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JuliePup is offline  
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17-05-2011, 08:35 PM

Who's business is it HOW many animals I have?!?

Hi all, sorry about this in advance but I really have to vent. Over the last 2 years, I have aquired several new pets which were all rescues in some way or another, and they quickly became part of the family and are being loved and cared for every day, just as they deserve.

I have 4 dogs, 1 new kitten, 4 rats, 1 leopard gecko, 1 baby iguana, and 1 beta fish.

I live in my own place, and I'm not breaking any rules about having my animals. I keep the house very clean and sanitary, and it never smells by any means. Let's just say I make very good use of my Bissell Vacuum cleaner and carpet shampooer lol. All of the animals are clean, fed, watered, sheltered, have regular vet checkups, and are happy, healthy, and loved. Despite these positive things, I have gotten a LOT of comments about how I have "way too many animals", I "shouldn't have even half of the animals I do", and (I love this one), how I'm "a hoarder". I could be wrong, but I don't remember hearing/reading/watching about any ''hoarders'' whos houses are always clean and whos animals are always happy and healthy and well taken care of. I'm sure there are at least a handful of people on here who get this sort of comment too???

My philosophy is that you can never really have too many animals as long as EVERYONE is happy, healthy, loved, and cared for adequately, and as long as you have the space, money, patience, means, and will to give them the life they deserve. As soon as any of those things starts slipping, of course, you should start rethinking your situation, but I'm not even within a stone's throw of comprimising those things. I understand and expect to hear b.s. comments like the ones above from people, but it sucks when it comes from people like my dad, or my other family members, or from the people that my boyfriend was nice enough to invite over to our house for a party and free food and beer. Hey, here's a peice of advise for you people: I don't expect you to take care of my animals, feed them, walk them, pay for them, or even interact with them!!! So bottom line: It's none of your GODD*** BUSINESS just how many I have!!! They aren't your problem!!! Oh, you don't like it??? Then stay the hell away from my house, and don't come over!!!! Simple, isn't it?!?

Sorry bout that. But people make me basically self-concious about my lifestyle. That's so stupid that I let them make me feel that way, but I just don't get why they have to put their two cents in where it wasn't asked to be put. Jeeze, people, mind your beeswax and SHUT YOUR HOLES!!!!

I'm thinking about pinning this up on the front door:

You are welcome to visit my house as long as you abide by the rules.

1. Do not expect that they will put me outside during your visit.
2. My house. My fur. My dander. If you have allergies, take a pill or stay away.
3. If you don’t want hair on your clothes, don’t sit on the “fur”-niture.
4. My ears and tail are not toys for your children.
5. Anything dropped on the floor is mine after 1 second.
6. During dinner I will lie quietly under the chair of the messiest eater.
7. Please feel free to drink lots of beer. Drunks drop more food.
8. That thing where you pretend to throw something and then hide it behind your back…not funny.
9. The spot in front of the door is reserved for me. Walk around.
10. When it comes to protecting my family against outsiders, I have no sense of humor. You are an outsider. Keep that in mind.

While you are here I am not supposed to

Jump up and lick your face
Sniff your crotch
Eat grass and barf
Hunch your leg
Lick my balls
Use your lap for a towel

Please keep in mind my sacrifices and obey the rules.

The dog

LOLZ.....what to do, what to do.......... ~Julie
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Muddiwarx is offline  
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17-05-2011, 08:54 PM
I know how you feel!
I get exactly the same comments from my family - not my friends cos they wouldn't stay friends

I have way more than you
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Manyana13 is offline  
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17-05-2011, 11:13 PM
I understand where you are coming from. I get exactly the same from my OH's mother. If I so much as look at another animal I get comments on how many animals I have. I have a dog and 3 cats, that's nothing compared to when I was growing up, so it's not an issue for me. I am almost 31 years old, me and my OH are fortunate enough to be in good jobs, own our house and can afford the love, affection, space, time, vets bills, insurance, daily hoovering anything our animals need. Granted they are spoilt (and I get told off for that too), by spoilt I mean they have free run of our house, have plenty of toys and are very well looked after. I don't see what is wrong with that. The only reason we don't have any more animals (yet) is because our rescued cat Lola, who we have had for 2 years now and who pretty much lived under the sofa for a year is really coming out of her shell now and she's absolutely blossoming and I don't want to upset her. She's making leaps of progress and it's so amazing to see. That said, I am keen to get a couple of tortoises this year.... So I will probably get more of a telling off for that. It is very hurtful and infuriating!!! Like you said it's worse when it's from family. Sorry for ranting!

I love the list of rules very apt!
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jeeves is offline  
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17-05-2011, 11:37 PM
I have given up giving a toss what others think. I personally don't think it is too much, they're obviously looked after and loved so why should anyone give a hoot. Live your own life if they don't like that show them the door and hop they don't ever darken it again. Good for you !!
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jeeves is offline  
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17-05-2011, 11:43 PM
The people that love you will love you for what you are, not judge you, nor condem you. Since getting cancer I have lived my life the way I want to and to hell with anyone that tells me otherwise. I would have you as a friend and enjoy being with all the animals. Good lord, people are drunks druggies, abusers the list is endless. Your "downfall" in their eyes in loving animals. I wish there were more liek you and we wouldn't have the problems in animal welfare we do have.

Bloody good on you. If they don't like it well quite frankly stuff them
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lisa01uk87 is offline  
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17-05-2011, 11:45 PM
i used to get that. my dad says to me all the time. and i have 12 all together now. including my 6 rats
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zoe1969 is offline  
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17-05-2011, 11:50 PM
Every time I got another dog I got comments from people as to how I must be mad!! I've got 5 now and people think I'm crazy! But it's really no one's business as long as they're well cared for! The only thing that stops me getting more dogs is that my house is too small!!
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youngstevie is offline  
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18-05-2011, 05:38 AM
Love your very true.

We have 5 dogs. 4 cats, 8 chickens and a cockeral a Rabbit and a Guinneapig and I have two ponies (but the ponies are not in my garden)...........

I have you keep your ponies in the shed in the garden

why of course, they are amongst Patrick's tools, left side of the bikes

We get ''Your house has gotto stink with so many animals''


They come in and we get '''' god I wasn't expecting your home to be this nice''''

what did you mess everywhere

We have had.......God you keep your garden do you manage it

errrrrrrrrrrrrr we do gardening

and last but not least can I say that I am not the only one with cats, dogs, chickens and a rabbit...........

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Vicki is offline  
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18-05-2011, 05:59 AM
People like this are numpties, in my opinion.

Tell them to "go forth and multiply" (but you don't have to use those words)

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Fernsmum is offline  
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18-05-2011, 06:38 AM
I have had this all my life . I have 4 dogs and 2 cats at the moment . Occasionally I have one more dog and sometimes a hamster or guinea pig or two .
The comments usually come from the type of people I don't like anyway . It does annoy me though
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