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14-07-2006, 02:08 AM

Are females more manageable then males?

Not too sure how to phrase my question, so bear with me

Is there a significant difference in behaviour of males and females, and I mean dominance/ strong headedness. Are male dogs more likely to push their boundaries? Do they require firmer handling? Just in general, I know different breeds will be different and each dog too

Most books I have read on breeds say that the female is more laid back and less dominant, but I was wondering how true this is. and whether it is a big difference? Is the individual dog's personality the most important thing?

I was wondering because my mum has had bad experiences with male dogs but had lovely females. She now does not want to own another male dog. I don't have a problem with that but I thought it was more of a coincidence than because of their sex. Thought I would ask on here though because you know more than me
So thanks if anyone can answer
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14-07-2006, 02:38 AM
So much depends on the breed, the owner, the way the dog is raised and socialized, the training.

Any dog, male or female, can be a handful during the adolescent period

Females are usually smaller than males of the same breed, so they can be easier to control physically.

In my breed I find that males are 'softer' - a bit more affectionate and less independent than bitches.

Not much of an answer, sorry
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14-07-2006, 05:44 AM
Agree with the "softer" comment from SB. All my bitches, apart from Mya, who's scared of everything, have been much more protective of me than any dogs. When I had my two lab dogs and my great dane bitch and someone knocked on the door, the dane would be at the door straining to see what was what, and the boys would be halfway up the stairs at a safe distance
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14-07-2006, 06:54 AM
Having had a dog and a bitch I would say dogs are maybe more loveable rogues and bitches are more aloof and independant.I never had trouble with my dog Max pushing the boundaries but Zanta was a different story all together very dominant not at all suited to my character,and ended up going back to breeder.The Bernese Mountain Dog books say though the males are more laid back and the Females can be a nightmare,as you probably remember she is newfiexberner.I am having a dog this time.
Think as SB says probably depends on the breed aswell maybe decide which breed and read up as much as possible.
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14-07-2006, 07:04 AM
In my opinion dogs are easier to manage, bitches can be soft but are often temperamental and it is nearly always a bitch that takes the Alfa place if you have more than one dog.

Think the breed may well be more important than the sex.
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muttsrus is offline  
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14-07-2006, 07:16 AM
i have 4 males and two bitches and i would say the girls are more pushy, bolshy first to the door and the boys standing behind them shouting yes go on and get who is there, the girls also guard the caravan and the van with venom, the boys are just there to look good, one of my girls is only 11" at the shoulder and she is just so in your face, but she has a very strong maternal instinct, she brought up a border collie pup, who she still thinks of as her puppy, i think a lot of bitches have a survival instinct the dogs that i have had over a lot of years the bitches seem to be the ones that take control of things, they can wade into a squabble with the other dogs and take control with just a look, they can stop play with my dogs by just standing there giving the look most woman can give to children when they don't need to say anything but can give their children that look so my girls are definatley the dominate ones in our house, and i should say all the woman in our house are bossy oooooohh sorry meant to say boss.
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14-07-2006, 07:17 AM
With Rotties they are a dominant breed anyway, but males even more so. Both sexes need a firm but fair hand.

Ozzy isn't a true dominant male, he is aggressive towards other dogs but that is fear-aggression. Brandy my bitch was a true Alpha female, she never showed aggression towards other dogs at all because she was naturally self-assured and born dominant, other dogs respected this and just accepted her as Alpha.

My own experience with dogs and bitches I found the bitches to be more aloof also, my males have always wanted fusses and pets and to be glued to your side. The bitches I have owned haven't been like this.

I found my males more willing to please and therefore usually easier to train (but still with that stubborn streak!), Brandy in particular used to like testing and giving you the proverbial 'finger' if she didn't feel like doing something!

Personally I prefer males, even though they are hard work at times! (like all men lol )
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14-07-2006, 07:17 AM
I agree, the breed obviously plays a big part in temperment of sexes, personally i find males easier to manage but both sexes can be difficult in their own ways
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bessey112 is offline  
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14-07-2006, 08:05 AM
Im another one with rotties, 1 male & 2 females bu they are all totally different

My oldest Amy has always been very dominant & she has been the hardest to train with her stubborness.But on the other hand she is the best behaved around children,people & other dogs. She is also quick to put other dogs in their place if need be & only wants a fuss when she chooses.
Rocky my male is the most soppiest towards people & will always back down to Amy but strange dogs...forget it he will not have them within about 20 foot of him. Training is easy with him though as he is always wanting to please me but being my permament shadow does cause problems sometimes
Holly the 7 month pup is a bit of both of them really.She hasnt got the dominance like Amy & is very laid back but pretty ignorant at times. She couldnt care less wether she has a fuss or not really but shes quick to learn like Rocky. Great with other dogs as well yet because of her age wants to play all the time

The biggest difference with mine i think is the fact Amy was here from 8 weeks yet the other 2 wernt. Rocky we adopted at 10 months so really missed that important socialisation period & Holly we adopted at 14 weeks & she was petrified of men.
Hope that makes sense, i think my male is by far the easiest dog ive owned

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14-07-2006, 08:48 AM
I only have dogs. I have had one terrier bitch and she was hard work but she was also a foster so eventually she went. I have had horses and I found with geldings you TOLD them what to do and with the mares it was more a request and you added please on to the end. I have yet to meet a bitch that I would give houseroom to apart from Sol's mum who was just the sweetest girlie, deefs mother was identical to him in attitude and temperament but I wouldn't have brought her home If someone comes to my door and rings the bell they bark, if they ring it again deef will bang on the door with his feet as if daring them to try and get in. It is all noise but no-one knows that and at night when I am walking them across fields in the dark they always tell me if someone is there. I have been told that deef is dominant He is hard headed, strong willed and very determined, arrogant almost, but dominant is not a word I would use to describe him, Sol is very similar in his attitude, Kelly is much softer and more of stir them up and sit back and watch boy. Kelly is the one at the back egging them on while the other two are barking at the door. I don't have any fights here, just the odd growl from Deef when Sol gets too much but then he is top dog and Sol is an adolescent........ I know people with several bitches and they will fight so they have to be careful with them.

From what I have seen of others dogs it would appear (to me) that bitches can be a bit more temperamental whereas dogs seem to be much more straight forward. I have been told that dogs take longer to mature, I would say from observation that it could be true. I have also been told that bitches are easier to train, wouldn't know about that, all of mine have picked new things up usually at the 2nd attempt, occasionally the 3rd, how much easier than that does it get? Sol is going through his "kevin" stage at the moment and I haven't really noticed a huge difference, deef was the same and Kelly was slightly more work but not much. The all had ants in their pants but that's normal isn't it? I was prepared for them to be much worse so perhaps thats why they appear/ed be relatively easy?

I can honestly say that at no point have any of mine "pushed their boundaries". They sleep where they like, they eat when I feed them regardless of whether I have eaten already (shock horror! ) and I can do absolutely anything with them, so can my vet and the chiropractor and in fact anyone else that would want to, more importantly we can do it without a fight

It would have to be a particularly special girlie to get through my door permanently. I am a fairly strong determined person and I like strong willed determined dogs, although Kel is a sensitive soul soul he is still quite cheeky I am not sure that it would work with another stubborn bitch in the household
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