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01-12-2015, 06:54 AM

Daily Dogsey Thread (Tuesday)

Morning everyone. Another interesting topic on D.A.D. last night.

I had an almighty crash on my pc and no matter what I did I could not get her to open up again so in the end had to return her to her factory settings and without any means of separate back up had to forfiet all my files. So I am gradually having to put them back. My first job was to get this site back on. The hardest bit was my e-mail programme I have something like 7000 e-mails to delete now.

Hope everyone is ok, have a good day everyone stay warm and dry and above all stay safe and well. God bless.
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01-12-2015, 08:46 AM
Morning Moyra and all who follow.
Glad you got the pc back Moyra.

Wet again and dark and horrible Pinch and a punch for the first of the month and white rabbits white rabbits.
Gorden text me earlier as always to say good morning and told me there was a present for me in his bed side cupboard. It is an advent calendar but an L'Ocitane one. Today it was a face cream.
Have food shopping to do today. Plus waiting to see if Gill gets her scan results and if she does how things are doing.

Hope your feeling better today griff
Hope everyone is well and doglets too.
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01-12-2015, 09:44 AM
Morning Dogsey
Oh Moyra these bloomin computers they drive me mad. Anyway I'm glad you are back with us
Lynn, what a lovely surprise from Gorden. He is very thoughtful I hope Gills results are good today, thinking of you both.
Brian is giving youngest Gdaughter a lify to a hospital appt this afternoon. I sometimes feel we should all just move in! The upside is I will have the afternoon to myself
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tawneywolf is offline  
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01-12-2015, 10:13 AM
Must be the day for techy failures, phones just decided its not working, it shows up on my laptop but is dead otherwise, so off to a phone shop, as of course got all my numbers in there and worse still that freezer's being delivered on Thursday and they are sending a text message about the time slot, oh and of course Allun's number
Lovely thought from Gordon there, Lynn. Lots of Brownie points for him.
LOL Nippy, you should have a Family Room booked on permanent standby
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01-12-2015, 10:16 AM
Moyra, what a pain about the computer
Lynn, fingers crossed for Gill and her result today
Nippy, don't you go getting yourself into mischief having the afternoon to yourself
Got to go to the DR's this morning to see the nure....hopefully short can listen to my chest whilst I am there as I have an infection....if not I have to try and see my Dr which won't be easy with Hitler on the reception desk
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gordon mac
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01-12-2015, 01:20 PM
Afternoon all - seems like black tuesday for technology - phones and computermybobs dying on folk - willy-nilly so to speak.
Lynn - what has that Gorden been up to that he needs to heap up the brownie points in such a spectacular fashion? Perhaps it's a determined effort to get on Santa's "Nice List". lol !
Hope Brians hospital trip goes smoothly and that you behave yourself in his absence Nippy.
Griff - Good luck with the Waffen SS Stormtrooper at the Doc's - hopefully you'll have been seen by now and be safely back home, leaving that particular member of the NHS (Thats Nazi Health System) with a few facial lacerations.
The Mem has gone out to a friends over in Buxton - they are having an indoor picnic(Yes! That's what I thought) new to me but who am I to gainsay the peculiar habits of seven female members of the species. They meet up for various things about 3 times a year and this is their Christmas "do".
I've finished my outside chores - it has stayed pretty dry here a bit windy and odd bits of drizzle but not too bad at all. At least the dogs came home dry for once.
Back later, bye fer now.
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tawneywolf is offline  
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01-12-2015, 01:53 PM
Griff, hope you got to see your doctor and they've sorted you out and you're feeling a bit better.
Was the phone screen that had gone, £60, it cost nearly that when I bought it, however I do like the phone, son has said he'll pay that for my Christmas pressie, I would rather that than what he was going to do which was buy the new bedroom furniture needed for 'that' room and would have worked out twice that,possibly more. Bloke reckons it will be done by tomorrow, IF it IS the screen, otherwise, well daren't even go down that road Bloke has rigged up my old phone for me so I can use that, it gets texts and makes and receives calls, not got the technology of my current phone, but better that than nothing eh
Went off on the bone run early and back now, got quite a few bin bags this time. Of course it is dry today and girls could have gone out, by the time I get bones bagged and put away it will be going dark, and not touched the house yet either.
I roll of flooring has been delivered already, excellent service or what, only ordered it yesterday, pulled up in the car and a white van pulled up alongside me, 5 minutes later and we would have missed each other
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01-12-2015, 02:17 PM
Afternoon everyone well 1st December and madness takes over driving and shoppers.
Gill text me while I was in Iceland her marker has gone up but it seems the tumour is looking to be half the size it was. She has to wait for the scan results to come back for them to confirm that. Fingers crossed.
Hope everything went well for you griff.
The flooring arrived quick June.
LG I hope the mem has a nice indoor picnic. Glad the dogs came home dry for a change. Turned out to be a pleasant day weather wise.
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01-12-2015, 02:44 PM
Good and bad news then Lynn, hopefully the raised marker is just a blip
TW, hope your phone will be meded quickly, I am on the Nokia lumias at the moment...dirt cheap and very good
Lol LG...never heard of an indoor picnic either but it does sound fun
Saw the nurse, she sorted out all my repeats...couldn't listen to my chest as nurses don't do that, was well impressed when I told her my consultant was on leave but he would still help me lol, I have to call the Dr tomorrow if I still feel bad but it won't be my gp I see, she says the locum is lovely. As for the reception Hitler.......nice as bloody pie!!!! Bet it was because I left a letter for my gp...mind she probably opened it anyway. Been waiting for an Amazon order, was out for delivery yesterday... Didn't come, showing as out for delivery today....won't hold my breath
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tawneywolf is offline  
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01-12-2015, 03:26 PM
No Don't Hold Your Breath, Griff, that'll finish you off nicely
Had a good clear out and everyone nice and dry and clean, makes a change no rain, hoping its the same tomorrow. They're all having a bone now, Lona has obviously buried hers in the shavings as she's on patrol looking to see who she can steal off, Zen is an obvious target, poor trusting soul, she hasn't learned yet, she left her bone unaccompanied, so I imagine it is no longer her bone
Hoping the tumour decides to go elsewhere very soon, Lynn, good news it is getting smaller isn't it, but why are her markers up I wonder, at least it positive on the tumour for her.
Managed to get all bones in the freezers, I've got lots of pet mince left, one full shelf and one nearly full shelf, so won't need a delivery this week,did struggle finding places to put it when it came 2 weeks ago, but it was worth while long term.
The Mem will have a lovely indoor picnic and enjoy the gossip exchange, LG. I mean you can hardly picnic in the pouring rain, snow picnic would be nice and manageable I would imagine.
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