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19-01-2013, 06:28 PM
My thoughts are with you both
I'm sure with your love and support things will work out for you both
Life's a bitch at times
Stay strong hugggge hugs to you both
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tawneywolf is offline  
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19-01-2013, 06:33 PM
How on earth can he be a failure running a business the way he has over the years, and employing all those people, poor Dave he works so hard and in the space of a year it has all gone pear shaped, this is the way it has gone for so many many business over the the past 18 months to 2 years and I have no doubt at all that things will change, it can't stay like this forever can it (at least thats what I'm telling myself anyway) you've just got to keep going somehow or other and sooner or later something happens that changes everything, at the moment it is later of course! Thank goodness he has you there for him to keep him going in his darkest hours, but it is always darkest before the dawn, and looking back you'll think - ah that's when things turned round for us.
Eldest Son has had the Year From Hell with his business, the Olympics near wiped him out as plane fares were so high they were prohibitive to anyone coming over here to hire a touring bike, so no business all summer, not to mention the constant torrential rain which put anyone off that was remotely considering paying the exorbitant fares. I heard of a farm in Devon I think it was, where they relied on tourism to help make ends meet, they had 4 bookings all summer, and so it has gone on for everyone in every type of business, so he can't be a failure, because that makes everyone else who is having a bad time a failure. Eldest Son has had to sell some of his bikes, and also some racing leathers which were barely worn, and he is more or less doing whatever comes along, he has managed to get a short term welding contract up here to start in a few weeks, and he is hoping that he will get bookings for the summer once more and things will get better for him. I don't think there is one person that hasn't been hit hard one way or another and Dave is another casualty of it all. I really hope you have managed to boost his spirits today and made him feel a worthwhile person again, whilst he girds his loins and enters battle once more on Tuesday!!
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19-01-2013, 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by Lucky Star View Post
I'm very sorry to hear Dave has had a bit of a melt down. It must be very hard for both of you, with him working away for half the week and you both being on your own. I hope you get something sorted out with his living arrangements. How long do you think this will continue?

I don't suppose he could open up a garage in your area, could he?
Thanks Lucky, and we've already thought of that, but not only is there nothing going, it would mean starting all over again, with new customers, whereas he has a huge customer base he's gained over 20 years. this is a deprived area (Hastings) hence the reason property is as cheap as it is, but we needed to do what we did, because if all this had kicked off in that blooming great big house we had along with the blooming great big mortgage I just don't know what we'd have done.

Thanks June, I'm sorry to hear about your son suffering just as much if not more than Dave, good job he's found something else to tide him over. I'm sure it'll all get worse before (and if!) it ever gets better. You and me are now retired, the Government says we are, so we should be taking it easy, but look at the pair of us, never been so busy or stressed out have we !!!!

thanks Norma, couldn't have put it better myself, life sure is a bitch sometimes isn't it! It can only get better as they say, but I doubt that it will somehow.

Anyway, I'm ok now, I've taken Paracetamols, I'm off for a shower, and I'm going to sit and watch a film with Dave tonight. I could murder a Kentucky, but sadly, we can't get the car out of the drive, typical isn't it
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19-01-2013, 06:52 PM
Well done Helena and I'm sure you are mentally exhausted too. I'm glad Dave is recognising again that there are some positive things happening in his life. ((((hugs)))) to you both.

June - a lovely photo of Sasha and I'm glad things have settled again today.

I'm sick to death of this snow. What I hadn't bargained for was that all my dogs want to do is go out in it and eat the snow. To the exclusion of all else. It's driving me made as they are just so obsessed with eating the snow that neither of them will do their business, so I end up dragging them back inside and their bladders just get fuller and fuller. They loved playing in it yesterday but today it is just for eating. After our friends had lef I actually spent 1/2 hour with the snow shovel again and I've cleared an even larger area of our grass.

More snow forecast for tomorrow!!

See you all later.
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lore is offline  
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19-01-2013, 07:05 PM
I'm so sorry Helena. Dave can't be a failure, he has built up an amazing business. Brilliant.

I'm relaxing tonight, was going to be writing an instruction for a shoot I have planned but I think I'll do it in the morning. Going to have coffee and watch TV instead.
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19-01-2013, 07:14 PM
Oh dear Helene he is very lucky to have you. You're doing a grand job of caring for Dave and are certainly good at problem solving, you will soon have things sorted.
Please take care of yourself too though. You will be no good to anyone if you let yourself get run down.
Continuing to think of you both and sending positive vibes x
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19-01-2013, 07:34 PM
Evening all.

I am glad to hear you have managed to prise Dave from underneath the floorboards Helena.
He certainly is not a failure . I am sure Gorden feels this way too sometimes especially as he is having a difficult time securing a job he can do blind folded.
There are so many out there feeling the same way I am sure.
Sorry to hear your son is suffering too June.
When Sally gets here with the magic bottle lets all take a swig and toast to better times ahead as it can't get worse can it ? Or we have to keep telling ourselves it can't.
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19-01-2013, 07:46 PM
You called Lynn??

Here it is, magic bottle ready for everyone who needs it and let's hope that before very long we are using it for celebrations.

H old bean, it is not surprising that Dave had meltdown this morning, and perhaps if you can encourage him to let go again tonight he will get all the pent up worry out of his system for the moment. I am also not surprised that you are not feeling well yourself, because there is only so much of this sort of stress that one can take without the body and mind saying "enough". Often an upturn in events is enough to trigger the flood. Mind you, getting him to do the hoovering is a master stroke!!! They cannot think of two things at once can they bless them

TW, fingers cautiously crossed here that Sasha continues to be okay. We don't want to hear of her going backwards again so put a cork in if necessary Seriously though, I do hope that you are coming to the end of all this.

Thick snow, and now ice. No good for Jimmi, so no walk today
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19-01-2013, 07:50 PM
Evening Sally.
Lets toast to better times ahead.

Poor Jimmi not being able to go for walk today does he mind too much ?
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19-01-2013, 07:52 PM
You had the love and the strength to lift Dave up from being so down today, and I know that you have the love and strength to help him get through his problems.

Of course he is not a failure - neither is Gorden, nor is June's son. And we all know that when you hit the bottom there is only one other way - and that is up.

Humungous (((hugs))) for you both. xxx
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