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05-12-2010, 11:40 PM

My dog has suddenly developed a neck wound .....

On Friday evening I noticed my puppy (11 months old) has a wound on her neck. She insists on scratching it even though it is inflammed and either bleeding or weeping (she won't let me take a proper look). I have been bathing it for her (when I can stop her wriggling away). She is very good natured about it but it is obviously painful for her. She has also developed an unusual smell but I think that may be whatever is seeping from the wound. She is usually extremely bouncy but has become a bit withdrawn and has started seeking out places to hide (probably from me and my wet towelling). I am making an appointment at the vets first thing tomorrow, but I have been researching on the internet and have come across 'hot spots'. It sounds to me as though my puppy 'Daisy' may have a 'hot spot'. Does anyone out there have any experience of similar patches suddenly appearing on their dog/s with no known injury having caused the problem other than the dog/s scratching of the area? I'm quite worried that if it is not a 'hot spot' then it may be something more sinister.
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Tupacs2legs is offline  
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05-12-2010, 11:45 PM

... sounds to me that its likely to be a spot of 'wet eczma'... you really need to trim the hair away (as it will fester underneath) and give the area a clean and see whats what... but i guess if she wont let you,you will have to wait till you get to the vets.
what you have to do is to stop her scratching it,it will become infected.
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05-12-2010, 11:52 PM
Hi Tupacs2legs, thanks for the reply, do you have any advice for how I may stop Daisy from scratching the wound tonight. I'm considering sleeping downstairs with her, as I can't think of anything that I can use to prevent her from scratching. The wound is at the top of her neck almost nearing her jawline and I've tried wrapping the wound but because of where it is positioned whatever I wrap it with slips down or off, especially as she makes every effort to remove whatever I put on.
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06-12-2010, 12:05 AM
Originally Posted by Woofles View Post
Hi Tupacs2legs, thanks for the reply, do you have any advice for how I may stop Daisy from scratching the wound tonight. I'm considering sleeping downstairs with her, as I can't think of anything that I can use to prevent her from scratching. The wound is at the top of her neck almost nearing her jawline and I've tried wrapping the wound but because of where it is positioned whatever I wrap it with slips down or off, especially as she makes every effort to remove whatever I put on.
would she tolarate baby socks or similar taped on her back feet?
you dont want to wrap the wound as air is what it needs hence the hair needs to come off

try not to worry,its a vicious itches,she scratches,breaks the skin,infects it... its fairly common and treatable with aftercare (if wet eczma)
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06-12-2010, 12:11 AM
Bathing it with a tepid saline solution will help, it will disinfect the area and help ease the itching temporarily

It may be an allergy spot [itchy] spot which she has scratched. Do her nails need clippiny by any chance?

Good luck at the vets.
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Chris is offline  
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06-12-2010, 12:18 AM
Have you changed collars recently? Something to consider
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06-12-2010, 09:20 PM
Hi all, thanks for the advice. We've been to the vet and Daisy has a 'hot spot' she is on antibiotics, and we're back to the vet tomorrow for her to be sedated so that they can shave the infected area and 'scrape' it clean. Hopefully that should sort her out, though the position of the wound will prevent her from wearing an e collar. thanks again.
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