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18-04-2012, 10:17 PM
Originally Posted by Moon's Mum View Post
I think they said he had a heart condition
Poor little thing I had to look away Heart condition says it all. At least they were kind enough to stop her suffering.
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19-04-2012, 03:51 PM
Just watched episode 2 - if anyone wants to catch up it's here:

Much preferred the training techniques and attitudes towards training this time round, well done Sue and her team!

I did feel they were too harsh on Amy, and no where near harsh enough on Mishak. What was her crime? (Apart from being a little lazy) she was just too soft on dogs (which, no matter how bad, is borne out of love for them?). But Mishak, breeds dogs willy nilly for _money_, much more worthy of condemnation.

Amy was far more deserving of the training opportunity, and the gifts that Mishak received (although in fairness, Mishak does seem to love dogs, but he has to snap out of treating them as a source of income).
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19-04-2012, 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by Azz View Post
Just watched episode 2 - if anyone wants to catch up it's here:

Much preferred the training techniques and attitudes towards training this time round, well done Sue and her team!

I did feel they were too harsh on Amy, and no where near harsh enough on Mishak. What was her crime? (Apart from being a little lazy) she was just too soft on dogs (which, no matter how bad, is borne out of love for them?). But Mishak, breeds dogs willy nilly for _money_, much more worthy of condemnation.

Amy was far more deserving of the training opportunity, and the gifts that Mishak received (although in fairness, Mishak does seem to love dogs, but he has to snap out of treating them as a source of income).
I don't think Amy did a "crime" as such, but her general attitude wasn't great. I certainly got a lot of "I don't want to be here" vibes off her. Personally, if I had been flown around the world presumably completely free of charge and given a great opportunity like that, I'd jump at it.

Mishak definitely loves his dogs but is just totally misguided, like a lot of dog owners to be fair. Hopefully he will see the error of his ways but I'm a bit doubtful.
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19-04-2012, 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by Azz View Post
Just watched episode 2 - if anyone wants to catch up it's here:

Much preferred the training techniques and attitudes towards training this time round, well done Sue and her team!
To be fair, running a rehoming center, essentially for abandoned pets, is a very different proposition to dealing with determined, aggression-trained working dogs and poachers with guns in the South African bush.

The dogs there with aggression problems were in a separate high security block and weren't handled along with the "normal" dogs.

Originally Posted by Azz View Post
I did feel they were too harsh on Amy, and no where near harsh enough on Mishak. What was her crime? (Apart from being a little lazy) she was just too soft on dogs (which, no matter how bad, is borne out of love for them?). But Mishak, breeds dogs willy nilly for _money_, much more worthy of condemnation.
IMO she wasn't just lazy, and bear in mind that is being too lazy to look after her dog properly in terms of training him, protecting him from traffic, picking up after him etc, but she just gave up as soon as anything became at all difficult. We all know dogs can be hard work so giving up isn't good for the dog. IMO she wasn't too soft out of love, much of it was out of laziness and lack of determination.

I agree Mishak was breeding pretty indiscriminately, a major problem, but he wasn't disinclined to work, he was prepared to work hard with the dogs, not just play with them, including the less appealing feeding and cleaning out.

He appeared to have a major attitude problem of knowing better as to how he handed and trained his dogs so he felt no one could tell him anything.

Originally Posted by Azz View Post
Amy was far more deserving of the training opportunity, and the gifts that Mishak received (although in fairness, Mishak does seem to love dogs, but he has to snap out of treating them as a source of income).
Amy seemed much less prepared to benefit from the experience, or to put in much work while there, describing the efforts of the shelter to help and educate her as "being punished".

I strongly disagree with Mischak seeing his dog as a "moneymaker", training him to be aggressive, letting him run about off lead and his mistakenly anthropomorphic outlook on neutering but he did take a lot on board.

To be fair Amy seemed to have finally improved immensely with Milo when she went back.

