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24-10-2013, 06:15 PM

A vile woman and a pack of dogs

This morning Jimmi led me on a route which included crossing the recreation ground; this particular part of the town borders on the area of council don't get me wrong, some of the residents are lovely people and I have no problem with council house residents per se, but there are SOME who are obnoxious in the extreme and unfortunately we tangled with one today.

I heard a small commotion behind me, and looked back to see a very rough "woman" (sorry, but I hesitate to include her in the same species as myself) towing a small child and holding five yorkies plus one staffie on leads. As I looked, she unhooked all the dogs which immediately hurtled towards Jimmi screaming their heads off. Now, they may have been all mouth, who knows, but I was not about to find out and duly picked the Jimster up. Six dogs against one is not good odds is it. They yapped around me feet and as the woman approached I said "that was hardly a sensible thing to do was it".


What followed was pure filth..........along the lines of "they are my effing dogs, and I will do what I effing like. Why don't you eff off you effing old bag (the old bag bit hurt!), go on, p*ss off and don't come back. The effing likes of you are not welcome here; effing airs and graces, go on eff off".

This went on for a good two minutes or so as we passed each other, and I contented myself with "how sad that the human race has sunk to this level". Afterwards I thought of loads that I could have said, but that one comment provoked another tirade of absolutely foul language that I cannot even try to hide with stars etc. on here.

This was all at full volume, with lots of small children around who were being walked to school. Her own small child peered at me with white face and dirty eyes.

The dogs were reluctant to leave my feet, but did so eventually.

Numpties are one thing, and at best are irritating - at worst dangerous........but this creature was something else entirely, and I am disgusted by her foul mouthed rant.

What also disgusts me is my wish that she will do the same thing one day to someone with a dog aggressive GSD or similar. I should not desire ill to befall any dog, but somehow that pack of loonies are welded in my mind to the most obnoxious woman that I have ever met.
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24-10-2013, 06:27 PM
There is nowt stranger than folks....

There is a family by me who have two GSD's regardless of any words intend to walk them on the big green - without leads. She has no control her only option is to call them and run in the opposite direction.....her son about 15 on occasion has to be brought out from the house to run and entice them away but he has no control either - they attacked a neighbours Bichon really badly - so much so she flatly refuses to walk that way now.
My other neighbour with a gorgeous GSD Leo has had a bust up with them to no avail. They avoid him now as Roy walks with a walking stick now.

You can't time your walks that way to avoid them as they are random.
They have had a bust up with quite a few people. It calmed down when the one passed away but they have a youngster now who is just as bad.

Today I am told they attacked the elderly rough collie as her owner was brushing her (daily event same time same place - in the nesting season you have birds forming an orderly queue) apparently a lot of barking and bluster from the GSD's but you do not really want any dog running and circling yours do you. Let alone two with a defective owner.
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tawneywolf is offline  
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24-10-2013, 06:29 PM
Just say the word Sally, and Cariad and Lona will be down there, they do NOT take prisoners
If those dogs even looked at mine, never mind barked, there would be more trouble than they ever dreamed of.
I will not include Keshi because I am keeping her away from Trouble, Mabs is with child and Non Combatative, but as Cariad and Lona were attacked on a regular basis by the b..... collie from being 14 weeks old, it is too late to do anything about it apart from management of the situation, Lona is fine on her own, put her with Cariad and a collie or a yappy dog appearing and there is no stopping them, they have an aversion to staffies as well.
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24-10-2013, 06:33 PM
There is no excuse for that kind of behaviour.For a woman( or man) to speak like that,especially in front of children..
"Old bag" I think not.You proved yourself to be a lady Sally and didn't lower yourself Sorry you had your lovely walk ruined
have to say I feel sorry for those dogs tbh Also the child,what kind of example is that to set
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24-10-2013, 06:40 PM
Aww Sally I'm soo sorry you and little Jimmi had such a horrible experience ,
Bleddy foul mouthed woman wants strining up ,obviously has no consideration for others
I was under the impression that council tenants were only allowed 2dogs unless they had written authority from the council (I may be wrong here ) she may be contravening her tenancy
Hope you've both recovered masive hugs to you both xxxx
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Bitkin is offline  
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24-10-2013, 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by Kazz View Post
There is nowt stranger than folks....

