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Craig & Lorna
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22-08-2011, 09:45 AM
Late night last night, and i do not seem to be able to get acorss what i am trying to say. Or maybe i am and it is just falling on deaf ears.

To suggest that a Stafford that is dog aggressive should not be bred from is utter rubbish ! Most are naturally dog aggressive, yes there are those that will happily play with other dogs, but there are also those that will not !

If you visit most Stafford rings at any KC event, you will see more than a few dogs and bitches that are having a go at eachother in and out of the ring. Most owners (Bar the idiots) keep their dogs on tight leads and are fully aware of what their dog is capable of. Again there are those that will happily wag their tails, sniff eachother...etc... Some of the top winning dogs in this country, will not tolerate eacother. Should these dogs also be excluded from breeding programmes ?

I am not advocating dog fighting at all, but Staffords can and do have a temprement that means they will not get along with other dogs, to imply that they do not is more dangerous for the breed than anyone admitting that they can be dog aggressive, and trying to educate people !

You only need to read forums such as these to see how many people go into owning this breed blind. With the ammount of .... "**** growled at another dog today what should i do" posts. You own a Stafford, surely you were aware that these problems could arise, if not why didn't you research first, and who sold you a dog without knowing what you were potentially getting yourself in for ?

Nobody would condem a German Shepherd for defending it's house, it's natural instinct. Again there are some that wont, that doesn't mean that they are not naturally guarding !

Some Staffords are not naturally dog aggressive, but as a breed they generally are !

It drives me mad when Staffords and their owners are comdemned for something which is part of the breed. Yes it needs to be controlled and understood, but it is there !

Subjects like this often take a turn for the worse on "all breed" forums, more so than "breed specific" forums. Maybe because owners of different breeds, do not fully understand and just assume that Staffords and "Bull breeds" should be more like their breed ?
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22-08-2011, 09:49 AM
Not a proper stafford.....

Not being funny but you can call my staffie a banana if you want, I much prefere like this than dog aggressive
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akitagirl is offline  
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22-08-2011, 09:49 AM
Of course aggressive dogs, in any way shape or form should not be bred from!!!!

For the sake of any breed!
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22-08-2011, 09:57 AM
Craig & lorna, if you said you aren't a breeder, why does your website say otherwise? =\

Also says you have bred more than once.

If you were wanting to breed to further the breed, surely anyone with any common sense would realise that to do that you only pick the BEST dogs to breed from, yes some staffs may be dog aggressive so would you not only breed from the ones that have NEVER shown signs of aggression to help get the breed "back on track" and give them the best possible chance of not being aggressive?

Carrying on breeding aggressive staffs with no health tests makes you no better than anyone flinging two dogs together, no matter how much you love your dogs =\

ETA: How many times do you have to breed before being classed as a "breeder"? Also if you do do the health checks I do apologise, there is health information on your site, but I can't find anything next to your dogs as to the results?
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Craig & Lorna
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22-08-2011, 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by kammi_sparky123 View Post
Craig & lorna, if you said you aren't a breeder, why does your website say otherwise? =\

Also says you have bred more than once.

If you were wanting to breed to further the breed, surely anyone with any common sense would realise that to do that you only pick the BEST dogs to breed from, yes some staffs may be dog aggressive so would you not only breed from the ones that have NEVER shown signs of aggression to help get the breed "back on track" and give them the best possible chance of not being aggressive?

Carrying on breeding aggressive staffs with no health tests makes you no better than anyone flinging two dogs together, no matter how much you love your dogs =\
I never said that i had only bred one litter, i said that i have an affix and that i had bred I do not breed on a regular basis, if i do breed a litter it is to keep a pup to "hopefully" show and to better what i already have. I do use what i deem to be the best for my bitch, if that dog happens to be dog aggressive, then so be it. I wouldn't exclude a dog because of it.

As i have said in a previous post, "MOST" of the top winning dos in this country will not tolerate eachother, in or out of the show ring. Should they all be excluded from breeding programmes ?

The open dog/bitch classes at a Championship show could be full of Champion dogs, all of them dog aggressive. What should be done with them ?

Back to the OP, the man in the park with the dog that growled at 2 dogs, could have been genuine when he said that his dog had never ascted that way before. Staffords can and do just change, if he had been educated and beenn fully aware of the fact, maybe he wouldn't have acted so surprised ?

ETA: All of my dogs are health tested, and would not be bred from without being clear.
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22-08-2011, 10:18 AM
Originally Posted by Craig & Lorna View Post
Knew I would need that tin hat....

A majority of Staffords are "naturally" dog aggressive, so if breeding, there is the potential to breed more dog aggressive pups. That is part and parcel of the breed, and should not be frowned upon.

So what is the answer ? Only breeding from non aggressive bitches and searching out stud dogs that do not and have never displayed aggression ? What you will end up with is a dog that looks like a Stafford and acts like something all together different, you are wanting to change the whole character and temperament of a breed, because it doesn't fit in with some lifestyles. If the natural temperament doesn't suit then maybe a different breed is the answer ?

