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Helena54 is offline  
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23-06-2013, 07:01 AM

Morning - Dogsey Daily Thread - Sunday

Good morning all Dogsey Peops

We decided to have a lie in this morning as we have nothing planned (yes, reeeeally!!! ).

Our friendly accountant popped in yesterday evening to see Dave and I have to say, Zena was the best she's ever been with a visitor, she came zooming in from the back garden as we opened the door, but having 5 gsd's himself, we knew he wouldn't be worried, plus the fact that he's met her before, but of course, she has to go through the ritual of barking at anyone who dares to enter, sometimes jumping up at them (big no-no here!!) but as soon as you give her a job and tell her to go and get her ball, she's good as gold, but not usually quite as good as yesterday cos she did the singing and shouting through the big squeaky in her gob, but soon plonked it on his lap as he sat down.

Not raining here, but not exactly summer either, but that's been promised from tomorrow.

We might pop out somewhere togevver this morning just cos we can, as the lamb will be cooking itself whilst we're out and then it's a quiet day for both of us. Dave managed to get those blooming headphones working again yesterday, but not via the tv, but through the Sky box cos the tv just wouldn't work them for some strange reason, so the tv and soundbar are still up on the wall, he didn't smash them off

I haven't a clue what went on yesterday with everyone, so I'll just say hope you're all doing well, hope you're feeling a bit more like yourself old bean, and that goes for you too Jenny cos I saw you have a few worries going on. Jen, I hope you enjoy a lovely Sunday with all the fold back around you whilst you're dishing up

Enjoy your Sunday everyone
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madmare is offline  
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23-06-2013, 07:06 AM
Morning H and all,
Well the day has dawned for the Great British Greyhound Walk. There are walks taking place all over great Britain at 10am to see how many greyhounds we can get walking at the same time.
The walk I have organised at mistley/Manningtree will hopefully go well and lets pray the rain stays away.

I had better dash and get lily and I ready because as usual I am running late.

Have a good sunday all.
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23-06-2013, 07:13 AM
Morning Helena wow that's first for long time.
Well done Zena yesterday and glad to hear the sound bar is still where it should be.
Enjoy your day out together.

I am hoping the rain will hold off there is the summer fete today at the school where Gorden works part time and where Joel attends and he is in the football tournament again this year. So we are picking him and Mark up later this afternoon and popping along. Michael might come too but he is catching up with some of his old friends who he was in the band with they haven't taken off so well here in the UK but are doing well in America so have been signed by an American record company and they are moving out there next week.
I hope it all goes well for them they have stuck with it since they were 15 and still at school and are now in there mid to late 20's there are only two of the original ones who formed the band along with Michael still.

Lynne I hope the back is better today.
jenny I hope you had a better nights sleep.
Have a lovely walk today Bev.
And a Happy Birthday to Linda's little girl Carys.
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23-06-2013, 07:26 AM
Morning Helena, Bev and fellow members,

Thanks H and I'm feeling like a new person this morning having had a comparatively good night sleep after two nights of virtually none. We had a lovely evening last night at this big dinner 'do' - the only trouble being that the speeches went on for over an hour (all about old cars) and I was horrified to find I was sitting next to the main speaker so could hardly doze off of slink off outside

Yesterday afternoon in the house by myself I was determined to have a nap as I was just feeling exhausted. I was just dozing off when I had a 'cold-call' ..... I was exceedingly rude to them and hung up ..... they then phoned back to swear at me ..... served me right Then my eldest son arrived with a few yards of brown leatherette for me to 'help-him' make a Roman armoured skirt I did which ended up taking blooming ages and really then just left me 3/4 hour to get the dogs out, shower, do my hair and get ready for my OH to pick me up t 6.40

Helena - Well done to Zena being such a good girl yesterday with your visitor Enjoy your 'outing' with Dave this morning and your lamb at lunchtime ... mmmmmmm.

Bev - Have a wonderful time this morning on the walk you organised and everything crossed that the rain stays away.

