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Helena54 is offline  
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04-04-2013, 06:18 AM

Morning - Dogsey Daily Thread - Thursday

Morning all Dogsey Peops

Bit late this morning, but I had 6 e-mails to do when I first logged on and all very important - not that you lot aren't important

Well, we're not snowed in, even though it was snowing quite heavily last night, there's nothing on the ground this morning and it's very dry out there. I shall be going back into our woods across the road whilst it's so dry, as it does save me the time of taking the car to get somewhere else, and today I need time and lots of it.

No news here I'm afraid, I hope you're all doing ok, nobody's ill and all the doglets are fine I hope, so enjoy your day (Short and sweet this morning huh?! )
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madmare is offline  
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04-04-2013, 06:40 AM
Morning H and all,
We are forecast snow today, lets hope like you H it doesn't settle.
I will be leaving in 20 mins to get the bus to go and have my foot x-rayed. I think it takes 2 weeks for the results to get back to my doctor, so won't know the outcome for a little while.

Lynn hope Dillon is being a good boy and not licking his paw bandage or his other bits (or lack of them)

Hope everyone else ok, take care all and have a good day.
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04-04-2013, 06:46 AM
Morning H & all subsequent posters. Fancy me being on this early! Well I've washed and hung a dog bed on the line because it looked quite promising weather wise. Got some of the dogs fed and watered, sorted out the last 2 breakfast bowls and now it's snowing heavily! GRRR, I thought I'd have a relatively free day to mooch about in the garden centre as my little dog cancelled his hair cut, his Mummy was still in Portugal (tough eh?).
Hope all is well with everyone.
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04-04-2013, 06:54 AM

Ever had one of those days when you really really really did not want to get out of bed? Yes, well, I was thinking of going to the quack this morning but she will only be around for another 5 minutes so I decided to leave it as I have only just surfaced. Da Booger only got me up once but as it was nearly 1.30am before I had gone to bed and she goes out last thing, she could have waited until pill time this morning. Could have but did not. Then I overslept so pill time was late but I managed another hour after that.

Bev - how come it takes two weeks for the results of an X-ray to be sent to your doctor? I mean supposing something is broken and needs sorting - should that not be done now and not have to wait and possibly get worse?

Typical is it not Twix - you think the weather is OK to wash and put a dog bed on the line and then it snows!

Having swallowed my coffee in one gulp I think I am in need of a couple a few more litres of it to wake up properly.

Have a good day everyone.
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04-04-2013, 06:57 AM
Morning all

Took Sal out an looks to be a mildish sort of day. Put a line of washing out sheets and quilt covers - its cold though but looks to be a nice dying day. need to get a new plant pot at some point in the next week or so. One of my old ones has finaly given into the this last cold spell I think - had it about 20+ years. Going plastic as they are not as heavy.

Still snowing by you Helena - Brr

Madmare - hope your foot is nothing to serious.

Twix - snap on the washing....and you have snow too. Brr again.

Have a good day all.
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04-04-2013, 07:07 AM
Originally Posted by Malka View Post
Bev - how come it takes two weeks for the results of an X-ray to be sent to your doctor? I mean supposing something is broken and needs sorting - should that not be done now and not have to wait and possibly get worse?
I am not going to A&E Malka I am going to another hospital that does routine x-rays for GP's and it takes about 2 weeks for them to look at the x-rays and send the results via post to the GP.

If i had gone to A&E instead of my GP I would have got results there and then as I would have been under a hospital doctor.

It really doesn't matter as if it is broken then its been broken for months, so another 2 weeks won't make much difference.

I better get going I suppose as its a long bus journey to this hospital.
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04-04-2013, 07:13 AM
Morning Helena, morning everyone.
Hope your busy day goes to plan Helena.
Good luck with x-ray Bev. Lets hope nothing is broken or fractured if it takes that long to get results.
Typical Twix put some washing out and the weather changes.
Enjoy your mooch round the garden centre.
I often have days Malka when I feel I could spend it in bed.
Good luck with the plant pot hunting Kazz a lot of my terracotta ones have split.

