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09-12-2016, 07:44 AM

Daily Thread, Friday 9th December

Good Morning all,

Hope everyone is ok this morning. LG hope your hospital appointment went ok and dinner out afterwards too.

Little Pepsi having a go at another JR , that's right Pepsi
you let them know whose boss in your house.

Griff, hope you are ok today and June, hope your back is improving.

Hope everyone else is ok today, have a good day stay warm and dry and above all things safe and well. God bless.
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09-12-2016, 08:45 AM
Morning Moyra and all to follow.
Wet here but the sun is coming out so hopefully a brighter dryer day. Especially as Mark is painting the outside of Paul and Beth's house and is doing his tiny mind over the damp and wet.
He is a perfectionist and likes a good result which he is worrying he won't get with the damp/wet weather. They want it one though.

Did first christmas cake yesterday don't think I've been so late making them hopefully a second one in the oven today. Decided to get a Tesco home delivery rather than go out.

Glad tests went well LG and a nice dinner was enjoyed afterwards.
griff hope the back is still improving.
June hope yours is to. Also that the puppies are doing well.
Glad you managed to locate Casey with a torch Harvey in all the fog.
Hope everyone else is well today and all four legged friends.
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tumbleweed is offline  
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09-12-2016, 09:29 AM
Good morning all

The weather is "moist" here. What a lovely word that is " MOIST". Makes a change from saying slightly damp which it is outside. nothing planned but might take a trip to a garden center for Sue to get her freebee plant. Around here garden centres give away something every month for those that join their gardening club.

For me? sausage roll in pastry in the cafe while there but don't tell Sue
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Sue L
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09-12-2016, 10:05 AM
Good morning Moyra, Lynn and all who follow

Do hope the weather improves for Mark and his painting and also fingers crossed for good news re the job.

Pleased to read your hospital appointment went well and hope you enjoyed your meal Gordon.

Lol at Pepsi defending her territory. Teazle and my friend's Afghan are the same, ok for about an hour then they tell each other off and then the rest of the time is spent ignoring each other.

Hope all backs are better this morning.

As Barry said damp here. Washing done and through the tumble dryer. If he wants to go to the garden centre will go this afternoon but I don't know about the sausage roll someone has to look after his fat levels as he doesn't

Have a good day and stay safe.
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09-12-2016, 11:39 AM
Hi All! Not been contributing much recently - been very busy with my health and daughter's issues. I am taking her yet again to Addenbrookes this afternoon to see her Gastro Consultant - I think they should give us a permanent bed there!

Hope everyone is OK xx
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09-12-2016, 03:04 PM
Hello all,
Grey & damp here today, Tony been for an interview today. Same place he went for an interview earlier this year. They couldn't offer him the right wages but things seem to changed as they rang him early this week to ask him to come in today & see them, so fingers crossed it all works out the right way.
Griff hope your back is still getting better
Gnasher hope you and your daughter are ok, and that everything went well at the hospital
Lol that Pepsi defended her home, And that the husky just sat & watched
I'll be back later & need to nip to shop forgot milk & we've got Liam & Sarsh coming for the weekend
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09-12-2016, 04:39 PM
Afternoon. Second christmas cake almost cooked. Only another 2 maybe 3 to go.
Hope your son got to london ok Sue was that yesterday or today ?
Mandy hope the job works out well for Tony. Enjoy the weekend with family.
Mark still waiting to hear if its yay or nay for the interview he went to earlier in the week.
He is off to Essex later for the weekend.
Gorden is home hopefully around 6 he asked if I wanted to go out for tea of course I said yes.
Then remembered I have a Tesco delivery between 7 and 8.
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tumbleweed is offline  
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09-12-2016, 05:55 PM
Did the garden centre thing but no sausage rolls on offer
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gordon mac
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09-12-2016, 06:11 PM
Good day folks - will av to come back later computer playing iup.
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tawneywolf is offline  
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09-12-2016, 06:36 PM
Don't seem to have stopped all day one way and another.
Took Cariad and Lona onto the football field. I (very luckily as it turned out) kept Lona on lead rather than letting her off to play ball, she usually lets me know if she wants to have a play and today she didn't, walking round with them and they're having a good old sniff, and a bloke and dog I've never ever seen before come straight on the field dog offlead, and he's got a ball chukka and next minute the dogs flying everywhere after the ball, and my two are going ballistic. I stopped and stood where I was and he looked at me and carried on, so bloody rude Lona wanted to go and chase the ball, but it would have ended in a war with her deciding the ball was hers, and not worth the hassle of it all really. So glad I kept them onlead, but I thought its Friday, muppet day, and it certainly was - again.
Started spitting slightly on the way home, decided taking the others onto the Country Park would be easier on my sanity. Put a wax hat in my pocket, and as we set off, the heavens opened, put hat on and my fleece and bodywarmer got wet basically. Hardly anyone out, thank goodness, Zen did go running over to some dogs coming towards us and I called her, she lay down eyeing them up, I called her again and she came running back, lots of praise for her, because she was so tempted. Got home sopping wet. Had a hot shower and sat had some lunch, phone started, by the time I'd finished with the phone it started again. Eventually I got out to do the shopping. Came back, phone started, been like that all day. Girls like Mudlarks, fresh bedding down and hoping tomorrow I find clean dry girls.
I have new piccies of the babies, and a vid. They are noisy little babies. I asked her why they were chuntering non stop, and she said she moved them, obviously not appreciated was it!! Will see if photobucket is co-operating today and if so will put them up later.
Mandy, fingers crossed for Tony.
Lynn, fingers crossed for Mark. Can you ask Gorden to bring a takeaway back home with him.
Barry, sorry about the sausage roll, maybe have 2 next time to make up for the loss.
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