I have no idea what went on yesterday afternoon or evening on here so will go and have a catch-up. See you folks later.
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23-06-2013, 07:28 AM
Hi Lynn, you snuck in while I was typing. Yes, I'm feeling very like me again Enjoy the fete and hope the weather holds.
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23-06-2013, 07:52 AM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Good morning all Dogsey Peops

We decided to have a lie in this morning as we have nothing planned (yes, reeeeally!!! ).

Our friendly accountant popped in yesterday evening to see Dave and I have to say, Zena was the best she's ever been with a visitor, she came zooming in from the back garden as we opened the door, but having 5 gsd's himself, we knew he wouldn't be worried, plus the fact that he's met her before, but of course, she has to go through the ritual of barking at anyone who dares to enter, sometimes jumping up at them (big no-no here!!) but as soon as you give her a job and tell her to go and get her ball, she's good as gold, but not usually quite as good as yesterday cos she did the singing and shouting through the big squeaky in her gob, but soon plonked it on his lap as he sat down.

Not raining here, but not exactly summer either, but that's been promised from tomorrow.

We might pop out somewhere togevver this morning just cos we can, as the lamb will be cooking itself whilst we're out and then it's a quiet day for both of us. Dave managed to get those blooming headphones working again yesterday, but not via the tv, but through the Sky box cos the tv just wouldn't work them for some strange reason, so the tv and soundbar are still up on the wall, he didn't smash them off

I haven't a clue what went on yesterday with everyone, so I'll just say hope you're all doing well, hope you're feeling a bit more like yourself old bean, and that goes for you too Jenny cos I saw you have a few worries going on. Jen, I hope you enjoy a lovely Sunday with all the fold back around you whilst you're dishing up
Enjoy your Sunday everyone
Sounds like a good Sunday to me Helena.

Originally Posted by madmare View Post
Morning H and all,
Well the day has dawned for the Great British Greyhound Walk. There are walks taking place all over great Britain at 10am to see how many greyhounds we can get walking at the same time.
The walk I have organised at mistley/Manningtree will hopefully go well and lets pray the rain stays away.

I had better dash and get lily and I ready because as usual I am running late.
Have a good sunday all.
Hope you have a great Greyhound Walk Day and look forward to seeing some pics later.

Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
I am hoping the rain will hold off there is the summer fete today at the school where Gorden works part time and where Joel attends and he is in the football tournament again this year. So we are picking him and Mark up later this afternoon and popping along. Michael might come too but he is catching up with some of his old friends who he was in the band with they haven't taken off so well here in the UK but are doing well in America so have been signed by an American record company and they are moving out there next week.

I hope it all goes well for them they have stuck with it since they were 15 and still at school and are now in there mid to late 20's there are only two of the original ones who formed the band along with Michael still.
I hope the weather is kind to the Fete. I love all that sort of stuff and always come home with loads of things I didn't need at all!

Originally Posted by jenny.g View Post
Morning Helena, Bev and fellow members,
Thanks H and I'm feeling like a new person this morning having had a comparatively good night sleep after two nights of virtually none. We had a lovely evening last night at this big dinner 'do' - the only trouble being that the speeches went on for over an hour (all about old cars) and I was horrified to find I was sitting next to the main speaker so could hardly doze off of slink off outside

Yesterday afternoon in the house by myself I was determined to have a nap as I was just feeling exhausted. I was just dozing off when I had a 'cold-call' ..... I was exceedingly rude to them and hung up ..... they then phoned back to swear at me ..... served me right Then my eldest son arrived with a few yards of brown leatherette for me to 'help-him' make a Roman armoured skirt I did which ended up taking blooming ages and really then just left me 3/4 hour to get the dogs out, shower, do my hair and get ready for my OH to pick me up t 6.40
At you being sat next to the main speaker. Martin had a similar (but terrible) experience when working for Oracle and the Americans came over to do a big presentation. He was sat next to a boss - he said 'mum I fell asleep during the presentation and I was sat next to one of my bosses.' I said 'did he notice?' He said 'I'm sure he did - my head had lolled onto his shoulder and I was dribbling onto his shirt it was when he moved I woke up' lol!

The Roman skirt? Is this for 're-enactment' stuff?

As for the cold caller? I'd be wanting to report them - you might have been rude to them but I doubt you swore at them!

