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'Dog mess' report cards launched in Essex

A council has asked people to fill in cards reporting dog owners who fail to clear up their pets' excrement.

Tendring District Council in Essex has urged residents to note down evidence as part of a crackdown on the "irresponsible" few.

Cards asking for details of the dog and its handler, number plates and times and places are being issued in roads where a problem has been reported.

The council said proper evidence would mean it can take action against owners.

Nick Turner, council cabinet member for environment and coast protection, said: "We need people's assistance to target the offenders.

"Those that fail to pick up after their dog can be issued with a fixed penalty notice of Ł50 and they can be taken to court if necessary.

'Great idea'
"Wrapped dog mess can be put into any council litter bin and there is absolutely no excuse for it."

He added that all information received would be treated as confidential.
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Dogsey Senior
Joined: Jan 2013
Posts: 939
12-02-2015, 01:02 AM
IMO 'Stick and flick', is perfectly acceptable in woodland areas. I hate to see it left on footpaths though. What I really don't understand is the 'bag it and hang it on a tree', mentality. Even worse, there are currently three large deposits surrounding the red bin at the entrance / exit to our favourite country park walk.
Today we took a carrier bag and collected 14 glass beer bottles, and six cans on our 45 minute walk. These will never rot down, and when the summer comes, will get thrown around and broken by youths. Which does the most permanent damage to the environment?
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Fondly Remembered
Joined: Dec 2006
Posts: 10,529
12-02-2015, 09:24 AM
CaroleC - we're talking humans here, the most duplitious (Sp?) double standards, arrogant of creatures. Of course beer cans and glass bottles are worse than dog poo, and while on the subject rabbit poo and horse manure, I've added this Nick Turner muppet to my list of people I never want to meet face to face. BTW I 'pick up' on footpaths especially those designed for wheelchairs, but if my dog deviates into some undergrowth and does her business there I won't go and risk getting my eye poked out to get it, assuming I could even see it.
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Dogsey Veteran
Joined: Sep 2010
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12-02-2015, 10:16 AM
I hate seeing dog mess lying about. I always worry it'll make my dogs sick. Lots of diseases are passed through feces. Now if the dog has an unexpected case of diarrhea, it can be hard to clean, but I still try very hard to get most of it up, and I dig out a bit of dirt with my fire poker to cover the rest. As for normal turds, they are easily lifted into a bag and discarded. No excuses.

As for littering, gosh that is a whole other story. Imo, smokers litter far more than everyone else. Smelling up entire areas and polluting the air with their disgusting carcinogens. But again, that is another story entirely.
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Dogsey Veteran
Joined: Feb 2005
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12-02-2015, 04:18 PM
we have a facility to report it on face**book in our city or ring the council and report it, the only problem is that if the person denies it you have to go to court and stand by your statement which puts a lot of people off
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Dogsey Veteran
Joined: Jan 2013
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12-02-2015, 05:14 PM
I hate my dog scrounging around for cat poo and fox poo who cleans up after them? Beer cans and carrier bags etc are also a problem. We cannot go collecting it all up, it is up to the individuals responsible.
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Dogsey Senior
Joined: Mar 2011
Posts: 693
12-02-2015, 06:03 PM
'Stick and flick' is fine when you can get it right out of the way. Leaving it is fine if your dog goes in a nettle patch, or on a muddy slope neither you nor anyone else can get to. Leaving it on the walkway is unpardonable. It's downright disgusting and antisocial. I don't want to walk in a place that's littered with poop! I don't want my dogs stepping in it either! I don't have kids, but I imagine people who do have kids would really like to use some of the lovely pathways we have around here, only they're littered with poop. And for cyclists... have you ever tried to clean poop out from under your mudguards? It only takes one or two people who regularly use an area and don't clean up to ruin it for absolutely everybody else, and it only takes seconds to clean it up. Sure, if there's not a bin close by, tuck your bags behind a bush so you can get them on the way back, but put them in the bin where they go. I'm all in favour of fines for offenders.
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