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17-09-2015, 06:22 AM

Good Morning Daily Dogsey Thread (Thursday)

Good morning all,

Griff hope your scan goes ok today. June what scarey goings on around your place. He must have a screw loose. Perhaps he was nine sheets to the wind and didn't know what he was doing?

I hope everyone else is ok this morning. Going to get my ears on and then must take Amber for her walk - it looks a better morning out there. Have a good day all, God bless.
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17-09-2015, 06:27 AM
Morning Moyra no idea what it is like outside yet. Weather forecast says it will be nice so fingers crossed.
I am off out with Beth to Van Hage in Peterborough today.

Enjoy your walk with Amber Moyra.
griff hope the scan goes well.
Hope there have been no more nasty antics June.

Hope everyone is well.
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17-09-2015, 06:33 AM
Gosh you two are up early, morning to you both and every other Dogseyite!
Optician this morning so we are up early so that Peps could have her walk first. Someone remind me next time not to make such an early appointment
A bright and clear morning here. Hope you all have a good day x
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Sue L
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17-09-2015, 08:16 AM
Good morning

Enjoy your walk with Amber Moyra

Good luck with the scan Griff. Fingers crossed it is all good

I would rather have an early appointment Nippy then the day is yours.

Enjoy your day out with Beth Lynn.

it is turning into a nice day now, sun out and it is quite warm. Trying to persuade OH to go for a walk but unless it involves his camera he doesn't see interested. I am trying the ice cream or coffee bribe Eldest son is off to Prague giving a talk at a conference today I wonder how he gets on at the borders as he is going by train. I feel there may be a blog post from him

Have a good day and stay safe.
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tawneywolf is offline  
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17-09-2015, 08:48 AM
Boo Hoo you've stolen our weather Dull and overcast here and feeling cool, left the girlies doors shut for the time being. They were fine this morning. Sat up and read last night, not a peep out of them, so no one about. Have to admit I did keep waking up last night, but if they had been up and about, barking because they were disturbed, I would have heard them. They are all tucked up in bed, warm and comfy and not inclined to come out unless food or walks are involved.
Yes LG whoever it is does need a slap, it can be arranged,hoping it was a one off. Recycling bin day on Friday, and will be watching with interest to see if the offending bin has been put out, he will have had to have had a nice walk looking for it
Hoping the opticians goes well for you Nippy are you going to look for a pub car park after, or maybe go for coffee and cake somewhere.
Griff, thinking of you with the scan and fingers crossed all is well and it is just the Krugerands pressing on you
You're out as well, Lynn, I may be the only one left as Sue is trying to take Barry somewhere, just let him take his camera if he must, maybe its like a comfort blanket.
Hoping your son gets to where he's going safely, it does seem to be getting a bit violent over there now doesn't it.
Am going to get girls out for a walk later, its a Thursday so thinking not a lot of people will be about, will take Cariad and Keshi onto the football field, and then maybe Lona and Mabs onto the tow path, both of them short walks but gives me a chance to see how I go.
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17-09-2015, 09:28 AM
Good morning all
need to head off to the hospital and get there an hour before my appointment as i have to drink a pint of water (ewwww) and then not wee...don't fancy having an accident on the bus or in a taxi so will get there early and wait my turn, no doubt they won't find anything and we will be back to looking at causes.... i think it is the gpa but who knows
weather here isn't so bad the it will rain when i go out Lol. Need to try and get to the graveyard as well, it is my nans anniversary next week and although nobody ever turns up except me i like it to look tidy
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17-09-2015, 09:41 AM
Hopefully you are back form your early bird appointment Nippy Jen.
Sue hope you can persuade Barry to go for walk. Hope your son gets to Prague without too many hitches. Not sure I would be wanting to do the journey at the moment.
Glad there have been no more incidents June. Enjoy your walks with the girls.

Walked Dillon its lovely out there today only had a tee shirt and jumper with some trousers and sandals of course.
Looking forward to a mooch round the garden centre now will be off in a bit.
Dillon is all forlorn as I haven't let him out the back door and he knows I'm in my going out clothes.
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17-09-2015, 10:09 AM
Morning all, hope everything goes to plan for everyone that are doing things. I have had a very interesting conversation with a car inurance company advertising on tv at the moment. It shows a dog travelling in the front passenger seat. I was told by the police that most car insurance firms wouldn't accept a claim if they found out that dogs were in the front seat and I have been told by this advertiser that they wouldn't penalise anyone for this. Amazing. Just taken Tyto for his second walk of the day and unfortunately didn't play on the green as they have mowed the grass again and in the wet. So, more playing indoors. June pleased to hear you haven't had anymore problems from the 'bin' person. bfn.
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17-09-2015, 10:59 AM
Steve has taken his van for work under his MOT requirements and had planned to go fishing from there but unfortunately one of the parts have not turned up so when it does and if he hasn't had any time to fish he will be in a foul mood. He has darts tonight so at least I shall be free of him for the evening after 7 pm. It may be psychological but I have suffering pricking in my feet like walking on fractured glass. It has obviously something to do with my diabetes but makes you wonder if it is not reflected in my nervous reactions at the moment. It seems to have gone off now so fingers crossed it will not come back. My friend who also suffers from diabetes gets it in her hands sometimes so seems a common phenomina. Anyone else with this experience?
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17-09-2015, 12:04 PM
Hmmmmmm. perhaps that was the wrong thread to post on.

Hope everyone is ok, the sun is out here and it is lovely, have a good afternoon all. God bless.
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