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26-07-2004, 11:24 AM
It is strange how things change I gave up smoking many years ago and found it really hard to do this, I did so for money not health reasons.I was originally pressed to smoke by a nurse friend who was in turn advised by her Sister Tutor to 'take your cigs with you to your first post mortem to stop you fainting' My late husband, a career soldier was I belive given a ration of cigs when he was in the Korean war as were soldiers in previous conflicts so was in effect encouraged to smoke by the government. We know so much more about the effects of smoking on health these days and the need for people to give up, but there are still many people around who at the time they started smoking were not aware of health implications. For them giving up after so many years will be very difficult. I read a report years ago indicating the major tobacco companies knew long long ago about the health implications and addiction of tobacco as did successive government both here and abroad but nothing was done to inform the public, the governments would not do so because the tax revenue was a prime consideration and obviously it was not in the intrests of the tobacco companies to inform anyone. So now we have a legacy of people who find it hard to give up, those who have never smoked and don't understand the addiction and those like me who gave up and now do not smoke but appreciate the problem of both sides in the debate. The answer I guess as in most things is a little tollerance on both sides..smokers making an effort to be considerate to others and non smokers appreciating the smokers addiction. I think possibly in years to come smoking will die a natural death as the 'smoking generation' is replaced by the newly informed youngsters of today
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26-07-2004, 12:22 PM
The ban on smoking is not so much about banning smoking and making it difficult for people . It is being brought in under H& S legislation........

It is to stop people having to work in areas where they are "subjected" to passive smoking.....through no choice of their own.

If smokers want to have whole section of the resturants/pubs sectioned of for them.....who is going to serve them.....I would imagine that most of the serving staff would not volunteer to go into the smokers room to serve....

As for the new informed youngsters of today......there are more thatn 40% of the younger population smoking today...this is far more than 10 years ago....and the worst are young girls...
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26-07-2004, 12:33 PM
Although I am a smoker if I go to a restaurant I always choose non-smoking I don't want to breathe it in when I am eating and I wait until I get home to smoke. I don't smoke at dog training although it is allowed and I don't smoke around other peoples houses. I like to think I am a considerate smoker and if more smokers were considerate where they light up and didn't drop the butts all over the place I think the antis would complain so much.
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26-07-2004, 05:04 PM
you couldnt be closer from the truth DD.
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Robert is offline  
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26-07-2004, 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by Laura ISBT
People have been smoking in public for hundreds of years and no big catastrophies so far. At the moment, I enjoy smoking I dont want to stop its one of my small pleasures so I will bloody well do it when I choose to and if somebody doesnt like it they can go whistle.

I would say some one dying is about as catastrophic as you can get, and if that death was directly attributable to passive smoking, then all the more tragic.

In my opinion, smokers, not all but most, are the most selfish people you could possibly meet, every where you look in the streets is the evidence that they have passed by, on the beaches here you can't sit on the sand for fag ends, in the pubs there's a blue haze and you come out smelling like an ashtray.

And what do they say "Its my choice" well how selfish is that, of course non-smokers don't have a choice, they're not entitled to sit in pleasent sorroundings with about being assaulted with chemicals proven to harm the body, where would I be if I walked in to a pub a threw abestos dust in the air, arrested and locked up, rightly so, but smokers do the same thing every time they light up, and then bleat "but its my choice", and whinge on about their personal freedom being taken away.

And then to prove how selfish they are, they have the cheek to sue the tobacco companies for their self inflicted ailments.
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27-07-2004, 08:12 AM
I agree with some of your points Robert but not all .... I have sat back and watched this post with interest!!! yes I smoke I have never smoked around my kids and never smoked where it wasn't wanted as for being selfish it is unfair to tar all with the same brush..smoking is very addictive and not easy at all to give up I swapped ciggies last year for depression thats what the withdraw did to me !!! some may call it a weekness and they well may be right DD made a good point about not all of us are inconsiderate just because we smoke ...I don't like walking into a pub with blue air either and if I want to stay and have a drink i will and if i don't like it then i will move on it is all about choice .... in every debate their is always for and agianst I am sure some non smokers have habbits we smokers would not like ...its a subject that can go full circle I think ...
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27-07-2004, 09:28 AM
Hi Robert,

That was a bit hard, you called me selfish – you don’t know me so please do not judge me , you never met me or don’t know a thing about me so please don’t insult me like that. I agree with Incas comments and yes there are some selfish smokers out there but there are also some selfish non-smokers, there are selfish people in all walks of life however its not for you to judge me you said the majority of smokers are selfish – I am a smoker so that includes me.

As much as you have the right to say you don’t wish to breathe in others smoke I have the right to smoke simple as, just remember theres always two sides to every story not just yours. I have never said what I believe is right and I have always respected the opinion of the non-smokers, its just I have an addiction – one that I happen to enjoy and do not intend on giving up, its MY choice and the more people push things on like giving up or banning it the more I am likely to rebel (its just my nature).

And then to prove how selfish they are, they have the cheek to sue the tobacco companies for their self inflicted ailments.

Yes this is ridiculous for people to take such action but come on out of how many smokers in the UK have any taken such action? I think probably a very small percentage its more an exception – you make out here like its happening every day, people (not just smokers) are suing left right and centre over daft things its just the culture we live in. Yes a death is a catastrophe and I am in no way excusing the deaths of people who have died from passive smoking but like I said people get knocked down every day – are you going to go and vent your anger towards vehicle drivers?????

At the end of the day you think you are right and thats the way your opinion will stay, me well I know I am not right and never presume to be but I also know I am not wrong either - thats what having an opinion is about.

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27-07-2004, 09:52 AM
Laura I don't think Roberts attack was personal towards u but a general thing.

As u rightly say we all make choices in life, not all good admittedly but a little consideration to non-smokers goes a long way (not a personal attack Laura just generally speaking). I don't mind people smoking around me, god I have quite a few frineds who smoke and for their convenience as much as mine I have had a new back door fitted, stable type, so if it's raining they don't have to stand in the rain or not be able to have a fag they just open the top half of the door. All i ask from them is that when they have finished the cigarette they put it out completely and put it in the bin instead of throwing it on the garden.

There's got be a bit of give and take on BOTH sides and our choices are our own. Non-smokers need to recognise that smokers do have an addiction and that's their choice and smokers need to recognize that when non-smokers go out they don't exactly want to be breathing in the smoke all the time
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27-07-2004, 10:04 AM
Well said Staffy, I totally agree that some give and take is needed, I have always stated that I respect non-smokers opinion and try my best to limit where I smoke when I am out. That said I am also going to carry on enjoying smoknig in the few places I feel I can like when I am out for a drink with friends. Also barmaids & men should realise when taking a job in a pub they will be subjected to smoke, its just a part of the job and if they feel so strongly about smoking they should perhaps think about an alternative job. Its like all jobs may have risks to them and its just something you have to accept.

Staffy Roberts attack WAS personal because he talked diretly about smokers and as a smoker that comment would include myself (its like when people say negative things about Staffys & their owners - you get peed probably as much as I do right? - see my point).

At the end of the day each to their own - I will respect non-smokers views and try my best to limit what smoke I will subject them to through passive smoking but at the end of the day I will carry on smoking and its my perogative if people cannot accept and respet my rights and choices as much as theirs then thats their problem.

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27-07-2004, 10:11 AM
I didn't look at it like that Laura but know that u put it in that perspective I do see ur point.
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