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23-05-2016, 12:26 PM
Afternoon all
Hugs Lynn sorry your feeling low
Naughty puppy's Griff
Trip to town was short n sweet 2shops garden centre and agricultural shop compost ,some more mixed bedding plants hubby treated himself to a new waxed jacket and a few work related bits stocked up on dog food so the muppets won't starve for the next month
Saw a smashing pair of boots dropped great big dirty hints sadly the selective hearing was in place and as hubby's an aberdonion by birth renouned for having short arms and long pockets lol
Muppets enjoying the sunshine with the exception of the bumblesnout who's helping furr up the potatoes
Off for a read though
Take care all enjoy your day
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23-05-2016, 12:32 PM
Norma, can you find the same online? does he use the computer? keep accidentally leaving the page open Lol th hint might actually get through after seeing the same thing for 2 weeks Lol
I am now a happy griff, i wear trainers with my shorts, i hate being able to see socks above my trainers, i have been buying the trainer socks from sports shops, primark etc but you can always see them, i spotted some "invisible"ones on ebay and splurged....they arrived today and i can't see them over my trainers!!!! only problem now i bet my trainers will rub Lol..can't win
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23-05-2016, 12:33 PM
Nice dry day here, sun is out, although not hot it is warm.
Zen must have sent the Norty Bug over to your's Griff,(sorry about that ) as she hasn't put a paw out of place today, a couple of times when she could have really shown me up passed without undue incident, came back immediately when called and couldn't fault her. Minor fracas over the ball with Keshi, but it was really Kesh at fault, Zen had the ball, was lying on it to stop Kesh getting it actually, but Kesh decided she WAS having the ball and there was a sort of screaming match going on between them, like banshees they were
Brenda I need about 5 or 6 books for a weeks holiday, I am an avid reader and when I used to go abroad I started stocking up months before, and even then I used to end up raiding the hotel library, then leaving mine behind me for other guests. At home it'll take me a few days to get through a book because of all the other stuff I have to get done first. Just finished a Wilbur Smith book from his Egyptian series, Desert God, one of the best I've read I think, he's an excellent author, on a par with Bernard Cornwell, Simon Scarrow and Ben Kane in my opinion.
Had a quick tootle around the garden, have finished the fences and after I've had my butty and brew I'll watch Doctors, not sure whats on after that (must look) because The Code has ended, but have to go for LPG and Sainsburys for my pain killers. May well do some planting out later on, waiting to see what the weather does.
Norma, you ARE invited to Zens party, in fact your whole family is as she is coming to you for the celebrations LG recommended timber for her birthday and it occurred to me there must be loads of it your end of the world, so could chew herself into oblivion without causing any more damage to the housing arrangements for the girls
Lynn, lots of hugs from us all here, its not nice for you at the moment and hoping it gets better soon
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23-05-2016, 01:26 PM
Tell you what TW, I will send mine to Norma, they can fetch Zen on the way lol
Are sainsburys arses about how many tabs you can buy in one go?? In all honesty, if someone is going to off themselves I don't think trekking round a few shops will put them off!!!
Ones of my mates is having a bit of bother at the moment, he befriended a woman as he felt sorry for her, she is forever threatening suicide...anyhow, he is married, has always been honest with his Mrs who was fine with stuff....this woman has started going round lying about him, gone into his work and put in a complaint about him 3times, demanding to know where he is working etc.... He went to the police about her stalking him and they laughed...he is having a nightmare time, I have said he need not worry when I am about...he can't tell her to do one but I can, he is a lucky chap that his wife knows the whole story and it is all innocent...anyone else would most likely be heading for divorce, I feel so bad for him...he is genuinely just a friendly fella and it has landed him in a whole heap of bother
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tawneywolf is offline  
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23-05-2016, 01:35 PM
Oooh I think that woman needs help very quickly as she is going to pick on the wrong person for tea and sympathy very soon, give her a good shove, Griff, she needs telling, probably more than once by the sounds of it.
Good idea, Norma can bring them all up, they can quite happily run amok in the forests whilstwe put our feet up and admire piccies and sympathise with her woes when she gets fed up of them (but not enough for us to take the little devils back)
For What Its Worth has taken the place of The Code, off to Sainsburys then for LPG then. Yes you can only buy 2 packets and they come and check your age, I offered my bus pass, but she laughed, so another 2 packets today. If I could find anymore of the beggers I'd buy 2 packets every day from different shops to make sure I didn't end up like this again. Good job I had a stash anyway, but it obviously needed to be bigger
Norma, I think hints are wasted,propelling him into the shop,or even robbing him of his card, or turning out his pockets when asleep may be a better idea
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gordon mac
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23-05-2016, 02:39 PM
Good day folks.
Oh Norma - your poor OH - we menfolk are a delicate sort and much enamoured of our wallets. Perhaps if you took better care of the boots you had you wouldn't be needing a new pair. They don't grow on trees you know! lol !
Go on Griff -get her told - someone needs to and by the sound of it very soon before the matter gets too out of hand.
Big well done on the author's front June - I'm a big fan of Wilbur Smith - the Mem buys me every one of his books as they are published, Ive read them all at least 3 times each. Trouble is he's not likely to last much longer as I think he's well into his eighties already. I shall have to change Authors when he is called to that big Waterstones in the sky.
I need to arrange a haircut for Danger Curls as she is looking like a giant ball of delinquent knitting wool with teeth. Hard to tell which end is which - I have hung back slightly with her summer cut this year as the weather has been so changeable but now it is obviously warm enough - so off with the curls!
My best wishes to everyone - especially any that feel a bit down.
Will be back later, bye fer now.
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23-05-2016, 03:19 PM
Moira sorry you have rain, Brenda leave the dusting until you get back from holiday no point doing it now it will only build up again when you're gone Griff hope your tummy is better soon and your trainers don't rub with the new socks. Sue hope you have a quiet day. Norma sorry your husband is so tight fisted and you didn't get your boots hahaha Lynn hope it;s good news with your car and Gorden finds a good job nearby so he can be home every night. TW you cope with your norty dogs amazingly well. LG giving me a laugh as usual.

