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Helena54 is offline  
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27-03-2014, 06:51 AM

Morning Dogsey Daily Thread Thursday

Good morning all Dogsey peeps

Slept like a log again last night and that's always good but Dave is home tonight, he's sleepless and fidgety, which makes Zena fidget in the kitchen to'ing and fro'ing about so we all suffer, but he does live here to, so I s'pose I have to put up with it

Looks like another sunny day darn sarf, so I'll be up along the top in a mo. Will take the camera again tomorrow to get some shots of that new path I found, just so you can see that glorious view I get from there, not to mention how very brave me and Zena are to be walking along that bit.

Hope everyone is ok this morning along with all the doglets, and looking forward to another joyous day whatever it brings you
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27-03-2014, 07:14 AM
Morning Helena you beat me too it.
Enjoy your lovely sunny walk its raining here started late yesterday afternoon on and off. Needless to say my nice dry mud is now wet and yuk.
I have to pop out for some bits and bobs today too.

The disaster in America is awful so I will try to not moan anymore about the rain.

Hope everyone is well and doglets too.
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27-03-2014, 07:31 AM
Morning! Don't think it rained over night but thunderstorm forecast for later
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Lucky Star
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27-03-2014, 07:41 AM

Your regular walks are something I only get to do on holidays Helena. I hope you have a lovely one in this morning sunshine.

I'm sort of supposed to be visiting a friend this morning at around 9.30 but that's so early and I'm too tired. I'll see if I can get myself organised.

Have a lovely day everyone.
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madmare is offline  
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27-03-2014, 07:53 AM
Morning H and all,
Lovely and sunny here this morning. We had a little rain yesterday and overnight, but I hate to say it, we did need it as the ground was so dry and like concrete to dig.

Unfortunately back to work today and my long day at that. It was nice to have yesterday off though, and I got my windows cleaned and gave the skirting boards, radiator and door in the downstairs loo another coat of undercoat. My goodness that dark purple is hard to cover, but it is starting to look lighter now. I havn't started on the dark purple walls yet though.

H, have a nice walk

Linda have a nice time with your friend.

I had better get my act together and finish getting ready for work.
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27-03-2014, 07:59 AM
I have a day off today visiting my friend for a cuppa once I've done the school run ( don't class that as work,)
When I get back, going to take Rosie on a good walk, hopefully it doesn't rain because she really doesn't like getting wet
Then I suppose I better do the ironing

See you all later
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27-03-2014, 08:58 AM
Morning Helena and fellow members,

I'm late on parade today for me anyway but that is a direct result of my son not being here overnight. When the dogs woke me to go in to the garden as 'silly-o'clock' this morning I went back to bed again until nearly 8 ..... bliss Well having done virtually nothing yesterday I have already hoovered the whole of the downstairs and put some washing on. ..... my halo is starting to glimmer slightly

Off to walk the dogs fairly soon as this afternoon looks pretty horrible

Helena enjoy your walk and I really look forward to seeing the photos.
Lynn I hope your walk isn't too muddy and manage to get your 'bits and bobs' .... I love that term and haven't heard it for ages
Emmis This morning definitely looks preferable to this afternoon Enjoy your training if you manage to get out.
LS I hope you manage to get your act together and meet up with your friend. Just remember things take longer to organise when you get older, so you have to make allowances
Bev Enjoy your day and I hope it passes quickly with lots of nice people coming in .... almost the weekend now so at least you had a well earned shorter week.
Mandy Enjoy your day off and catch-up with your friend .... it always cheers me up no end when I meet up with friends. Also I hope you get out while its still dry ..... my last little dog hated the rain too ..... in fact she'd just put the brakes on and refuse to move

See you all later.
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27-03-2014, 09:15 AM

Rather a disturbed night for me unfortunately after having had a few fairly good ones, hedgehogs apart! Another gone 1am bedtime and two hours later Da Booga wanted out. Then it was my time to need out only my out is in the ensuite - tummy playing up yet again. Difficult to get back to sleep as my bedroom seemed so stuffy - I have two of the windows open but cannot open the above my headboard because of the weeds, and this non-stop dripping nose, sneezing, and horrible red swollen eyes is really getting me down now.

I think the hayfever is affecting my brain as well as I am worse than ever in forgetting things, but not a lot I can do is there.

Must remember to put the clocks forward before I go to bed - trouble is there are just so many of them and I am sure to miss a couple!

Have a good day everyone, and

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27-03-2014, 09:24 AM
Morning Lynn, yes, my lawn is half mud, but I'm going to try and get some turf today. A bag of topsoil spread abaht, slap on the turf and voila, I have a new lawn for summer. Enjoy your trip out

Morning Bev, oh no, back to work today then I thought you had the rest of this week off. Oh well, it'll soon be the week-end.

Morning Mandy, enjoy your catchup with your friend and a walk with Rosie, I do hope it doesn't rain on her.

Morning Linda, yes, so lucky aren't I, my life is one big holiday here (sometimes!)

Morning Emma, enjoy your mucking out (not!)

Morning Jenny, *hands over polishing cloth for halo*, glad you had a nice lie in, they are a thing of the past for me. Yes, I will definitely get some pics tomorrow or Saturday, depending on the weather, cos I'd like you to see the beautiful views from down there.

Well, been up on the top, lovely sunshine to start the day again and so many people up there and it was before 7.30 am. BUT, the good news is, we met some lovely dogs. Two black labs came over to say hello, one up the rear and one in front, but Zena was fine with them both and they seemed to like her but were more interested in running off to sniff about, so had a chat with the lady. Then along came another 2 ladies I know with a border and an old gsd x, and all was well, they ignored Zena and she did likewise, and THEN, through the gate we were waiting to go through came the lady with her 6 collies Awww gaaaawd, I thought, Zena and collies aren't a good mix, so I kept her to my side, but strangely enough, although they all milled around together as we all stood chatting, nothing happened - blimey, that was a result I won't have to be wary of her in the future cos I see her most mornings and usually take evasive action cos 6 collies running free is not fair on Zena, should they decide to all come over at once.

Home now, sun is shining, washing is on the line, new bathroom blind has been ordered, and now I'd better check on that list to see what else is on the cards for today.

Hope you've got this glorious weather and enjoy your day everyone

ETA Morning Malka you snuck in there whilst I was typing.
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27-03-2014, 09:28 AM
Morning all
Well we have lost our sun It is so dark I have to have the light on and there is just about everything falling from the sky, rain, hail, sleet, horrible.
Hubby is really poorly. After lifting bags of compost out of the car his back gave way. Yesterday he couldn't walk, he was in so much pain. Today he has an horrendous cold and cough.
Hmmm I don't want that
So thats my Thurs...cheerful innit
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