There is a family by me who have two GSD's regardless of any words intend to walk them on the big green - without leads. She has no control her only option is to call them and run in the opposite direction.....her son about 15 on occasion has to be brought out from the house to run and entice them away but he has no control either - they attacked a neighbours Bichon really badly - so much so she flatly refuses to walk that way now.
My other neighbour with a gorgeous GSD Leo has had a bust up with them to no avail. They avoid him now as Roy walks with a walking stick now.

You can't time your walks that way to avoid them as they are random.
They have had a bust up with quite a few people. It calmed down when the one passed away but they have a youngster now who is just as bad.

Today I am told they attacked the elderly rough collie as her owner was brushing her (daily event same time same place - in the nesting season you have birds forming an orderly queue) apparently a lot of barking and bluster from the GSD's but you do not really want any dog running and circling yours do you. Let alone two with a defective owner.
That's awful, and that poor old collie It is just heartbreaking how one thoughtless, clueless owner can totally wreck other peoples daily lives with their own dogs.

Originally Posted by tawneywolf View Post
Just say the word Sally, and Cariad and Lona will be down there, they do NOT take prisoners
If those dogs even looked at mine, never mind barked, there would be more trouble than they ever dreamed of.
I will not include Keshi because I am keeping her away from Trouble, Mabs is with child and Non Combatative, but as Cariad and Lona were attacked on a regular basis by the b..... collie from being 14 weeks old, it is too late to do anything about it apart from management of the situation, Lona is fine on her own, put her with Cariad and a collie or a yappy dog appearing and there is no stopping them, they have an aversion to staffies as well.
I do wish that you were close by TW, because I would have no hesitation in going back with you and your girlies at the same time tomorrow. You could plug their ears beforehand so that they were not sullied by the tirade of abuse that would most definitely follow! Poor Cariad and Lona, their attitude now is not their fault but it has caused you no end of problems and worry.

Originally Posted by Lacey10 View Post
There is no excuse for that kind of behaviour.For a woman( or man) to speak like that,especially in front of children..
"Old bag" I think not.You proved yourself to be a lady Sally and didn't lower yourself Sorry you had your lovely walk ruined
have to say I feel sorry for those dogs tbh Also the child,what kind of example is that to set
I have never heard a man swear like that to be honest. This thing was a one off thank goodness - I too feel sorry for the dogs and for the child.

Originally Posted by Norma808 View Post
Aww Sally I'm soo sorry you and little Jimmi had such a horrible experience ,
Bleddy foul mouthed woman wants strining up ,obviously has no consideration for others
I was under the impression that council tenants were only allowed 2dogs unless they had written authority from the council (I may be wrong here ) she may be contravening her tenancy
Hope you've both recovered masive hugs to you both xxxx
Thank you so much Norma. That's interesting about council tenants only being allowed two dogs. Hmmmm. Mind you, can you imagine her neighbours being keen to provoke her by informing the Council I think not They probably spend their days cowering beneath the kitchen table with tin hats on.
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24-10-2013, 07:04 PM
You are better than her Bitkin and you'd rather be YOU than be her. Unfortunately I can't always keep my mouth shut when I run up against unreasonable people. It does NO GOOD at all to give them any advice, friendly warnings or even a piece of your mind because let's face it - if they were REASONABLE they would not let umpteen dogs off at once to hurtle towards you in the first place would they?

As for what she said to you - my response would be 'OI! Not so much of the OLD if you don't mind!'

Then I'd go home and make a little wax effigy of her and stick pins in it.

