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29-12-2012, 06:44 AM

Morning Dogsey daily thread (Saturday).

Morning all Dogsey followers yes I am up at stupid o clock.
Dillon had a restless night which Gorden got up and down too so when he gave his little here I am I need something bark at 5.50 this morning I got up.
He has been out and now gone back to bed as I have turned all the lights off and just left the tree lights on, It means I get some peace and quiet to do the daily thread.
I have yet to see what awaits me on the garden I am dreading the worst then whatever you find never seems as bad.

It is very cold and windy out there today in fact it has been very windy all night.
Feeling a bit better again today every day now seems to be feeling better if only by a little but to how I did feel it is most welcome. We do get tired very easily though and our taste buds still seem to be very choosy.

Today is the last Saturday of 2012 what will you be doing with yours and how many of you have New Years Eve parties to attend or are holding ?

Our neighbours/friends a few doors up had a bit of a do last night to which we were invited but we didn't go as we were still feeling very tired it usually hits us after walking Dillon especially the second walk and we still felt we may pass something on.
Plus you never come away after just one drink however many times I have said just the one I still end up staggering home and I knew I couldn't cope with and didn't fancy a drink last night. So we decided to be party poopers.

I hope today finds everyone well 2 and 4 four legged and if you are feeling under the weather (((hugs))) and hoping you feel better soon.
I hope Zena is still doing well Helena.
(((Hugs))) for Bev and Kyiro.
and Sally and anyone else who needs one.

I did see the puppy fix yesterday June they are doing so well but was too tired to answer after we had a jaunt to Tesco and PAH.
So if I missed anyone today who needs a mention I am sorry. You are in the get well (((hugs))) thought for today.

Have a good day all and stay safe.
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DaisyD0g is offline  
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29-12-2012, 06:48 AM
Morning... evening.. Sat here perusing Dogsey, and watching Harry Potter.

Its the hols and clearly I am staying up later than normal and catching the daily thread for tomorrow

Had a lovely day out today to the beach, did put some pics up, tomorrow will have a quiet day at home and i have some new ideas for jewelry using some pebbles from the beach, it is an idea I explored for my Mum's Christmas present and it turned out lovely, so excited to try for some sales.

Happy Saturday everyone, and catch you on the other side... off to bed in a bit!!

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Rosebud77 is offline  
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29-12-2012, 07:09 AM
Morning; glad the taste buds are waking up....slowly.. One by one!

LOUD night here and am drained. Woke finally with the kind of neuralgia headache that is akin to migraine and comes when you are starting to unwind, like Saturday migraines so am dosed up with Tylex and about to renew the meds and crash another gale coming in and have the feeling we may get some snow later.

Dogs and cats are fine and in rude health. I took the second turkey out of the freeser so am dismantling that now as it thaws. They were so cheap...collie sits at my feet singing her turkey song. She is so different from all those years ago...

Off back to sleep via Tylex and coffee...

Have a lovely day folk and dogs all .. back later
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moetmum is offline  
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29-12-2012, 07:12 AM
Morning Lynn, Debbie and all

Glad you are feeling better by the day Lynn, you were probably wise to miss the party, give yourself time to get back to full speed.

I look forward to seeing your new jewellry Debbie, it's great when you get inspiration. I am planning a quilt atm, never tried before, I keep getting ideas and then more ideas and now feeling overwhelmed at what precisely I will do! It will definitely feature Basenji's and I am sourcing suitable material atm, just hoping it will make sense when I actually start.

It's a bit wild and windy here too this morning. I have an early start as I am taking my cousin home today, I have to sort him out, cook a dinner, make something for his tea and make sure there is nothing bad in the fridge and be at work by 12.30, work is about 3/4 of an hour away!

I hope everyone has a good day today.
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Lynn is online now  
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29-12-2012, 07:21 AM
Originally Posted by DaisyD0g View Post
Morning... evening.. Sat here perusing Dogsey, and watching Harry Potter.

Its the hols and clearly I am staying up later than normal and catching the daily thread for tomorrow

Had a lovely day out today to the beach, did put some pics up, tomorrow will have a quiet day at home and i have some new ideas for jewelry using some pebbles from the beach, it is an idea I explored for my Mum's Christmas present and it turned out lovely, so excited to try for some sales.

Happy Saturday everyone, and catch you on the other side... off to bed in a bit!!

Morning/evening DD.
Sounds like you are really enjoying your holidays.
Good luck with the jewellery.