However I guess everyone puts something of their own interpretation on what they see.

Nice to see King got adopted though

Looks like more Malinios and maybe a Dutch Herder next week
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19-04-2012, 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by Azz View Post
Just watched episode 2 - if anyone wants to catch up it's here:

Much preferred the training techniques and attitudes towards training this time round, well done Sue and her team!

I did feel they were too harsh on Amy, and no where near harsh enough on Mishak. What was her crime? (Apart from being a little lazy) she was just too soft on dogs (which, no matter how bad, is borne out of love for them?). But Mishak, breeds dogs willy nilly for _money_, much more worthy of condemnation.

Amy was far more deserving of the training opportunity, and the gifts that Mishak received (although in fairness, Mishak does seem to love dogs, but he has to snap out of treating them as a source of income).
I didn't feel they were too harsh on Amy at all. I wont be cleaning kennels, I cant be bothered training, I can give back chat, what have I done to deserve sleeping on a mattress without a base (btw presuming she didnt have to pay money for this life experience, flights etc?) and I can blame it all on losing a dog. It's a horrible experience losing a dear pet and not one anyone wants to go through, but compare that to the other guy who lost his MOTHER. Sorry but theres no way losing one pet means you cant be bothered training any others you might have. Its a cop out. She got the kick up the backside she needed to start acting like an adult and it ultimately helped her grow up, so was beneficial to her. I actually got the impression that her being soft was born out of her being lazy rather than love. Lets not forget that she's a grown woman not a kid! Good for her for stepping up in the end though.

They didnt come across as harsh to Mishak because he was willing to get his hands dirty and get on with the tasks set out for him, rather than waste the time of people who have enough to do. Showing him bags which contained dead dogs from road accidents and the kennel block with dogs that are there by law, whos owners thought they were fine and explaining that one dog was being held while the owner was up on a murder charge due to the dog, isnt any softer on him than her having to grow up and realise that dogs are PTS everyday.

Mishak may be misguided in his breeding beliefs (initially) but further in the programme there was a snippet where he said that initial contact was gained in the street/fb etc, then he found out more about them and that in future he would be much stricter and do more follow up checks/home checks etc. Then later, he admitted that his dog hadnt been mated since the experience at the shelter. So I think he has/is learning.

I also think that Amy was just as quick to go to the first breeder that came along and the down side of this wasnt mentioned in the programme, apart from what you seen the girls at the shelter mention. Mishak is the type of breeder that needs to be "caught" and have his passion for dogs re-directed and re-educated, since he does care about them, in order to prevent more BYB'ing and encourage positive behaviour such as learning to become a dog trainer using positive reinforcement techniques. So in that respect, I think he 'deserved' the opportunity more. By allowing him on the programme, his dogs are safer and the amount of BYB staffie pups have been reduced slightly. Not a bad result IMHO.
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19-04-2012, 06:17 PM
Telling someone 'Oh for goodness sakes you're a grown woman' while they are obviously emotionally upset about something, is insensitive, and rude - because they don't know her well enough to give her that sort of personal (/ridiculing) feedback especially while she is clearly upset. Up to that point I thought Sue and her team were doing great, but was disappointed with that outburst because it reflects an attitude I do not hold in high regard. Anyway, it's easy to judge others when they've been on TV (and I'm not really holding it against the trainer that said it - we all say things that perhaps in hindsight we wish we never - and she did make up for it after by saying how amazing Amy had been) - as much as I'd like to think I am kind and considerate I'd probably be a lot worse in the heat of the moment