Dry here but looking very grey. Dillon slept well Gorden was down here till 2.30am doing an application form for a job which closes today what with vet visits and decorating it had to wait till late last night.
Dillon settled well when he came upstairs till 5.30 then I got up he wanted a pee and a pooh then went to sleep in the garden for a bit. Came in about 1/2 hour later and settled on his bed. He has now had breakfast he is back to normal times and rations and is laying at Gorden's feet.
I am going to take him for trot round the block in a minute if he want5s to go he is now sleeping again. Then off to the vets for 10am for another bandage change and wound check. If all is well we may be able to do it every two days after today for a few days.
Just looked up and it is snowing. Oooh no stopped again.
Estate Agent round at 2pm today to take photos and sort out contract and negotiate fee.

Have a good day all.
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04-04-2013, 07:22 AM
Morning Helena and fellow members,

Apart from snow flurries last night, no sign of it this morning and although it is dull I'm sure it feels a little milder. No frost anyway, so that has to be good.

I hope Dillon, Loki and Pereg slept well last night. Both of mine slept through which was wonderful and I woke them at 7.30. They appear to love me again which is as it should be

Bev - if an acute injury shows up on your X-ray you will be contacted virtually immediately, if not the results will go to your doctors. My son had a foot X-ray two weeks ago and it was probably 8 days before the doctors phoned him to say his problem is a cyst.

I hope you all enjoy your walks and keep warm.
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04-04-2013, 08:38 AM
Good morning all. I can't believe that some of you still have snow, you poor things

I want loads and loads of huuuuge vibes today please!
I have to go for another MRI this afternoon (and you all know how much I enjoy them )
The silly wot-nots didn't scan the right bit last time.

I will report back later.......providing there is no fire, because I would never get out alive. My hubby has clear instructions of how to get me out if the alarms go off.
Sorry but I get quite paranoid about this, I am already shaking
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Tang is offline  
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04-04-2013, 08:39 AM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Morning all Dogsey Peops

Bit late this morning, but I had 6 e-mails to do when I first logged on and all very important - not that you lot aren't important

Well, we're not snowed in, even though it was snowing quite heavily last night, there's nothing on the ground this morning and it's very dry out there. I shall be going back into our woods across the road whilst it's so dry, as it does save me the time of taking the car to get somewhere else, and today I need time and lots of it.

No news here I'm afraid, I hope you're all doing ok, nobody's ill and all the doglets are fine I hope, so enjoy your day (Short and sweet this morning huh?! )
Morning Helena - you'd think that if someone is in charge of everything down here on our planet they'd have the sense to arrange it so that you had more than 24 hrs in a day like lesser mortals have! One extra hour at least for Dunelms, another hour for interior design planning, etc..

Originally Posted by madmare View Post
Morning H and all,
We are forecast snow today, lets hope like you H it doesn't settle.
I will be leaving in 20 mins to get the bus to go and have my foot x-rayed. I think it takes 2 weeks for the results to get back to my doctor, so won't know the outcome for a little while.

Lynn hope Dillon is being a good boy and not licking his paw bandage or his other bits (or lack of them)

Hope everyone else ok, take care all and have a good day.
Good luck with the x-ray results. Whatever the outcome I hope you can get some relief from the pain.

Originally Posted by twix View Post
Morning H & all subsequent posters. Fancy me being on this early! Well I've washed and hung a dog bed on the line because it looked quite promising weather wise. Got some of the dogs fed and watered, sorted out the last 2 breakfast bowls and now it's snowing heavily! GRRR, I thought I'd have a relatively free day to mooch about in the garden centre as my little dog cancelled his hair cut, his Mummy was still in Portugal (tough eh?).
Hope all is well with everyone.
More snow? Brrrr! I'm saying nothing about the hardship of being in a sunny warm country!

Originally Posted by Malka View Post

Ever had one of those days when you really really really did not want to get out of bed? Yes, well, I was thinking of going to the quack this morning but she will only be around for another 5 minutes so I decided to leave it as I have only just surfaced. Da Booger only got me up once but as it was nearly 1.30am before I had gone to bed and she goes out last thing, she could have waited until pill time this morning. Could have but did not. Then I overslept so pill time was late but I managed another hour after that.

Bev - how come it takes two weeks for the results of an X-ray to be sent to your doctor? I mean supposing something is broken and needs sorting - should that not be done now and not have to wait and possibly get worse?

Typical is it not Twix - you think the weather is OK to wash and put a dog bed on the line and then it snows!

