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16-11-2012, 07:41 AM

Morning, morning. Dogsey daily thread (Friday)

How are we all this morning ?

Well I hope . Thank goodness the weather here is better today no fog and no rain I bet I have spoken too soon about the rain

Gorden has told me his breakfast choices this morning in his good morning email which arrives in my in box around 1am here. 7ish in Kazakhstan. The choices are sausage and mash more like a puree.
Pancakes with meat (blini) type pancake quite thick in consistnecy and porridge without the hard boiled eggs and orange juice, yoghurt and coffee he needs now to learn how to ask for them in Kazak.

He says it is snowing heavily which he is quite pleased about as it means it isn't -15 degrees when he leaves the institute in the evenings. He said the lady behind the desk shouts at him hat, hat, hat before he opens the door to remind him to put it on.
The little snow ploughs are always out making sure the crossings are always clear and the gritters are always on the go too.
They have no grit and salt so are using sand which he thinks comes from the desert. Tomorrow they are off to visit a village school so he is gearing himself up for more heads and weird offerings.

My day today is shopping and walking Dillon. Michael is off to London till tomorrow sometime so I will get the house to myself for a while which I am looking forward too.
Gorden and I will also attemt to get a skype later today if it is as good as yesterdays we will be very pleased.

Malka been thinking of you and still am and I hope things have quietened down.
Bev thinking of you and Kyiro and I hope his paw is less sore today.
Everyone else I hope you are all well today and the doglets too.

Take care everyone and have a good day.
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16-11-2012, 07:49 AM
Morning Lynn,Morning all

Gordon does get some weird choices food wise doesn't he, and he must remember his hat lol.

Nothing much planned for today,need to do the shopping and the usual stuff and I hope I'm going to get a quiet night in tonight!

No school for Tom today,he has inset day,Lizzie is at college and has to wear her onesie for children in need,she's taking it with her cos she's not brave enough to walk down to catch her bus wearing it

Have a good Friday all xx
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16-11-2012, 07:51 AM
Good morning Lynn, Sal and everyone

First in my thoughts this morning is Malka, and I'm hoping you and Pereg are safe and secure and got a good night's sleep.

Glad to hear an update from Gorden, snowing hey When it snows over there I bet it snows, but at least they know how to cope with it, I'm sure Gorden won't get stuck in the hotel having to survive on their menu, coz he sure wouldn't!

Fell over the dog in the night, it was dark, she was sprawled out right in front of the door to my loo and being black and me half asleep I tripped on her, woke her up, but thankfully didn't actually step on her, and fell against the wall with my hands so didn't actually fall. She has no less than 3 beds in this house, but there she is, sprawled out across the floor. I will put the light on in future.

Having a day indoors today as I'll be without a car, as Dave is going up to the van to do the insulation underneath. I've got mountains of washing, ironing and sorting out to do with all the bedding for the van, finding big cupboards to store it in for the winter, so I'm sure I'll keep busy.

I'm not looking forward to tomorrow, coz we've got a 4 hour round trip to go and collect my car we've bought, and I hate leaving Zena at home for that long, let alone driving for 3 hours solid, but hey ho, tomorrow is another day, and it's a job that has to be done.

Hope you're all well and the dogs are too. Very still again out there, and dry, which is what I want, I might get the leaf blower out again. I managed to hoover the front lawn the other day with no repercussions on my back, shoulder or arms, so I might tackle the driveway with it today.

Enjoy your day everyone, don't work too hard
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Lynn is offline  
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16-11-2012, 08:00 AM
Originally Posted by Sal View Post
Morning Lynn,Morning all

Gordon does get some weird choices food wise doesn't he, and he must remember his hat lol.

Nothing much planned for today,need to do the shopping and the usual stuff and I hope I'm going to get a quiet night in tonight!

No school for Tom today,he has inset day,Lizzie is at college and has to wear her onesie for children in need,she's taking it with her cos she's not brave enough to walk down to catch her bus wearing it

Have a good Friday all xx
Morning Sal.

I hope you get your quiet night.
Can' say as I blame Lizzie I wouldn't have the nerve either.
Enjoy your day.

Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Good morning Lynn and everyone

First in my thoughts this morning is Malka, and I'm hoping you and Pereg are safe and secure and got a good night's sleep.

Glad to hear an update from Gorden, snowing hey When it snows over there I bet it snows, but at least they know how to cope with it, I'm sure Gorden won't get stuck in the hotel having to survive on their menu, coz he sure wouldn't!