Originally Posted by Rosebud77 View Post
Morning; glad the taste buds are waking up....slowly.. One by one!

LOUD night here and am drained. Woke finally with the kind of neuralgia headache that is akin to migraine and comes when you are starting to unwind, like Saturday migraines so am dosed up with Tylex and about to renew the meds and crash another gale coming in and have the feeling we may get some snow later.

Dogs and cats are fine and in rude health. I took the second turkey out of the freeser so am dismantling that now as it thaws. They were so cheap...collie sits at my feet singing her turkey song. She is so different from all those years ago...

Off back to sleep via Tylex and coffee...

Have a lovely day folk and dogs all .. back later
Morning RB. I hope the wind settles down soon and your migraine.

Originally Posted by moetmum View Post
Morning Lynn, Debbie and all

Glad you are feeling better by the day Lynn, you were probably wise to miss the party, give yourself time to get back to full speed.

I look forward to seeing your new jewellry Debbie, it's great when you get inspiration. I am planning a quilt atm, never tried before, I keep getting ideas and then more ideas and now feeling overwhelmed at what precisely I will do! It will definitely feature Basenji's and I am sourcing suitable material atm, just hoping it will make sense when I actually start.

It's a bit wild and windy here too this morning. I have an early start as I am taking my cousin home today, I have to sort him out, cook a dinner, make something for his tea and make sure there is nothing bad in the fridge and be at work by 12.30, work is about 3/4 of an hour away!

I hope everyone has a good day today.
Morning Gerri. Goodness another busy day for you. I hope it all goes to plan and try to get some rest in there somewhere if you can.
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Helena54 is offline  
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29-12-2012, 07:49 AM
Morning Lynn, Gerry, Rosebud, Debbie and everyone

First thought of the day is for you Sally having your poor dad in hospital, I do hope he recovers quickly and you can get him back home asap (((((((((hugs))))))))).

Glad you're feeling a bit better now Lynn, let's hope those taste buds return soon, and you were very wise not to go partying next door cos they might have plied you with alcohol like my neighbours did to me on Christmad day and then you wouldn't have been able to type this morning for our thread.

Gerry you're going to miss having your cousin so close and all those enjoyable days out, and have a safe journey back with him. Debbie pebbles in a necklace sound good and I'll take a look at your pics Rosebud glad you and the house survived such a wild night out there, and enjoy that turkey with the dogs today.

I slept, yayy, my knee is much better, I can now lock my leg straight without any pain (well, just a bit maybe) so I could lie how I wanted and get to sleep. Had the most vivid dream, I bought this beautiful horse, he was a huge grey appalloosa with yellow spots (yeah I know lol!), and I got him all tacked up ready to take him out on his first ride, and I left him untied in the yard, turned around and he'd wandered off into the muddy paddock with all the tack on and when I went to catch him, he turned to me and read up in front of me......then I woke up, I should imagine he squashed me on landing

Zena's eaten her morning markies so must be feeling ok. I've been Googling and I'm now convinced she does have that hiatas (sp?) hernie which causes acid reflux into the eosophageaus (sp? good try though lol) everything fits, even her high salivation when out, the reverse sneezing type episodes where she can't seem to breathe, the strange, soft coughing she does, and the elimination of food when she starts to eat that she was doing 2 years ago, and then the ulcers, the coffee granules of blood in the vomit, so I will mention this to the vet.

Off to the blooming van again today to do the change over from the christmas peops, ready for the next couple arriving today I really want to close this thing down, but then I have somebody else next week-end too. First of all, a nice brisk, windy walk along the sea front with Dave and Zena.

Enjoy the week-end everyone
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madmare is offline  
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29-12-2012, 08:01 AM
Morning Lynn and all,
Glad to hear you and Gordon are getting better now, but I do think you were wise not to go to the party and overdo things.
I am at the hospital this morning for an echocardiogram. I seem to be getting a lot of Saturday appointments lately. Still they suit me so can't complain.
My lungs are really painful this morning, every breath is hurting, yet I am not to wheezy, very odd but its probably all part of the COPD I suppose.
I must try and get my pile of ironing done today, because now there is yet another pile of washing to do. It seems never ending.
H, look on the brightside, doing the van may be a bind this time of the year, but at least you don't have to travel as far to do it as you used to
Take care all and have a good day.
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29-12-2012, 08:03 AM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Morning Lynn, Gerry, Rosebud, Debbie and everyone

First thought of the day is for you Sally having your poor dad in hospital, I do hope he recovers quickly and you can get him back home asap (((((((((hugs))))))))).