Having swallowed my coffee in one gulp I think I am in need of a couple a few more litres of it to wake up properly.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning Malka. Re the X-ray wait - it's coz it's the UK. Here in Cyprus you make an appointment to see a radiographer and see them that day or the next day at your convenience. Have the results given to you immediately afterwards (in a shiny bound folder with full documentation) so you can then take them to wherever you want to asap. Exactly the same for blood tests etc. The big difference is - here you PAY. But you pay nothing like what it would cost for the same procedures privately in the UK. As an example, when I needed X-rays of kidneys to make sure one hadn't been damaged after my serious fall in the UK (and the hosp and docs here could not BELIEVE the UK hosp did not x-ray me) I got an appointment with a recommended radiographer the next morning - state of the art clinic and equipment. Total cost €80 (about 70 sterling back then). Breast screening with ultrasound screening too and full general check up - was £150 Cyp (£180 sterling then) for me AND my daughter again at the most modern dedicated screening centre.

Originally Posted by Kazz View Post
Morning all

Took Sal out an looks to be a mildish sort of day. Put a line of washing out sheets and quilt covers - its cold though but looks to be a nice dying day. need to get a new plant pot at some point in the next week or so. One of my old ones has finaly given into the this last cold spell I think - had it about 20+ years. Going plastic as they are not as heavy.

Still snowing by you Helena - Brr

Madmare - hope your foot is nothing to serious.

Twix - snap on the washing....and you have snow too. Brr again.

Have a good day all.
Kazz - I am grinning here - I am sure you didn't mean to type 'nice dying day'. Very much hope you didn't anyway!

Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
Morning Helena, morning everyone.
Hope your busy day goes to plan Helena.
Good luck with x-ray Bev. Lets hope nothing is broken or fractured if it takes that long to get results.
Typical Twix put some washing out and the weather changes.
Enjoy your mooch round the garden centre.
I often have days Malka when I feel I could spend it in bed.
Good luck with the plant pot hunting Kazz a lot of my terracotta ones have split.

Dry here but looking very grey. Dillon slept well Gorden was down here till 2.30am doing an application form for a job which closes today what with vet visits and decorating it had to wait till late last night.
Dillon settled well when he came upstairs till 5.30 then I got up he wanted a pee and a pooh then went to sleep in the garden for a bit. Came in about 1/2 hour later and settled on his bed. He has now had breakfast he is back to normal times and rations and is laying at Gorden's feet.
I am going to take him for trot round the block in a minute if he want5s to go he is now sleeping again. Then off to the vets for 10am for another bandage change and wound check. If all is well we may be able to do it every two days after today for a few days.
Just looked up and it is snowing. Oooh no stopped again.
Estate Agent round at 2pm today to take photos and sort out contract and negotiate fee.

Have a good day all.
Good luck to Gorden with that job application and I hope Dillon continues to improve.

Originally Posted by jenny.g View Post
Morning Helena and fellow members,

Apart from snow flurries last night, no sign of it this morning and although it is dull I'm sure it feels a little milder. No frost anyway, so that has to be good.

I hope Dillon, Loki and Pereg slept well last night. Both of mine slept through which was wonderful and I woke them at 7.30. They appear to love me again which is as it should be

Bev - if an acute injury shows up on your X-ray you will be contacted virtually immediately, if not the results will go to your doctors. My son had a foot X-ray two weeks ago and it was probably 8 days before the doctors phoned him to say his problem is a cyst.

I hope you all enjoy your walks and keep warm.
More talk of snow! Brrrrr!

Well - after the nightmare night on Tuesday when Bella morphed into Pereg - never guess what? She slept from about 8pm until gone 9am this morning!

Mart & Mon were up ready and WAITING FOR HER to take her on a walk! Late enough for Mart to accompany them - Mon usually goes while he is still waking up and pottering.

They are still out now. When they get back we are all going to take a steady walk into the centre to see if this lovely little bistro place behind the prom is open for lunch.

Martin wants to try to do more walking now - his legs were going a bit purply blueish when he sat for too long yesterday (working on his laptop).

I was woken by howling spooky wind at about 5- 6 am and skies were cloudy but that's all cleared and although it is very breezy the sun is shining through again.

Well they've just returned with one pooped out dawg - I better go get ready.
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