Both Mishak and Amy seem like nice people, with the potential to be genuine dog lovers, and perhaps Amy already is. There always comes a point from when you should know better, and that has come for Mishak - if he breeds another litter after being shown how wrong it is as clearly as anyone possibly could have been, he'll prove he is not a genuine dog lover at all, just another fake, hiding under the guise of one but exploiting them for nothing but money.
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19-04-2012, 06:26 PM
tbh, I think their attitude towards her came because of the attitude she had towards them and their dogs at the shelter, and the fact that she felt it was OK to just give up and why on earth should it be so hard work, why was she being punished, etc etc. she was kinda cheeky too! All the while these people are spending time with someone who was wasting theirs whilst they are supposed to be training, cleaning out, treating and picking up dogs needing help. and at the end of the day, I think they told her to grow up because she is a grown woman acting like a child with a very, I dont want to be here attitude. They did also spend time speaking with her etc. Remember we are only seeing snippets of that week.
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19-04-2012, 06:55 PM
I think the programme was interesting and I liked Sue and the trainer lady. I did think it was too "emotional" for me though as I felt it was invasive about Mishak's past and his Mum committing suicide when he was young. I guess he gave permission for what was shown but I felt he was vulnerable and it was a bit like the "X Factor" where they use people's sad stories to manipulate your feelings about someone.

Amy was annoying but then she was a teenager I think? What I mean is she wasn't very old to cope with the challenging environment she was put in and it was very upsetting watching that elderly dog be put to sleep though it seemed to be the kindest thing in the circumstances.

I just hope it had a lasting change on Mishak-nice to see he had his dog on a lead at the end of the programme.

Driving to agility last night I passed 2 owners with off-leash dogs, one a JRT just round the corner from my home and a GSD walking off-lead beside its owner right near a very busy road and roundabout. Makes me feel like shouting out of the window at them!!

PS-one funny point was that Jamie watched the beginning part of the programme with me and he said that he couldn't understand how Amy was a glamour model as she wasn't very glamourous!! I had to explain what glamour model really meant!
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19-04-2012, 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by Kerryowner View Post
I think the programme was interesting and I liked Sue and the trainer lady. I did think it was too "emotional" for me though as I felt it was invasive about Mishak's past and his Mum committing suicide when he was young. I guess he gave permission for what was shown but I felt he was vulnerable and it was a bit like the "X Factor" where they use people's sad stories to manipulate your feelings about someone.

Amy was annoying but then she was a teenager I think? What I mean is she wasn't very old to cope with the challenging environment she was put in and it was very upsetting watching that elderly dog be put to sleep though it seemed to be the kindest thing in the circumstances.

I just hope it had a lasting change on Mishak-nice to see he had his dog on a lead at the end of the programme.

Driving to agility last night I passed 2 owners with off-leash dogs, one a JRT just round the corner from my home and a GSD walking off-lead beside its owner right near a very busy road and roundabout. Makes me feel like shouting out of the window at them!!

PS-one funny point was that Jamie watched the beginning part of the programme with me and he said that he couldn't understand how Amy was a glamour model as she wasn't very glamourous!! I had to explain what glamour model really meant!
Yeah I agree I liked Sue and her team, and they do a fantastic job, and of course this weeks episode showed the plight of rescue dogs, and hopefully, even if it gets one person to never BYB again it will have been worth it - so for that they can all take credit.

Yes I think Amy was 17, and far more mature than I was at that age - but I guess the kids mature earlier these days.
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19-04-2012, 07:34 PM
I enjoyed the programme again last night. Really liked Sue and the trainer lady. I didn't realise just how big the problem of stray dogs is in Oz

Both the British dog owners had their own issues, but I felt that Mishak was a dog lover - he just really didn't understand that he was a part of the problem with his breeding and selling Staffs to anyone who showed interest. I felt he should have been made to see how many staffie and staffie x's are pts each week. I bet there would be a few I think that may have had an impact on him.

Amy was just basically lazy initially and clearly felt that shovelling sh*t was beneath her ... especially as she doesn't even do it at home! Glad she's not my neighbour! I did feel she came good toward the end of the programme though, and did feel very sorry for her when she got so upset watching that poor old dog being pts. I would have been just as distraught.

Really looking forward to next week.
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