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Shani is offline  
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12-10-2010, 08:20 PM

'Bad Dog!' How naughty is yours?

A few days ago, after setting up my market stall, I got back into my van to park up (I have been leaving Muppet in the van while I set up because it's noisy & he has gotten very stressed in the past)
When I tried to take the handbrake off, I noticed the handbrake had been chewed & the button gone!
Luckely I found the button so he hadn't eaten it.
So when I get round to it, I'll have to find time to go to a salvage yard to see if I can get a handbrake button.

Or stick a plaster on my thumb so the spikes that hold the button on dont hurt quite so much..

Muppet dosn't chew his rubber bone or know how to play, so being confronted by half a handbrake was a bit of a shock.

Needless to say, today I made sure he was the first thing I got out of the van

Right now It's your turn, share your doggies misdimeanures.
(I'm terrable at spelling but you know what i mean)
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Sarah88 is offline  
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12-10-2010, 08:34 PM
Well Kia is generally well behaved but she (like any dog!) has her moments!

The worst thing she has ever done (to date..) has to be chewing the spines off two of Mikes first edition hard back Dr Who books! It was about £150 worth of books and she chose them over my uni books (much less important/expensive) which were on the shelf below and also next to them!!

Needless to say, Mike wasn't too happy. He found her and said he just walked in, saw what she had done and immediately took her out for a walk! He was too mad to sit in the room with her so took her out so he could calm down!

She has chewed some other things - windowsills/the cover of one of my DVD boxsets/some socks but nothing as 'special' as those books! Touch wood!

Sarah xoxox
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12-10-2010, 08:50 PM
We've had 2 attacks of the "norty's" in the last week
1) I was dishing up the roast chicken dinner, the meat was on the 4 plates on the worktop - Tilly was sat by the back door. I went & asked hub to open a new pack of foil for me to cover the rest of the chicken, I was only gone a few seconds & of course when I got back, the meat was only on 3 plates!! the weird thing was that Tilly was still sat by the back door innocently with the same expression on her face, no licking lips or anything at first I thought I was going nuts & hadn't done all 4 plates - but on closer inspection there were crumbs on the 4th plate so I know she stole it

2) Hub has man flu this week & likes to take those "Potters" throat sweets, they come in a box. So he left his bedside drawer open & she got them out, tipped them on the floor & licked them all - she obviously wasn't keen, but they were all stuck to the carpet
Norty enough?
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sarah1983 is offline  
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12-10-2010, 09:28 PM
Where do I start? Rupert is a one dog wrecking team. He demolished a sofa, 2 armchairs, a windowsill, chewed bits off my stairs, chewed the door frames, chewed the straps off god knows how many of my bras, stole clothes of mine and left them too close to my rats cage so they made nests out of them and he destroyed something like 6 panels of fencing in my parents garden as well as digging several swimming pool sized holes.

On a non destructive note he's rolled me down a hill into a ditch full of oil, water and mud. He's made me fall down stairs on a bus and made me bruise my tailbone so badly I literally couldn't sit down for a couple of weeks. He's jumped up and stolen a hotdog out of someones hand when normally he turns his nose up at food from strangers. He's knocked me down and dragged me several meters in the mud. He's pulled me over so I banged first my knees, then my chest, then my face then to add insult to injury jumped all over me. And on top of all that he's a menace to other animals.

Is it any wonder I call him the hound from hell?
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EgyptGal is offline  
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12-10-2010, 09:41 PM
We can top the chicken eating,our beagle tried to eat a chicken whilst still alive! We were on hols in devon and the owners had free range chickens they also had a german shephard and jack russell,we kept our 2 on lead because of the chickens but the owners were adamant" let them off the chickens are too fast for our dogs so don't worry............"ok we thought and opened the garden door Darwin tootles out sniffing but not showing any interest in the chickens right by him,then Willow starts barking and bombs out like a rocket the chicken starts flapping and running and the next thing we know Darwin has a chicken in his mouth !!! The funny thing was he looked very confused as to what the funny tickly things were in his mouth and let go again very quickly the chicken flew off and was fine thank goodness. We then had a sheep incident ,dogs on lead sheep in field ,dog pulls daughter over in mud (it was feb) then the chase began the sheep ran ,the dog ran, i gave up trying to catch or even get through that deaf beagle head and watched in horror as 1 sheep broke away and Willow went after it eventually the sheep sat down and luckily so did Willow snuggled up to her panting as if to say "that was fun wasn't it!!!! "Needless to say we won't be going back there.
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12-10-2010, 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by sarah1983 View Post
Where do I start? Rupert is a one dog wrecking team. He demolished a sofa, 2 armchairs, a windowsill, chewed bits off my stairs, chewed the door frames, chewed the straps off god knows how many of my bras, stole clothes of mine and left them too close to my rats cage so they made nests out of them and he destroyed something like 6 panels of fencing in my parents garden as well as digging several swimming pool sized holes.