And yes I believe there are strict rules governing how many dogs can be kept in a council property. But I'm sure idiots like her would have no trouble spiriting the dogs away for a while or waddever. That's what they do here in Cyprus if anyone complains about a dog, say, constantly barking outside all night. The dog vanishes for a month or so til the dust dies down.
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tawneywolf is offline  
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24-10-2013, 07:05 PM
I don't think it necessarily need be a neighbour Sally, particularly as the dogs attacked you and she verbally abused you. I think the tenancy is quite strict nowadays, so in my opinion it would be worth complaining about her to the dog warden, she will be known to them I have no doubt about that.
If her dogs were offlead then she is at fault, I know this because of the collie problem. I rang the dog warden after this particular collie ran out of its front door straight at my 2, who were onlead at the time. My main worry was that if there was any serious harm to the collie then I would be in trouble (because thats the way things are these days) but the dog warden assured me that they took the view that if the attacker was offlead and the victim onlead, then it was the people with the offlead dog who were in trouble.
I still make sure I don't meet it, or the other one, if I possibly can help it though!!!! Can't remember when I last used the back gate, probably a year ago when Cariad had her babies, anyway it will be being used again shortly when Mabs is inside with her babies, so it is tin hat time for me as well soon!!!
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24-10-2013, 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by Tang View Post
You are better than her Bitkin and you'd rather be YOU than be her. Unfortunately I can't always keep my mouth shut when I run up against unreasonable people. It does NO GOOD at all to give them any advice, friendly warnings or even a piece of your mind because let's face it - if they were REASONABLE they would not let umpteen dogs off at once to hurtle towards you in the first place would they?

As for what she said to you - my response would be 'OI! Not so much of the OLD if you don't mind!'

Then I'd go home and make a little wax effigy of her and stick pins in it.

And yes I believe there are strict rules governing how many dogs can be kept in a council property. But I'm sure idiots like her would have no trouble spiriting the dogs away for a while or waddever. That's what they do here in Cyprus if anyone complains about a dog, say, constantly barking outside all night. The dog vanishes for a month or so til the dust dies down.
I like the wax effigy idea, but not sure that I can find enough wax for the job - she was gross

Originally Posted by tawneywolf View Post
I don't think it necessarily need be a neighbour Sally, particularly as the dogs attacked you and she verbally abused you. I think the tenancy is quite strict nowadays, so in my opinion it would be worth complaining about her to the dog warden, she will be known to them I have no doubt about that.
If her dogs were offlead then she is at fault, I know this because of the collie problem. I rang the dog warden after this particular collie ran out of its front door straight at my 2, who were onlead at the time. My main worry was that if there was any serious harm to the collie then I would be in trouble (because thats the way things are these days) but the dog warden assured me that they took the view that if the attacker was offlead and the victim onlead, then it was the people with the offlead dog who were in trouble.
I still make sure I don't meet it, or the other one, if I possibly can help it though!!!! Can't remember when I last used the back gate, probably a year ago when Cariad had her babies, anyway it will be being used again shortly when Mabs is inside with her babies, so it is tin hat time for me as well soon!!!
I think that I will ring the dog warden tomorrow. I will let you know how I get on.

You with your lovely big dogs have a different problem to those of us with little ones, but it is just as bad isn't it.
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24-10-2013, 07:23 PM
Funny enough this morning I met yet ANOTHER dog owner who told me that the GSD who went for Bella some time ago went for her dog too and that now they are the only dogs she avoids if she sees them coming.

So that's now THREE dogs this GSD has 'gone for' the GSD who everyone said wouldn't hurt a flea and could hardly believe went for Bella without provocation when she was quite young. Would be interesting to know just how many dogs have been on the receiving end - as I've met two and found out purely by chance and not because I brought the subject up.

First one I asked if she was walking my way as I hadn't seen her for ages and she said her dog would no longer take the field path because one of the GSDs went for her. Then today when just discussing how much of a nutcase this woman's dog was when it saw other dogs (not aggressive just super bouncy and what have you) and she said it would never hurt another dog just gets all excited but the only dogs she avoids are the GSDs that the old man walks because one of them went for hers.

And he still walks them off lead though he will change tack if he sees me and Bella now.
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