Sometimes owning a Stafford is not easy, and it means doing things differently than most other dog breed owners. Such as walking in places where there are no other dogs, at unsociable hours..etc..

I wouldn't want a herding breed that didn't herd, or a retriver that didn't retrieve I do not want a Stafford that does not have a Stafford temperament.

In answer to the question about my dog/s being off lead : I own 4 Staffords, all are walked in areas where we do not stumble across other dogs, and yes if they are out where there are other dogs present they are on leads.

I have a mother and daughter here, that can not be together for any length of time because they fight. They are kept separately and crated accordingly

So I take it your dogs are all dog aggressive ? & that you breed ? Do you do the health tests ? Are your dogs registered ? Do you do anything with your dogs other than breed & keep them as pets ?

It is not acceptable to breed from any terrier breed let alone SBT(or any dog come to that)that shows aggression. It is NOT part & parcel of the Staffordshire Bull Terrier temperament/character.

The very fact that you have bred from a bitch who has to be separated from her daughter concerns me. I know that some bitches(especially those close together in age-had a couple of those-one of whom was a rescue)cannot live together, but mother & daughter ?? Hm just shouldn't happen.

Seems to me that you revel in the fact that SBT can be dog aggressive & perhaps that is something that you attracts you to the breed ?

To breed one litter BTW means you are a breeder

Edited to add

Only the DNA & clinical eye tests done than-not hip or elbow scoring. Before you say SBT don't have HD or ED oh yes they do ! as the BVA website shows

One bitch has had 3 litters containing 17 puppies, one of your dogs 4 litters with 18 puppies & one of the dogs you have used has produced 896 puppies from 182 litters
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Craig & Lorna
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22-08-2011, 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by JoedeeUK View Post
So I take it your dogs are all dog aggressive ? & that you breed ? Do you do the health tests ? Are your dogs registered ? Do you do anything with your dogs other than breed & keep them as pets ?

It is not acceptable to breed from any terrier breed let alone SBT(or any dog come to that)that shows aggression. It is NOT part & parcel of the Staffordshire Bull Terrier temperament/character.

The very fact that you have bred from a bitch who has to be separated from her daughter concerns me. I know that some bitches(especially those close together in age-had a couple of those-one of whom was a rescue)cannot live together, but mother & daughter ?? Hm just shouldn't happen.

Seems to me that you revel in the fact that SBT can be dog aggressive & perhaps that is something that you attarcts you to the breed ?

To breed one litter BTW means you are a breeder
.............I recently saw a post from you, stating that someones opion on German Shepherds was not valid because they hadn't actually owned one...... So, how many Staffords have you owned ?
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22-08-2011, 10:22 AM
My best friend owned a Staffie she was a lovely dog.

The breeder they got her from as they had never owend one before made them fully aware of the potential that she could kick off at any given time they were told the signs and adhered to them strictly. Her papers were registered with their Solicitor as this was the time when the DDA was introduced.

Rolo never put a foot wrong maybe thats because they were educated by a good breeder and did all the things in the right order with regards to other dogs and so she never was put in a posiiton of having to kick off. Maybe it was she was bred from parents with good temperaments. ( I like to think that was the case).

I still stand by what I said though the breeding should stop for Staffies especially due to the overbreeding for all the wrong reasons and by the wrong people and as with any breed if it has aggressive tendencies it should not be bred from. I have met dog aggressive Staffies and non dog aggressive Staffies.

I think I understand what you are trying to say but still feel this is the potential for any dog if pushed to far.
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22-08-2011, 10:23 AM
I can't really believe my eyes

Not only are there too many Staffies in rescue already, someone who claims to only breed to keep or to better the breed would happily use a stud dog that is known to be dog aggresive

I think a short sharp shock is needed here, when does a dog that is attacking another dog, gets into a frenzy over it, differentiate between the dog it is attacking and the person that owns the other dog and is trying to break up a fight?

A show dog could have won everything possible in the ring, be an outstanding example of the breed in every way, but aggression is one trait that should always be avoided at all costs.

There is absolutely no reason for anyone, and I mean anyone, to continue breeding Staffies whilst the breed is in such dire straits, to do so can only be for ignorant or selfish reasons.

BTW, I am not anti Staffie at all, I think they are gorgeous and my BIL has owned them for a few years, but until the breeders, (and as soon as you have had your first litter you become a breeder!), open their eyes to what is happening with their breed, things will never change.
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22-08-2011, 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by Craig & Lorna View Post
.............I recently saw a post from you, stating that someones opion on German Shepherds was not valid because they hadn't actually owned one...... So, how many Staffords have you owned ?
Owned none-however home boarded/fostered around 20 + over the years-probably more than you have had under your roof as adults
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