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x-clo-x is offline  
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22-02-2011, 01:46 PM

Doggy day care- what would you expect?

lets say there is a new doggy daycare in your area opening, and you would need to use it, at least half a day a week...

what would you expect from them?
what price would you want to pay?
how many dogs would you like to see there?
what sort of things would you want your dog to be doing?
if you could have a say of what equipment was there (e.g agility jumps etc) what would you want?

basically if a new dog day care was opening near you, and you could have a say in what the whole thing looked like, gow it operated etc, what would you like to see?
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22-02-2011, 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by x-clo-x View Post
lets say there is a new doggy daycare in your area opening, and you would need to use it, at least half a day a week...

1.what would you expect from them?
2.what price would you want to pay?
3. how many dogs would you like to see there?
4. what sort of things would you want your dog to be doing?
5. if you could have a say of what equipment was there (e.g agility jumps etc) what would you want?

basically if a new dog day care was opening near you, and you could have a say in what the whole thing looked like, how it operated etc, what would you like to see?
1. I would expect a dog friendly environment, with dog people looking after them, I would like to know that they got to know my dog, knew what stressed them out, how far to push them, who they were good with, who they didn't get on well with, how to handle them - how to break up a fight if ever one occurred. I'd expect that they didn't use aversive treatments. I'd like to see a clean healthy place, I'd like to know that they knew dogs - first aid certificate, body language.. etc...

2. Depends how many days my dogs are to be there. But what I would like to see is a day where new customers can bring their dogs and see how the place is run - for free -before they try it out for long term. For half a week I would say £25 - £50 but if we're talking more than one dog - it would have to be about the same. (3 dogs at £50 for half a week - £150 a week - too much for a day centre I think - unless they served food on solid gold plates and fed caviare and swan meat (only royalty can eat swan) to them )

3. Not too many, but a good number - small play groups at a time. Depending on whether there was a rota of dogs in kennels then play time/walk then food, then rest again...sort of thing. I wouldn't want too many dogs in one room at the same time. I'd feel comfortable knowing a number that could be safely handled by staff..

4. Urm having a dog that is Dog friendly and one that isn't - I'd like to see them both exercised and socialised - Benjie would have to have a muzzle on until staff or I were totally satisfied that he wouldn't hurt anyone, and only the same dogs for a while, until he is better - sort of situation. Louie - I'd like him to be knackered!

5. A pool - not too shallow and not too deep. I think with the agility - you'd have to be careful with which breeds and ages are going too be there, Lots of toys - thats a definite! Bugt none that are easily chewed..stuffing and thread is not nice to poop scoop! A place for the dogs in the play area to take themselves off to rest - just incase they've had enough of playing before the session is over.
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krlyr is offline  
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22-02-2011, 02:02 PM
what would you expect from them?
To assess each dog and match groups carefully
To check vaccination status of each dog (perhaps accepting titre tested dogs for those who don't vaccinate annually?)
Good communication (so you can trust them to get in touch if there's any issues before you drop your dog off, if there's an incident with your dog, if there's been illness cropping up in other dogs that your dog has shared space with, etc)
Good experience of dog body language to judge whether the dogs are happy in the group and with the activities/environment
Transport to get a dog to the vet ASAP if needed, and someone else around to supervise in this event (so not a one-man-band)
Believes in positive methods only
Good recommendations from customers, and willing to let you visit to check them out

what price would you want to pay?
Round about the same as local services, perhaps a little more if the quality of the service seemed worth it

how many dogs would you like to see there?
As many as they can manage - with, say, two people, I'd probably say a max of 10-15?