We set off early for the lake. It is drying out fast now. I don't know who gave the two people we saw down there permission to come onto our lake shores - I certainly didn't! (But they only stayed a few minutes - had a look - read the info board and left) so that's alright then! I took some pics and will put them up in a bit. Showered muttley when we returned, chucked her a frozen chicken wing and haven't seen her since.

Last night was very hot. For the first time I saw Bella panting and a bit uncomfortable. I shut the doors and put the aircon on. She then promptly BURIED HERSELF under some pillows to get away from the cool air! Gawd!

I really should order something nice in to eat today. Might stop me rummaging in fridge and cupboards for any old thing to eat late on - ended up scoffing a bag of fudge last night!
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23-06-2013, 08:05 AM
Happy Sunday all.
H have a good day and enjoy your lamb (bleuugghh)
Bev, enjoy your Greyhound walk, hope you set a world record and please give all the pointy a hug from me.
Lynn hope the rain holds off for the fete
Jenny your post made me laugh, what a day you had yesterday, armoured skirts indeed!!!
Tang, fudge sounds good
Well it's raining again here, so whats new? My daughter is bringing her future Father-in-Law to lunch (remember he lost his wife a fortnight ago?) but the baby will be here and she takes everyones mind off their troubles
Have fun all, be back later.
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23-06-2013, 08:11 AM
Originally Posted by Nippy View Post
Happy Sunday all.
H have a good day and enjoy your lamb (bleuugghh)
Bev, enjoy your Greyhound walk, hope you set a world record and please give all the pointy a hug from me.
Lynn hope the rain holds off for the fete
Jenny your post made me laugh, what a day you had yesterday, armoured skirts indeed!!!
Tang, fudge sounds good
Well it's raining again here, so whats new? My daughter is bringing her future Father-in-Law to lunch (remember he lost his wife a fortnight ago?) but the baby will be here and she takes everyones mind off their troubles
Have fun all, be back later.
Oh yeah! Babies (like puppies) are great ice breakers and terrific attention getters too! I hope your lunch goes off well (I hate entertaining anyone other than my direct family!) It's nice that your daughter and her partner are taking her dad out for a bit.

I take it you don't like lamb then? lol! It's my favourite meat! When I used to take in language students all the Japanese ones hated lamb. When discussing meals they would say 'NO RAM RAM, NO RAM RAM' lol! (All the more for meee!)
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23-06-2013, 08:12 AM

Nechda - I cannot believe that you are going to have an easy day and very pleased to hear that Zena was a good girl when the accountant was there.

Bev - I hope you have a good time at your part of the Great British Greyhound Walk - I would love to see a load of those beautiful dogs all walking together.

Lynn - Fingers crossed that the rain stays off for the school fête, and wish good luck to Michael's friends when they are in the US.

jenny - Glad you had a good night and are feeling better this morning. Pity yesterday evening's lovely time was spoiled for you by being stuck next to the main speaker.

Pat - I know I should not laugh at Bella but it sounds typical of her - complaining about the heat then burying herself because she is too cold when you put the a/c on! I have had mine on in the bedroom all night for some time now but it is only set on 26*° which is a nice comfortable temperature. Only really noticeable when I have to get up and go through the bungalow if Da Booga wants to go out during the night.

I am trying to debate whether to phone my driver to take us to the Pension for some chewbones and stuff, or downtown to the old shuk to see if I can get some more bones for her from the various butchers. It would be nice if we could do them both, ie go to the Pension and then downtown but they are in opposite directions from here so would take up far too much of his time and David would be losing money as he does not charge me the usual "waiting" time. I want recreational bones, not meaty ones as in wings and carcasses etc, as that sort of think I just phone him and he gets for me without having to come and pick me up and take me.

But - it has gone 11.10am already and by the time I would be ready to go out and he gets here it will be nearly midday. Maybe I will leave it until later this afternoon. Or act out my middle name of Procrastination!

Have a good Sunday everyone!
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23-06-2013, 08:20 AM
Good Morning everyone, Have a good day. Not sure what sort of day it is going to be. I know I could easily go back to bed again as I am so tired and yet I slept pretty well last night. Take care all, God bless. Moyra
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