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30-10-2016, 07:23 AM

Daily Thread, Sunday 30th October

Good morning all and a Very Happy Birthday to Griff, may you have a wonderful day.

Amber hasn't heard about the extra hour she is sitting here waiting to go out. She's had her breakfast so I suppose I shall have to shift.

Brenda, hope your ears are better today. TW hope the girls were good last night. Expect it will be fireworks next to worry about.

Very misty out there but maybe it will burn off and be a nice day.

Have a good day all, take care, stay warm and dry and above all safe and well. God bless.
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Sue L
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30-10-2016, 07:39 AM
Good morning Moyra and all who follow

Sorry your mum has been ill Eileen. I know its stupid the hoops you have to go through even though they have been told by someone in authority that she needs this equipment.

Poor Graham's mum do hope she is feeling better soon but no doubt Horatio will do his best to make sure she is loved

Brighter here today. Didn't go out yesterday as it was raining before it was time to leave so will go today. My son and I had a long walk along the sea front instead yesterday afternoon and put the worlds to right whilst walking. Nice to have the extra hour but have been clock watching but refusing to move

Have a good day and stay safe.
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brenda1 is offline  
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30-10-2016, 08:03 AM
Morning Moyra and Sue, Ears the same as normal. It is the sound inside the head that is worse. We call it ears but it is apparently the hairs right inside the ears that have worn away and this makes noises. Some worse than others and different at different times. Will never completely understand it. Anyway I have put the link for the blogg and I also forgot to say in it that Sara showed them how to do some moves for dancing to music. The pup chosen is very bright and learnt very quickly. Enjoy your day peeps and those that follow. bfn.
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30-10-2016, 08:45 AM
Well done Brenda, you have a lovely site and following. God bless.
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tumbleweed is offline  
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30-10-2016, 08:51 AM
Guess who loves a train ride?


Might just Might be having a pub meal midday
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30-10-2016, 09:14 AM
Morning all
Lol..poor you Moyra with Amber not having hear about the extra hour, kota will get up as soon as i move but deags...she is great, would lie in bed all day
Tumbleweed, hope you get out for your dinner
Sue, sounds nice..a walk along the seafront
Brenda, i wish there was something i could do or suggest to help with the noise
Norma thank you so much for the card, it is lovely and was very kind of you to remember me!!! had me thinking before i opened it who would have sent me a card from scotland!!!
Mum got me a book on bloody history of coventry, it is all about murders and historical events..brilliant!! i love stuff like that
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30-10-2016, 12:35 PM
Just got a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a lovely card from Steve...very surprised and actually quite touched as he is very embarrassed by his writing. Got money, an awesome book, new underwear chocolates and maybe beer tonight. My brother is taking me for a meal when he comes up
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tawneywolf is offline  
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30-10-2016, 12:51 PM
Well done Steve thats a turn up for the books isn't it
Dry here, pretty overcast, although not looking like rain. Feels warm as well. Got myself ready for training, as we have to be there for 1.30 today. Zen is totally loopy, have just checked her to make sure she isn't in season, and she was just whirling round and mouthing me when I caught hold of her. Eventually her mum took charge and stood next to her growling whilst I did the biz with the paper towel. She stopped dead in her tracks the minute Mabs exercised her maternal rights Doubt we'll pass, but hey you never know, but she is so hyped up it'll be a bluddy miracle.
Having a butty and a brew, will take Zen onto the park with a ball to get some bounce out before we go.
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brenda1 is offline  
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30-10-2016, 01:18 PM
In my experience best to do some gentle training not rigorous exercise. But you know yourdog June. Good Luck and hoping for a result. Griff enjoy whatever you get to do.Barry love going on the train with Tyto. BFN PEEPS.
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gordon mac
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30-10-2016, 01:26 PM
Hurrah! Have got the old computermybob working again - all by my own self.
The trouble has been that I couldn't get it to log on or use the backspace button - consequently couldn't post on Dogsey.
Anyhoo! That hopefully, is behind me now!!!!
Good to see that the world of dogsey has continued to rumble on in my absence. Doubtless no one noticed I was missing! LOL !
Now to the Birthday Girl - sounds as if your day has got off to a great start with pressies, dosh, cards and all the ceteras. Have a lovely time Griff you truly deserve it. Do try not to get too pitsicato this evening - but I would imagine a few glasses of the old "milk of amnesia" wouldn't do you too much harm! lol ! Thirty seven years of age and never been kissed, kicked or run-over (as we say in these parts) long may you continue to enjoy life and please do take the very best of wishes from myself and The Mem with you.
Hope the noises lessen for you Brenda - fortunately I've only ever had a single bout of that disturbing condition and that was short lived. I always read your blog and love the things you do for dogs and owners down there in Sussex. Was surprised about the moves to music - only a personal thing but I hate it - reminiscent of circuses to me. There you are - we can't agree on everything. I'll file that one away with the homeopathy! lol !
Hope training goes OK for you today June - perhaps you should send a few tips on dog control to Horatio's Mum - give her something to read whilst she's laid up! How is that abscess on your friends horse - perhaps if it is prone to them, having it hunter clipped next winter might help. It would at least give her a better view of what would be hidden spots under a heavy coat.
Apologies to folk I've missed but I've been absent for a couple of days and so it would seem nigh on impossible to cover all the posts done during that time - that is without sitting here typing all afternoon.
Have a good day all and take care of yourselves, bye fer now.
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