Fell over the dog in the night, it was dark, she was sprawled out right in front of the door to my loo and being black and me half asleep I tripped on her, woke her up, but thankfully didn't actually step on her, and fell against the wall with my hands so didn't actually fall. She has no less than 3 beds in this house, but there she is, sprawled out across the floor. I will put the light on in future.

Having a day indoors today as I'll be without a car, as Dave is going up to the van to do the insulation underneath. I've got mountains of washing, ironing and sorting out to do with all the bedding for the van, finding big cupboards to store it in for the winter, so I'm sure I'll keep busy.

I'm not looking forward to tomorrow, coz we've got a 4 hour round trip to go and collect my car we've bought, and I hate leaving Zena at home for that long, let alone driving for 3 hours solid, but hey ho, tomorrow is another day, and it's a job that has to be done.

Hope you're all well and the dogs are too. Very still again out there, and dry, which is what I want, I might get the leaf blower out again. I managed to hoover the front lawn the other day with no repercussions on my back, shoulder or arms, so I might tackle the driveway with it today.

Enjoy your day everyone, don't work too hard
Oh dear Helena its Sally's magic bottle again I am convinced of it

Don't you know its a dogs job to lay and trap their people into falling over them in the dark.

Please be careful with that leaf blower

Have a good day.
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16-11-2012, 08:00 AM
Morning Lynn and all,

My first thoughts this morning are also with Malka, hoping and praying she and Pereg are safe. I will not settle until she has been on.

Good news here. After a very worrying night because Kyiro hadn't peed since 6.30/7am yesterday morning, he finally went this morning. I have never been so relieved to see a dog pee as I didn't want to be running up more bills at the vets. He did seem like he was hallucinating a bit last night as he seemed scared of the garden and kept crying and staring around but not focusing. It was probably the anesthetic and Tramadol combined. He even whinged when I left him behind while I walked Lily and he has had a drink and some food now too.
Lynn I bet they manage to keep things clearer of snow and ice out there than this country can do and its nice to hear you say you are looking forward to having the house to yourself today, although I bet Dillon will keep you entertained.
I'm off to do mums shopping this morning then her housework, then its off to work this afternoon. Thank goodness its Friday.
Hope you all have a good day.
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16-11-2012, 08:12 AM
Morning Lynn, Sal. H Bev and all

I have also been thinking of Malka and Pereg, I hope they are safe and not too scared.

Gorden sure keeps us all entertained with his menus!! I don't think they would cope with me not eating meat. I hope you get a good connection this afternoon.

Thank goodness you didn't hurt youself or Zena H, she was probably on guard duty.

Poor Kyiro, anaesthetics have a strange effect on some dogs, Kia cried and cried when she only had a premed!

It's foggy here today and looks like it's going to hang around for most of the day. I am working this afternoon so will be busy this morning getting the dogs out, why we start work at 12.30 is a mystery, it's such a difficult time, I have my lunch at about 11.30.

Have a good day all.
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16-11-2012, 08:17 AM
Morning all - just sticking my head round the door to let everyone know that Pereg and I are OK before I rush across to the macolet for some bread.

We had a fairly quiet night but the Color Red Alert sirens started howling at maybe 7.30am and it has been noisy with sirens and/or the dull booms of the Iron Dome going off since then.

I will be back later.
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16-11-2012, 08:21 AM
Glad to hear you are safe, we are hearing on the news about a ceasefire as some VIP type person is visiting.
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16-11-2012, 08:22 AM
Good morning Lynn and all,

A grey dank morning here but at least it is promised to be dry Long walks for the dogs today as tomorrow looks dire

Food shopping and more housework - it never ends!

Everything crossed that Malka and Pereg remain safe and have a peaceful day. The news has just stated that right now there is a ceasefire, due to a meeting of the heads, but how long will it last? Cyber ((hugs)) being sent to you Malka and of course, the gorgeous Pereg.

For all of those who work, Friday's must surely be the best day of the week.

Lynn, Gorden's breakfast sounds as disgusting as ever. He'll probably lose weight while away ...... perfect place for a diet

I hope Kyiro is settling in himself and has a peaceful day after his trauma yesterday.

I wish you all a safe day.
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16-11-2012, 08:25 AM
morning all, just popping in to say Goodnight, 12.30am here, just got home from seeing the Red Hot Chillis, which were excellent, quick cup of tea and wind down for the dogs(who get over excited when we get home) then off to bed!!

Happy Friday all and pleased to hear from you Malka & Pereg x
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