing a life sentence.

Story by Azz

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Dogsey Veteran
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17-02-2012, 10:01 AM
What a sad situation. Before I got to the piece about her having mental health problems I was thinking it.
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Dogsey Veteran
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17-02-2012, 10:12 AM
OMG...sad about her mental problems..but those poor women!
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Almost a Veteran
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17-02-2012, 11:30 AM
She doesn't need a prison sentence, she needs committing. She effectively tried to kill 2 people.
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Dogsey Veteran
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17-02-2012, 11:47 AM
Quite Sosha
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Dogsey Veteran
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18-02-2012, 11:52 PM
clearly she needs help with her mental health problems then, I wonder if prison makes people like this worse or better sometimes...not that I am condoning her actions. What happened to all the pets at the woman's home (when she went to prison?)
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Dogsey Veteran
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19-02-2012, 12:50 AM
I was thinking that too Doberman, animals ultimately suffer
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Dogsey Veteran
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19-02-2012, 10:46 AM
You can understand anyone being upset if their pet was attached and died. But how an 'animal lover' can then go on to mow down the dogs involved not to mention the 2 women? Obviously one seriously disturbed individual. I don't understand the decision to send her to prison when it is said she had mental health problems.
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Dogsey Veteran
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19-02-2012, 10:47 AM
She should be banned for life from ever driving a car again as she purposely used it as a weapon with intent to kill.
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New Member!
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22-02-2012, 09:43 PM
Just thought I'd post my two pennies worth about this incident.
There is often more to these types of cases than meets the eye, which deserve greater scrutiny.
I've spoken to the lady concerned since her loss of freedom & she is adamant that she did not intentionally run the dogs down. She was a responsible dog owner herself, & believed & still does that her anti-English fascistic neighbours were using their dogs as weapons against her cats, who were mainly rescue cats.
This lady had previously & consistently appealed to the infamous North Wales police to act in dealing with out of control dogs in her area & to no avail - probably down to local politics/corruption. She has somehow fallen foul of the "locals" who are not friendly & who will use their positions of power/influence for their wicked ends.
North wales is full of "cliques" who use their positions of power to pervert the course of justice - after all how were they able to cover up for so long the massive child abuse that was going on, until it was all brought to light in the mid nineties.
I can tell you from personal experience that once you're identified as not fitting in with their ideas or have crossed the wrong person, you'll be targetted/harrassed. I think that is what has happened here.
Mental illness? The way these "cliques" operate would send anyone over the edge, especially since the ladies cat had been savaged earlier.
So I think people should first do some fact finding before they comment about something they haven't a clue about.
Kerry had reacted to long term provocation by these scoundrels with no support from the local corrupt "authorities"
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