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06-11-2012, 07:07 AM

Dogsey DAILY THREAD - Tuesday

Good morning everyone

Hoping all the poor doglets and other animals coped with all the bangs and whizzes last night, it really was awful outside down here, as it was such a perfect night for it, dry and clear - unfortunately, I was praying for rain! Zena got caught out in the garden, I thought it was safe, and then a big rocket shot up above us and exploded right over our heads and showered all the red bits down on us, but she seemed unpreturbed How lucky am I!

Looking outside this morning over the woodland, it's a real picture (I might actually share it with you later!) with the autumnal colours of those trees, not a leaf moving, with a haze of pink sky over the top below the blue - did I paint that well enough for ya?

Dave went off to work at 6 am without waking me up, so that's another one of us home alone for the time being. I've got a very busy schedule whilst he's away this week as I'm having a new bathroom suite fitted in the caravan, the carpet fitter is coming to measure up for new carpets up there, and now that it's dried out a bit, I want to get the bike out with Zena. On top of that, I'm meeting up with another couple of owners up at the park who want to chat to me about me taking over their rentals, but if it's not financially in my favour I won't be doing it! I like to keep busy, otherwise the time drags when he's gone.

Well enjoy your day, and don't forget to keep popping in to tell us all about it when you can (we're a nosy bunch in here)
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06-11-2012, 07:27 AM
Good morning Helena and all who follow brrrr it is white with frost everywhere this morning and was very cold when I took Chloe out at 6am.

Baby Hannah arrived at 7am and is now full of porridge and oranges and playing happily with her toys

I hope everyone has a good day...

Hannah says Hi

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06-11-2012, 07:49 AM
Morning all,

Hi Helena, hope Zena enjoys her run with the bike today. Morning Minihaha, hi back to gorgeous Hanna.

Well I'm in the PE kit today, I have PE 3 days a week and fed up of just sitting and watching so wearing my PE kit so I can join in instead I had a ball yesterday playing basketball with the lass so I'm really looking forward to today

Got art later too so fingers crossed I can pick up more tips
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06-11-2012, 07:58 AM
Morning All,

Yes the dogs coped very well with the fireworks. Zane is the only one who reacts and that's only if he can't see them. Last night was wat OTT here though - I'm sure people get hold of the display ones they shouldn't have access to.

Anyway, I have to contact the Police (AGAIN! ) this morning. My neighbour was actually hiding behind my fence last night, wearing all black and sunglasses (it was dark!! - there really is no hope for these people).

Because I ignored him when he moaned about the dogs barking (it was only Zane and he was barking at the fireworks that were much louder than he was) he tried to grab my arm. This is after trying to intimidate Oscar who was outside on his bike. We had been at my Mom's and sometimes he's allowed to ride his bike home and I effectively kerb-crawl so that the car is parallel to him all the way back.

So WMP and Housing have an ultimatum. They can rehouse these pieces of scum elsewhere by the end of November or I will make their lives absolute hell. The only difference is that I won't break the law to do it - so there won't be a damn thing they can do about it.

Considering neither the LA or the Police have done anything about the attacks on the dogs,nor the racial abuse dished out by these people, I will now give as good as I get.

I've gone so far as to consider purchasing a protection dog (as mine are not suitable for protection work). I don't appreciate being accosted on my own pathway. Having a go at me is one thing. Abusing my Son (in any way at all) is another thing entirely.

So that's where I am at the moment. once Oscar is in school, I'll contact the Police (Housing already have an e-mail) and my local MP and take it from there.

As it's good weather, albeit freezing I'll then be taking the dogs to the park before visiting my Mom and then going back to fetch Oscar from school.

So, happy days for all. Hope everyone had an easier evening and morning than I.

Laura xx
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06-11-2012, 07:59 AM
Morning H, and all,
I've got to get the dog beds and toys out in a moment as I am going to pick Kyiro and Lily up from kennels this morning. I have to be there at 10am and then take Kyiro for his vet check on his foot before bringing them both home till Friday. They will go back in kennels then Friday till monday as I suspect there will be quite a few fireworks again this coming weekend as the shops reduce their price to clear them.
Its going to be lovely having them home again I have really missed them, although I havn't missed the 5am get up and walk me call every morning.
H, I would love to see a pic of your glorius view it sounds lovely, my view from here is just boring roof tops.
Mini, Hannah is gorgeous.
Have a good day everyone and I hope Gordon is settling well now Lynn.
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06-11-2012, 08:03 AM
Morning All xxxx

Well would you 'adam and eve' it, fireworks everywhere and huge bangs. Ours were not bothered thankfully but I went over to the shop and could hear a really distressed wailing noise....a bloke told me that a cat was under a cat and petried.

I spent 1/2 hour coaxing it, got bitten (ouch) trying, when finally it made a dash and arrived in our house through the front door It was very like a Bengal, such a beauty but poor soul was sick not long after coming in as he was so upset, well he had chicken pieces later and settled on the lot had to stay in the living room
When things stopped and all was quiet, around 11.30pm he went merrily on his way Im sure he went home I think he belongs to a family up the road.

Have a great day folks
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Lucky Star
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06-11-2012, 08:03 AM
Morning all .

Wow, everyone is so busy!

Mini - awwwww, she's gorgeous. We had porridge here this morning too.

Laura, how awful, I hope you can get some progress.

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06-11-2012, 08:11 AM
Morning Nechda, morning all

Mini - Hannah is absolutely gorgeous! you are so lucky to be able to see your grandchildren.

Laura - it is diabolical what your neighbours are doing and I do hope you get some satisfaction from all concerned.

I am currently trying to find a couple of guys who will move my couch from here to my neighbour as I need to clean the floor before the new one arrives - which should be Sunday. She keeps saying she will ask someone but she has a memory like a sieve at times and I must get this moved within the next couple of days. I just hope I like the colour of the new one when it comes as it just says "Brown" but there is no picture so I do not know what shade of brown. Well there is a picture of the couch but only in red.

Oh yes, and I have had confirmation that the money I had paid for the last one which ended up they did not have brown after all, has been credited to me in full, so that is one less thing to worry about now.

Now I am sure nobody wants to know what temperature is currently roasting my left arm - actually almost all of my left side from table level upwards, do you... I am not going to tell you that it is 34.2°c at 10.10am and I am fed up with this bluddy weather.

Have a good day everyone and pleeeeeese send us some rain!
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06-11-2012, 08:14 AM
Monring Helena, morning all.

That view sounds stunning Helena pictures would be nice if you get the opportunity.
Good luck at the caravan.
Hannah is beautiful Mini have a lovely day together.
Your situton sounds awful C I hope you get soemthing sorted in your favour.
Bev have a lovely day with the dogs being back.

I have been to the tube station already to drop Michael off and boy is it cold and frosty I now have to get out in it to walk Dillon. I shalll be wrapping up warm. Ideal weather for Dillon though.
I am crossing the day soff the calendar till Gorden gets home. I hope he has had a good first day teaching.

Have a good day all.
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Annestaff is offline  
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06-11-2012, 08:39 AM
Morning all

Shattered this morning, had such a bad night with Harvey and the fireworks. Some idiot was still letting them off at 2am Will be spending the morning put the house back together.

Dogs have had breakfast and gone back to bed, thats my bed tucked under the quilt not their own Harvey's that tired he hasn't even pestered me to go out so I don't think he'll be surfacing for a few hours yet.

Hope you all have a good day and welcome to Dogsey Hannah
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