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02-09-2013, 05:25 AM

Dogsey daily thread Monday.

Morning everyone.

Monday again. Seems dry at the moment with a slight nip in the the air here.
Today it will just be me and Dillon when Gorden leaves for his first full week of work in almost 3 years.
I have planned clearing some plants from the pond and finding the rubber mallet that is in the bottom box under a lot of boxes for Mark. He has our big pond we never got round to installing in and his fish in it already so now the change over begins from ours to his. Plants and fish then the big pump and waterfall feature.

Lorraine I hope Davie's leg is well enough for him to go to school today.
Helena I hope today is less busy for you and that you get to spend some time with jenny and her friend.
Can't remember much else wasn't around much yesterday to keep up with the news.
So hoping everyone is well and all our animal friends are too.
Off to put the kettle on and do Gorden's breakfast and lunch.

Have a lovely Monday and keep safe.

Just seen some of the children start back to school today so sending good wishes to those that do. Also just seen that Davie won't be at school today due to his leg being very sore so wishing him well soon.
My Grandchildren start back tomorrow. Joel starts Senior school tomorrow so a really big day for him.
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02-09-2013, 05:33 AM

Good Luck to Gorden today!

Having been up for hours trying to sort summat out, I think it is time I got washed and dressed, so will [hopefully] be back later!
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02-09-2013, 05:45 AM
Morning Malka. Thank you.

I hope whatever it is you are trying to sort out it is sorted.
Might it be to do with the ramp business ? Which just seems to be going from bad to worse at the moment for you.
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02-09-2013, 05:52 AM
Morning all,

I've been up and dressed for ages. Bella has been walked (met loads of doggy mates so she is content and fast asleep now)

Just got to take 2 lots of bedding down to the 2 flats - will just leave it folded on the beds and steeling myself for the chaos after midday when both lots move in!

Then it will be a visit to the developer either today or tomorrow to bring the common expenses up to date and a few update emails to the owners (but think I won't tempt fate by doing those BEFORE they are moved in!)

Feeling quite happy about having a full house up here again. Especially as all my past experience of Muslim tenants is that they are spotlessly clean and keep the flats pristine and they never use the swimming pool (so no extra bods to fit in there lol!)
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02-09-2013, 06:03 AM
Morning Lynn, Malka and everyone else who sneaks in whilst I'm typing

Dave went off at 6 am to do his weekly grind, but he's decided to take every Friday off now, so 4 days is better than 5 on my own. His meeting with the accountant last night went well, it's all not as bad as he thought, and he can see his way forward to paying what's due to the taxman, without getting all stressed out about it over Christmas (he doesn't usually know his year end figures until Christmas!). Hey ho, he'll sort it out somehow. He's also talked him into setting himself up over in this area when he gives up the workshop next year which would be brilliant if he can.

Whilst Dave was busy chatting with the accountant, who was busy playing with Zena and her ball, I was over at the van chatting with Jenny and her lovely hubby. Oh what a laugh we had, and I have to say, Jenny is exactly as she appears on here, and my summing her up in a nutshell would be that she's stunningly attractive (just like she was in the picture she once posted as a teenager sitting on her horse), with a great, big warm heart, and a friendly personality to match, and very "classy" - they don't come much better I got on great with her husband, we had a good laugh too, he's what you'd call a distinguished, down to earth businessman, with a great soh to match, the kind of person you'd love to have as your boss I'm sure. Shame I couldn't join them in a drink though, cos I was driving, so I had water Mind you, having said that, if I did, I'd probably have ended up staying in the spare room lol! I stayed a couple of hours cos Dave rang me to let me know the accountant had gone, and I felt a bit guilty that he was going back to work this morning, but nonetheless, I have all week to spend more time with Jenny and her pal who's coming down today, along with her brother. Her boys are divine, gorgeous little bundles of fur, very friendly and well behaved, as they would stand at the gate watching all the other doglets walking past bless them.

Last, but not least in any shape or form, he showed me pictures of their 2 sons and Jeesus Christ, talk about a bit of eye candy...phwoooooooooar!! One has the body of a body builder cos he's spend half his life in the gym, he's a physio and a part time model (I'll buy that!), and the other one we've already seen who eats fire, and is a nutritionalist and something else I've forgotten what else he does, but I wouldn't really care anyway lol!

I've got hair colour at 10 am, then I must sort out my teef, cos I've got some kind of infection going on in one of my front crowns and Dave has said to have the bladdy things out and add them to my back lot of plastics. All my life I've suffered with teeth, not because the teeth are bad, but because of gum problems I blame my mother for this, she had to have all of hers out at 30 because of her gums Blimmin teeth, but it could be worse at my age I suppose.

Sorry I haven't been keeping up, so all I know is Davie has a poorly leg which I hope is getting better and Bev is in heaven in her new pad sitting in the garden, relaxing, looking out over the fields, and I'm so happy for you Bev

Enjoy your day, and I'll catch up later.
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02-09-2013, 06:11 AM
I'm glad you two managed to hook up. Lucky you meeting Jenny's adorable dogs. You've made me want to look up if there's any dog friendly holiday places here and maybe take off with Bella for a few days midway between now and Xmas.

Good news about Dave working one day less.
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02-09-2013, 06:16 AM
Morning Pat (who snuck in whilst I was typing), pity you couldn't have been there with us, we'd have had a great laugh I would be great if you decided that next time you come over here, you stay in our larger van with Bella, you could both have a holiday together then. Be nice for the pair of you to get away somewhere over there, where she can have a bit more freedom offlead, especially down on the beach where you don't seem to be allowed, but maybe they're all like that so no matter where you found, you still couldn't legally take her down there? She'd love our beaches here and I hope that one day we might meet up too.
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02-09-2013, 06:21 AM
Morning Pat all going on at yours. You seem very content with it all so that's good. Good luck at lunchtime when the moving in begins.
Helena so nice you got to meet up with jenny and the boys.
Are your eyes back in today after seeing the photos.
Nice to hear Dave's accountant meeting went well and things aren't as bad as he was thinking.
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02-09-2013, 06:34 AM
Morning all,

Malka, hope everything is ok .

Lynn, it's going to be odd without Gordon.

H, sounds like you had a great weekend.

I've given Davie another day off, he was walking around a lot and off out for a wee bit yesterday, as a result he ended up sore last night. So no school today, he can go back tomorrow.

Back to work for me today, as far as I know we have nothing much planned tonight. I'm finishing my poem analysis and getting more of my TMA done.
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02-09-2013, 07:40 AM
Morning everyone, quite a nice morning here with a bit of freshness in the air, lovely.

Lynn, Good luck to Gordon on his first day. I hope he enjoys it. Must seem strange for you.

Helena, Glad you met up with Jenny and got on well. I hope Dave has a good week and no more clutches for a while.

Lore, sorry Davie knee is still very sore. Another day off school wont harm him any. I doubt they do much in the first couple of days while they all settle in.

Malka, I hope you are ok with whatever you are trying to sort out. Take care of you and our lovely Pereg.

Have a good day all. God bless.
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