Met the women with the 2 German Shepherds, her first one came running up to Sammy as they are good friends. Was talking to her a few minutes and she was yet again telling me how defiant her dog is in not coming back. I said maybe if she used treats or a toy he would come back. Anyway her dog was jumping up to get his ball and she's shouting no and shoving her finger in his face so I said oh don't shout at him. Got told they need firm handling and I said that wasn't firm so she started shouting at me telling me to butt out and it was none of my business and I should look to train my dog that was after her telling me the other day that I've worked miracles with Sammy. I think I told her to shut it and she warned me not to start with her so I just shook my head and said nutter lol I could hear her all the way along the road and down the road ranting and raving at her son about me haha Then Sammy took off to run to her dog, it took me 3 whistle blows and 3 shouts before he came back. phew wasn't wanting him anywhere near her.

So that's another one to avoid at the park as the border terrier had another go at Sammy this morning a bit more vicious than the last time and although Sammy squealed he doesn't appear to be hurt but I think it's better they don't meet as any small thing seems to set the dog off.

Then we went down into the woody part of the park and along the gutter there was bright green water, managed to stop Sammy going near it and could see it running down the hill. Someone said later they thought it might be anti freeze so we were looking for someone to report it to but couldn't find anyone. Someones taken a photo to send in.

So has been an eventful day for the two of us.
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23-05-2016, 03:35 PM
TW Griff get the suitcases packed ,send the girlies think they'd love it don't forget the swimsuits as the lochs only 5mins away don't think Zen would be returning in a hurry with a whole plantation to chomp her way through
Griff think this woman needs a good talking to
Gordon hubby knows how well his breads buttered in this house boots would probably be the cheapest option a naked danger curls you bad man
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tawneywolf is offline  
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23-05-2016, 03:53 PM
Loving the description of a delinquent knitting wool ball with teeth, as Zen has still not properly given over with the mouthing and I STILL have not managed to get rid of all the matts in her coat (I think its puppy coat) and am seriously considering the clipper option, it would also be an apt description of her as well Have you read Desert God, I expect The Mem gets you hardback copies so I expect you read it ages ago, I had bought it, then stuff happened and had forgotten it till I found it under a pile of books that was on one side to be read. I tend to buy books when I see them, even if I've got a few on standby as they seem to disappear if I put the opportunity off. The 2 I have for reading now aren't as well done as Wilbur Smith, Bernard Cornwell and Simon Scarrow, they do so much research before actually writing them it is all historically accurate, but they spin a fine tale around the pertinent facts. I am still awaiting the next Game Of Thrones series book, have kept the last 2 to one side as I will have forgotten whats gone on by the time he does publish it, then I will have to wait for the paperback. Like Wilbur Smith I am hoping George R Martin finishes his story before heading for Waterstones In The Sky
Have planted plants this afternoon and sowed some Night Scented Stock and Sweet Peas along the border of the path, so should smell lovely once they're up and flowering.
Sainsbury's duly visited and 2 more packets of tablets purchased and filled up on LPG for £7.97
You've caused a bit of a ruckus here, Norma because they ALL want to go and swim in the Loch, and of course there aren't enough cossies to go round, so much tantruming and stamping of wolfie (webbed) feet because it is Zen's birthday treat, Mabs says she ought to go as she is her mummy after all and needs to keep an on her, Lona says well SHE is Mabs mummy AND Zen's Nana and if you ask her she is the one that keeps an eye on everyone, and of course Cariad and Kesh can't be left out either, perish the thought
1cd, OMG that woman needs certifying, why can't people pass a test before owning a dog, a question thats been asked many times before though
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gordon mac
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23-05-2016, 08:17 PM
Evening all, Tis I your favourite moorland mysogonist.
1 cd - I'd give that daft bag a wide berth if I were you sounds as daft as a bucket of frog muck to me!
June is Scarrow the one who writes about Walsingham as the Mem is keen on his stuff (if it's the same one) I believe she has just finished one of his.
Cornwell, I like myself, even liked the Sharpe TV Series but I think perhaps for not all the reasons you so admire it!!!!!!
I'll send you the shorn curls, Norma, there should be enough for you to knit a small woolly hat from them. If I can get the Mem to do it I'll post some before and after pics of the little blighter - you just wouldn't believe it's the same dog. Would post them myself but I'm famously rubbish at computermybob things!
Have got a hospital appointment for Diabetic Retinopathy Scan tomorrow morning previously I have passed with flying colours just hope it will be the same this year. Not looking forward to an early doors visit to the glorious metropolitan borough of Oldham, particularly as the parking is absolutely rubbish. They have recently instituted yet another one way system in the town and one can only presume that the town planners couldn't find their own backsides using both hands. Although it's hard to get into the town now - it's nigh on impossible to get out of the blerdy place - without a convoluted trip round the ethnic quarter and a particularly attractive "urban wasteland tour". I kid you not - it's like a cheap return ticket to downtown Mumbai.
Enough of my moaning - will be back later, bye fer now.
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