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27-10-2009, 07:21 PM

Walks - Quantity or Quality?

Which is more important or more significant to the way you walk your dogs?

When I say quantity i mean time spent rather than amount of walks based on the assumption that we all walk our dogs every day!

I got to thinking about this tonight whilst walking Monty to the park to play a fetch game with him where we usually play fetch for a tennis ball. Due to the darker evenings it's harder for me to take him for longer walks due to current personal circumstances so at the moment he gets half an hour in the park in the morning and half an hour in the evening and 10 minutes to walk there and back so 40 minutes per walk twice a day.

Ideally i'd love to give him longer walks and do so at the weekends but on the current park regime he always seems tired after his fetch/football/frisbee games.

So as I said just interested to see what other think is more important in regards to walking. Hope i've explained myself well enough!
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27-10-2009, 07:25 PM
Well Bruno only gets one walk during the day by me and its onlead with the buggy, so its not very exciting for him.

However if the weather is good during the week then i will sometimesl go to the field and let him off with luca and he gets to charge about.

Every night my OH takes him to the park late on and lets him off for a wee chase of the foxes,

Every weekend he gets offlead in the field both days so for us it probably quality as he would far rather go for a 15 minute blast in the field than 30 minutes beside the buggy I suspect !!
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27-10-2009, 07:30 PM
ive been thinking about this recently too...

i sometimes feel jake doesnt get long enough walks, but when he gets let offlead he runs around constantly, so he is still getting plenty exercise... and he gets his onlead walks where his nose gets plenty exercise lol.

i think quantity is important but i think quality is more important.
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27-10-2009, 07:33 PM
Mo only has one walk a day as routine. This is what she has always been used to and seems to suite her.
This walk is quality though. Hubby takes her to the woods or beach, where she plays with other dogs or with her ball. It can last anything between 1 - 2 hours depending on weather and who they meet (who says men don't talk )
If it's a nice day and depending on what we are doing we sometimes take her out for a shorter walk in the afternoon/evening.
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27-10-2009, 07:39 PM
Usually 45/60 mins in the morning, 90-120mins at lunchtime. Never less than ten at night (more in the summer than winter). But I make a point of communicating with her when we are out. She is allowed to sniff and snuffle around, run about, play ball etc but often with a “dialogue” and continuous training (this may be as little as the odd “down” to reinforce the emergency down or work commands). The important thing is keeping up the rapport. I see so many people “walking the dog” where dog runs around/ahead and owner pays it very little attention. A strong blend of quality and quantity is what is required I think.
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27-10-2009, 07:51 PM
Completely depends on the dog imo. We would never get away with such short walks BUT I'm able to give him longer ones in the afternoon as am part time as you know mate. Neil does 40 minutes on lead in the morning now, I do an hour to an hour and a half off lead in the afternoon then Neil does a stroll round the block and we both play with him for about an hour after dinner.

In specific answer to your question though I am a huge advocate on quality not quantity. I think a dog would benefit from 20 minutes interaction with you alot more than a 40 minute stroll so do not think you should feel bad about not being able to be out for a long time with Monty.
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John Bull
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27-10-2009, 08:13 PM
Hi Esme.

I suppose as usual my comments will go down like a lead balloon, the only thing I would add, is that I`m still here and my dogs have never suffered from being pushed to near extinction by over exercise. See my signature ?

The art of judgement in most things is "moderation". The amount of exercise depends on the type and size of the dog, but modern philosophy is that you should exercise both your dog and yourself to utter exhaustion. And Gee Whiz, everybody does it.

I have known many superbly fit young men, fellow sportsmen and athletes in their 20`s end up crippled with Arthritis in wheel chairs or even dead by their 40`s.

Excluding special breeds of dog, all you need for the average pooch is a moderate trotties twice per day. Say around half an hour each time. You can stretch it if you wish, but that should be enough to sustain a healthy life.

There are PLENTY of dogs in this category. People in later life just cannot walk far, but they still love dogs.

