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Canadian Dog Walker fakes dog theft

How horrific. Dog walker left 6 dogs to die in their vehicle and then claimed they had been stolen.

RIP to these
Mia – A black and white pit bull.
Teemo – A grey Bouvier-Poodle cross.
Buddy – A black and white Boston terrier.
Oscar – A black and brown Rottweiler-Husky cross.
Salty – A Border Collie.
Molly – A grey and black Blue Heeler-shepherd cross.

People who've gone to the trouble and expense of paying for someone else to walk their dog because they cannot and are concerned enough about their dog getting sufficient exercise. I can't imagine how they are feeling right now.

Your comments and views:
Almost a Veteran
Joined: Mar 2013
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20-05-2014, 07:59 AM
Oh my gosh that's awful!!! I hope the dogwalker is presented with the same fate.
How could she have been so stupid and careless, leaving them in the car to die? And then make up this story?

I had a bad experience with a dogwalked last year, luckily not to this point. But I keep hearing stuff about that company that just aren't right. I had a funny feeling from the start but told myself not to be silly, but it was proven right in the end. Should always trust your guts! And when it comes to people looking after your loved ones (whether that's pets or kids or whatever) you should always look into it properly and get some independent references..

Awful story
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Dogsey Veteran
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20-05-2014, 08:33 AM
Sad story. Cannot say I wish her to burn to death in a hot car though. Think that is a bit harsh, even for someone as horrible as her. I do hope the law punishes her, though. there really was no reason to do that. Why become a dog walker if you don't care about the dogs? Senseless, this didn't have to happen.
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Almost a Veteran
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20-05-2014, 09:35 AM
I keep the right to wish death to certain people. This is obviously extreme but some people's callous actions deserve nothing less. In some countries you're sentenced to death for adultery, in some for smuggling drugs. Punishment for animal cruelty is lacking severity in my opinion. I don't think 18 weeks is enough for leaving a dog to die a horrid death locked in a kitchen, or 6 weeks for kicking a dog so bad it had to be put to sleep.
But hey, luckily I don't make the laws, right?
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Dogsey Veteran
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20-05-2014, 09:43 AM
That is so sad.
What a dreadful thing for that dog walker to do.
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Dogsey Veteran
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20-05-2014, 09:57 AM
I agree Florence that sentences for animal cruelty are often too light.

Here in America, you have to be mega famous (Michael Vick), get on national TV for brutally murdering and fighting DOZENS of dogs before anybody cares, and THEN you only get 23 months (only served about 18 ) and that's for BANKROLLING the operation. Nobody even CARED about the dogs.

If you're just the run of the mill dog fighter, they'll just snatch your dogs, put them all down and fine you with some nothing jail time like a month. NOT fair at all.

That being said, I don't think most cases of animal cruelty warrants death or really most crime. Life is more important than that to me, and people need to be given a chance at remorse oftentimes IMO.

Yes she essentially killed 6 dogs, but to me... even if she killed 6 people, I'd not wish a horrific death upon her. Or really any death.

I guess I just can't wish death upon someone, I'd feel bad if it actually happened to them. Half these people who do insane things like this are mental patients etc. anyway and need help, not jail, cruelty, or death. But that is my own opinion.
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Dogsey Veteran
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20-05-2014, 10:56 AM
I'm with Florence on this. Can't put into print what I wish on the dregs of life that used my little cat as target practice.

This woman was using other people's pets and their concern for their pets as a way to make money and nothing else in my view.

I wouldn't want her to die. Just stay cooped in the oven of a vehicle long enough that she survived to be able to understand what she inflicted on those helpless trapped dogs and what it felt like.

The images that must be burned into those dog owner's brains forever now don't bear thinking about. Having to imagine your beloved dog baked to death in an oven with 5 other dogs and what the moments leading to their deaths must have been like in there.

Apparently one of the victim dogs belonged to another dogwalker. I imagine the perpetrator's life won't be that easy from hereon in. Just like that so called 'trainee solicitor' who purposely and slowly starved a dog to death even refusing offers of help to take the dog on.
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Dogsey Veteran
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20-05-2014, 10:58 AM
I'm not sure I'd be responsible for my actions if someone did that to any of mine.
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Almost a Veteran
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20-05-2014, 01:50 PM
Heavens to flipping Betsy!

I cannot and don't even want to think about their demise.

Just bleddy awful.
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Dogsey Veteran
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20-05-2014, 02:32 PM
I'm with Tang and Florence, who made US better than dogs, and wish pain and torture on those people that inflict pain and torture on defenceless animals!

I read about this last night and was sickened to my stomach, terrible terrible story, RIP and Run Free sweet pups x
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