Glad you're feeling a bit better now Lynn, let's hope those taste buds return soon, and you were very wise not to go partying next door cos they might have plied you with alcohol like my neighbours did to me on Christmad day and then you wouldn't have been able to type this morning for our thread.

Gerry you're going to miss having your cousin so close and all those enjoyable days out, and have a safe journey back with him. Debbie pebbles in a necklace sound good and I'll take a look at your pics Rosebud glad you and the house survived such a wild night out there, and enjoy that turkey with the dogs today.

I slept, yayy, my knee is much better, I can now lock my leg straight without any pain (well, just a bit maybe) so I could lie how I wanted and get to sleep. Had the most vivid dream, I bought this beautiful horse, he was a huge grey appalloosa with yellow spots (yeah I know lol!), and I got him all tacked up ready to take him out on his first ride, and I left him untied in the yard, turned around and he'd wandered off into the muddy paddock with all the tack on and when I went to catch him, he turned to me and read up in front of me......then I woke up, I should imagine he squashed me on landing

Zena's eaten her morning markies so must be feeling ok. I've been Googling and I'm now convinced she does have that hiatas (sp?) hernie which causes acid reflux into the eosophageaus (sp? good try though lol) everything fits, even her high salivation when out, the reverse sneezing type episodes where she can't seem to breathe, the strange, soft coughing she does, and the elimination of food when she starts to eat that she was doing 2 years ago, and then the ulcers, the coffee granules of blood in the vomit, so I will mention this to the vet.

Off to the blooming van again today to do the change over from the christmas peops, ready for the next couple arriving today I really want to close this thing down, but then I have somebody else next week-end too. First of all, a nice brisk, windy walk along the sea front with Dave and Zena.

Enjoy the week-end everyone
Morning Helena. Glad to be reading the knee is so much better and that Zena is too this morning. Dillon has a very dicky tummy .
If we had been brave enough to go to the neighbours gathering I would not of been able to type this morning .

I know its a pain but think of the money when doing the van today. Will you be aloe to shut it down after next week for a week or two till Spring ?

Enjoy your walk today with Dave and Zena.
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29-12-2012, 08:11 AM
Good morning all.

Hope everyone and every dog who is ill is soon on the mend and that the high winds (if they are the same with you as they are here) don't cause any damage.

Got me new glasses yesterday. Called in on the off-chance and they had arrived in the morning. Lost my gloves though and I'm not pleased at all about that. they were fingerless, but the left had one had a leather golf glove underneath to keep my fingers warm while still being able to work the Flexi. Ah well, they were good while they lasted. Need to sort out something else now

I suppose we'll be having our usual walk about later - we are creatures of habit .

Whatever you're up to - enjoy and stay safe xx
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29-12-2012, 08:15 AM
Originally Posted by madmare View Post
Morning Lynn and all,
Glad to hear you and Gordon are getting better now, but I do think you were wise not to go to the party and overdo things.
I am at the hospital this morning for an echocardiogram. I seem to be getting a lot of Saturday appointments lately. Still they suit me so can't complain.
My lungs are really painful this morning, every breath is hurting, yet I am not to wheezy, very odd but its probably all part of the COPD I suppose.
I must try and get my pile of ironing done today, because now there is yet another pile of washing to do. It seems never ending.
H, look on the brightside, doing the van may be a bind this time of the year, but at least you don't have to travel as far to do it as you used to
Take care all and have a good day.
Morning Bev. Good luck at the hospital today.
I wonder if your lungs are painful because that wind today is very cold.
Good luck with that washing and ironing.

Originally Posted by Brierley View Post
Good morning all.

Hope everyone and every dog who is ill is soon on the mend and that the high winds (if they are the same with you as they are here) don't cause any damage.

Got me new glasses yesterday. Called in on the off-chance and they had arrived in the morning. Lost my gloves though and I'm not pleased at all about that. they were fingerless, but the left had one had a leather golf glove underneath to keep my fingers warm while still being able to work the Flexi. Ah well, they were good while they lasted. Need to sort out something else now

I suppose we'll be having our usual walk about later - we are creatures of habit .

Whatever you're up to - enjoy and stay safe xx
Morning Chris. Glad the glasses were in sorry to hear you lost your gloves.
Enjoy your walk today.
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