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Lanxlass is offline  
Location: Lancashire, UK
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16-05-2011, 09:02 AM

My dogs hates other dogs

my elsest staffy (10yr)absolutely hates other dogs to the point i cant take her out during peak times. she moans, growls and even has a pop at them. she has never made proper contact with them as i wont allow it. she loves my other dog and my sisters dog but strange dogs she wants to kill. she was attacked years ago by a dog and has never been the same since, i think her age is contributing to her getting worse. can this behaviour be sorted even at her age?
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krlyr is offline  
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16-05-2011, 09:30 AM
If she was attacked by another dog then you may be looking at fear-based reactivity rather than aggressive - i.e. "You scare me, I'll look mean and nasty first to keep you away before you can attack me". If you google dog reactivity then there are lots of things you can try at home, e.g. teaching her a "watch me" and a "watch that" command to try to condition her response to something other than reacting. The idea is that you teach her to make eyecontact with you rather than eyeballing the other dog or lunging/barking/etc, or you teach her to glance at the dog (some dogs do better when they can keep an eye on the dog) but glance back at you. Also a "touch" command - getting her to concentrate on putting her nose to the palm of your hand as you pass by other dogs, so she's more focused on this task than the other dog.
Following dogs at a distance can help too, it's important to keep far away enough that your dog isn't on edge and stressed, just near enough that she begins to learn that being around dogs doesn't mean bad things happen.
There's several books that may help, e.g. I've heard "Click to calm" by Karen Pryor recommended for this kind of dog, also "The Dog Aggression Workbook" by James O'Heare is meant to be full of exercises to work through at home.
If you're struggling to do this by yourself then a behaviourist can be a big help - try to find a local behaviourist who uses fair, kind methods, it's important to use a kind approach on fear-based problems otherwise you risk worsening the dog's fear/behaviour.
You can teach an old dog new tricks so try not to get hung up on her age. This thread may be worth a read, it's an account of the progress of various members and their dogs, may be a bit of inspiration for you
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Velvetboxers is offline  
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16-05-2011, 09:43 AM
Good post K.
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smokeybear is offline  
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16-05-2011, 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by Lanxlass View Post
my elsest staffy (10yr)absolutely hates other dogs to the point i cant take her out during peak times. she moans, growls and even has a pop at them. she has never made proper contact with them as i wont allow it. she loves my other dog and my sisters dog but strange dogs she wants to kill. she was attacked years ago by a dog and has never been the same since, i think her age is contributing to her getting worse. can this behaviour be sorted even at her age?

One attack does not = a dog that hates other dogs. If a dog is genetically sound and well socialised it can spring back from one or more less than positive encounters.

What normally happens IME, and I wonder if it has happened to you, is that owners go into overdrive with their dogs so they are not actually exposed to sufficient experiences to let them get over it, and are over protected agains possible negative encounters?

If your dog has had 10 years or practising this behaviour (as have you) then it will take time to modify this behaviour. But it can be done, but I suspect you will need the help of an experienced, reputable behaviourist.

As well as the APBC, look at the COAPE site for one near you, remember you will need a vet referral to begin with; and a vet should rule out any underlying medical condition which could have triggered this behaviour.
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Kerryowner is offline  
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16-05-2011, 07:00 PM
Please get her vet-checked to ensure there is no medical cause behind the reactivity.

My Kerry Blue female was very reactive to strange dogs and we didn't know she had eye problems as the vet didn't pick up her entropion for years

I would also reccomend the "click to calm" book as this helped me with Cherry. Cherry was a dog that I could not get near other dogs with as she would go ape on the lead-very reactive. She now has lots of doggy "friends" and I can let her meet small, calm dogs and she will be fine. I still have to keep her on the lead but she doesn't react to strange dogs any more (unless they charge at her which I don't allow to happen now) and she is partly-sighted so I am sure your dog can be helped to change too.

I got through a lot of cheese in the early days of retraining Cherry as she got a small piece of cheese when she was calm in the presence of other dogs. I would judge how well she had behaved by how much cheese I needed to buy!
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