what sort of things would you want your dog to be doing?
I'd be happy with the dogs just doing their own thing mostly, getting some doggy socialisation. Maybe some simple games like fetch, perhaps a little break where they could all be seperated and given a treat/Kong perhaps for some entertainment (seperate to prevent food aggression/resource guarding) but I wouldn't want training to be done as it could contradict with my own training, e.g. using a different gesture or command

if you could have a say of what equipment was there (e.g agility jumps etc) what would you want?
I'd want general stuff like toys, a digging area, paddling pool, some things for them to climb under or jump in. I wouldn't want agility equipment for a few reasons though - a) the safety aspect (what's OK for a big dog could be dangerous for a little dog), and b) the training side of it, if I did agility or had an interest in doing it, I wouldn't want my training to be undone by someone doing agility with different methods/commands to my own, or having to re-teach my dog when I started agility as it has commands associated with actions from someone else.
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shaunclemens is offline  
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22-02-2011, 02:03 PM
what would you expect from them?
to have knowlegable, honest and trustworthy staff that love dogs as much as the owners do. also to have clean good sized kennels with food and drink allways available
what price would you want to pay? no idea to be honest
how many dogs would you like to see there? not more than say 10 but have enough staff to easily cover
what sort of things would you want your dog to be doing? to have a nice long walk and be kept under supervision
if you could have a say of what equipment was there (e.g agility jumps etc) what would you want? id be happy if there was a nice area in the back were dogs could play with toys and other dogs (as long as dogs are friendly with other dogs)
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x-clo-x is offline  
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22-02-2011, 03:02 PM
great ideas guys i like the digging pit thing, and maybe the idea of a paddling pool in the warmer months

what about age ranges? or size difference.. for instance, would you be comfortable with say a GSD with a pug?

do you think all daycares would walk the dogs individually? what about instead, the dog getting one on one time in an enclosed field? or maybe a lead walk, walked with another dog?

would you like it if the day care could offer a bathing/grooming service?

what about feeding? as certain diets may be tricky to feed. would you rather feed your dog before you leave, and feed it when you get home? obviously puppies still on three meals would be an exception.

i see the points about agility equipment, although i did just mean toys etc, like pop up run in tunnels, and those little plastic play houses kids get.

if the hall/room was big enough, would a small flagged area, be ok for the dog to go out and toilet? if walks were provided?
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22-02-2011, 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by x-clo-x View Post
great ideas guys i like the digging pit thing, and maybe the idea of a paddling pool in the warmer months

1.what about age ranges? or size difference.. for instance, would you be comfortable with say a GSD with a pug? you think all daycares would walk the dogs individually? what about instead, the dog getting one on one time in an enclosed field? or maybe a lead walk, walked with another dog?

3. would you like it if the day care could offer a bathing/grooming service?

4. what about feeding? as certain diets may be tricky to feed. would you rather feed your dog before you leave, and feed it when you get home? obviously puppies still on three meals would be an exception.

i see the points about agility equipment, although i did just mean toys etc, like pop up run in tunnels, and those little plastic play houses kids get.

if the hall/room was big enough, would a small flagged area, be ok for the dog to go out and toilet? if walks were provided?

1. It would depend on the dog for the age - Sadie is 9 and she still plays like a puppy - assessments would need to be carried out. As for breeds and sizes as well as genders - assessments also, you wouldn't want a dog that isn't good with big/small dogs to be put in a pen full of them..

2. Depends on what the owners have in mind...I think group walks would be better - more dogs but the handler would have to be able to handle the amount of dogs...Plus some dogs are taught to heel - some haven't quite got there and others are beyond hope (I have one of each) so you would need to be mindful of what the owners have done - say all the good walkers together, then perhaps several not so good walkers in and enclosed field to burn the energy off.

Elderly dogs together - nothing worse than having an old dog plodding along whilst you have a young'un tearing your arm off causing you to drag the old one..

3. No - a hosepipe in the back garden is as fancy as we get - but I suppose it is up to the owner - some owners may like their dogs groomed, maybe a brush once a week - as it is a bonding exercise. But not a bath - allergies and other problems may occur - plus if they have a pool or a digging pit there would be no point really, unless you did it right before they were picked up.

4. My dogs get fed in the morning and 5pm so I wouldn't need a feeding at the centre. I think unless elderly or really young, a kong or other treats would be sufficient throughout the day.

I forgot to mention in my last post - I would want a calm place - not too calm that it is boring but not too overwhelming that I have to where ear plugs and suffer being dragged through the door every day - if that makes sense?
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