On a non destructive note he's rolled me down a hill into a ditch full of oil, water and mud. He's made me fall down stairs on a bus and made me bruise my tailbone so badly I literally couldn't sit down for a couple of weeks. He's jumped up and stolen a hotdog out of someones hand when normally he turns his nose up at food from strangers. He's knocked me down and dragged me several meters in the mud. He's pulled me over so I banged first my knees, then my chest, then my face then to add insult to injury jumped all over me. And on top of all that he's a menace to other animals.

Is it any wonder I call him the hound from hell?
Originally Posted by EGYPTGAL View Post
We can top the chicken eating,our beagle tried to eat a chicken whilst still alive! We were on hols in devon and the owners had free range chickens they also had a german shephard and jack russell,we kept our 2 on lead because of the chickens but the owners were adamant" let them off the chickens are too fast for our dogs so don't worry............"ok we thought and opened the garden door Darwin tootles out sniffing but not showing any interest in the chickens right by him,then Willow starts barking and bombs out like a rocket the chicken starts flapping and running and the next thing we know Darwin has a chicken in his mouth !!! The funny thing was he looked very confused as to what the funny tickly things were in his mouth and let go again very quickly the chicken flew off and was fine thank goodness. We then had a sheep incident ,dogs on lead sheep in field ,dog pulls daughter over in mud (it was feb) then the chase began the sheep ran ,the dog ran, i gave up trying to catch or even get through that deaf beagle head and watched in horror as 1 sheep broke away and Willow went after it eventually the sheep sat down and luckily so did Willow snuggled up to her panting as if to say "that was fun wasn't it!!!! "Needless to say we won't be going back there.
Your stories have made me feel so much better
I've decided Tilly is a little angel afterall
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12-10-2010, 09:47 PM
They all have their off days Tillymint ....just some more than others We woiuldn't be without them though
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12-10-2010, 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by EGYPTGAL View Post
They all have their off days Tillymint ....just some more than others We woiuldn't be without them though
I know it's hard to tell them off without a smirk when they are norty!
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Shani is offline  
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12-10-2010, 10:09 PM
Originally Posted by Tillymint View Post
I know it's hard to tell them off without a smirk when they are norty!
Lol, too right. when I saw what he'd done to my handbrake I just laughed at the irony of it (refusing to chew his toys, but taking chuncks out of something important) I did check the rest of the fixtures: window winder, gear stick, various other nobs & buttons. So at least he kept his chewing to one thing.

Reading about all your problems is making mine pale into insignificance. lol
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Vicki_Ann is offline  
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12-10-2010, 11:24 PM
I have a very naughty story from today!

I had to take Kev into hospital this morning first thing as an emergency (long story but turned out okay) and didn't feed the dogs beforehand. I got back around 11am and was confronted with foil wrapping everywhere and cotton wool.

It took me a few seconds but I realised what had happened. Shiloh had climbed on the kitchen counter and pulled down Bear's medicine bag, between Ruby, Skye and Shiloh, around 60 100mg cephacare tablets had been eaten and several pred 20mg tabs too. I was absolutely beside myself (less so after noticing that there was a thick white foamy vomit pool near the back door).

After phoning the vets and getting some advice, seems they will just have upset tummies and no lasting damage. So all naughty puppies have runny tummies and Mummy has to shell out another £130 to replace Bear's medication.

My own fault but it was just one of those mornings.

Oh, and it's not the first time they've cost me so much either. Skye once pulled an envelope of money out of my handbag and ate around £100 in £20 notes.

I wouldn't mind so much if I was a qualified vet already, but I'm a student and can ill-afford all these very expensive norties!
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