I walk my Rottie and previous GS`s twice per day for about 30 minutes each time and not one of them have suffered in any way.

Let those fitness fanatics play squash three times per week and go jogging every day - they`ll burn themselves out and blow a gasket by their 40`s. If that over enthusiasm is inflicted on their dogs, then look forward to hip dysplasia or heart trouble at an early age and Good-bye Fido.

No Esme, use your common sense and do what is best for you and the dog - life is always a compromise between the ideal and the possible.

Think of the ancient giant Sequoia tree in the Sierra Nevadas in California - it is 3,200 years old and never did a stroke of exercise in it`s long life.

John Bull
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27-10-2009, 08:25 PM
Originally Posted by John Bull View Post
Hi Esme.

I suppose as usual my comments will go down like a lead balloon, the only thing I would add, is that I`m still here and my dogs have never suffered from being pushed to near extinction by over exercise. See my signature ?

The art of judgement in most things is "moderation". The amount of exercise depends on the type and size of the dog, but modern philosophy is that you should exercise both your dog and yourself to utter exhaustion. And Gee Whiz, everybody does it.

I have known many superbly fit young men, fellow sportsmen and athletes in their 20`s end up crippled with Arthritis in wheel chairs or even dead by their 40`s.

Excluding special breeds of dog, all you need for the average pooch is a moderate trotties twice per day. Say around half an hour each time. You can stretch it if you wish, but that should be enough to sustain a healthy life.

There are PLENTY of dogs in this category. People in later life just cannot walk far, but they still love dogs.

I walk my Rottie and previous GS`s twice per day for about 30 minutes each time and not one of them have suffered in any way.

Let those fitness fanatics play squash three times per week and go jogging every day - they`ll burn themselves out and blow a gasket by their 40`s. If that over enthusiasm is inflicted on their dogs, then look forward to hip dysplasia or heart trouble at an early age and Good-bye Fido.

No Esme, use your common sense and do what is best for you and the dog - life is always a compromise between the ideal and the possible.

Think of the ancient giant Sequoia tree in the Sierra Nevadas in California - it is 3,200 years old and never did a stroke of exercise in it`s long life.

John Bull
Really enjoyed your post especially the bit i've highlighted in bold! So true!

I think the most important thing for me is that no matter how long we've walked is that Monty is content and when he's crashed out on the sofa snoozing away like he is now then i'm happy. He's only been for half an hour in the park but he's tired and content and i think thats the most important.

I agree with oldshep's post as well about communicating and bonding. The difference in Monty's connection with me since it's just been me and him during the week is very noticeable.
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Harvey's Mum
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27-10-2009, 08:33 PM
Harvey gets 3-4 15 min walks every day at the moment, this will have to change when I get a Job, but being a big dog lots of short walks seem to suit him rather than one long one. Unfortunatly with him not being socialized with other animals in the past and being so large it has to be on the lead, but when no one is around I have him on a long lead and let him explore. I am looking forward to next year when we go camping as there is 8 miles of unspoilt beach which is usually deserted, I am hoping to be able to let him off his lead here and see him run.

I think it rather depends on the dog some can run forever and never tire out whilst others only need a short plod.
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tabsmagic is offline  
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27-10-2009, 08:39 PM
i love walking and keeping fit is a large part of my job so Werm gets a minimal 40 mins in the morning, 20 around 2 or 3 pm and another hour in the later evening on a day when I am not training any clients that require power walking, if I have those she loves to come out with us on those too. I have e taken her for a few runs too.
I would love to say that I do this for Werm , but even before I had her I would walk everyday anyway- (it is beautiful where I live and I am one of those that has to get outside lots!!), however having her company makes walking so much more enjoyable.
I really hate having her on a lead through, and in the fields when she is off she runs circles and exhausts herself- i love it she has such fun!! makes me laugh lots!!
However now the darkness means we can't do this in eve and I really think that these off lead walks are the quality ones- I miss them so am sure Werm does!!
Long post - but don't get me started on exercise!!!
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