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05-04-2010, 06:35 AM
Originally Posted by nickmcmechan View Post
c'mon mods you must have details of the OP from when she signed up to the forum - its your duty to pass these to the RSPCA
She doesn't live with him though, she lives with her parents. I doubt even if the R.S.P.C.A contacted her, she'd give them his address
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Pidge is offline  
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05-04-2010, 06:55 AM
Why have you posted this?

It looks to me like it backfired abit as I wonder if it was your way of showing off how great your dogs are, but all you've done is shown yourself as a coward for standing by an animal abuser.

I'm furious that you have the cheek to post so nonchalantly on a dog lover forum about you condoning a man violently beating his dog.
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05-04-2010, 07:03 AM
Maybe the OP is worried that if someone has lost it to the degree that they are beating their dog, if she interferes he could start on her. If that's the case, or if that has actually happened before, you must get out of this relationship. It's clear from your post that you have no respect for this man anyway. If he hasn't got enough control over his temper to stop beating his dog, what's going to happen when you really annoy him? Please safeguard yourself and get out of this relationship as a priority and then call the RSPCA to make sure this dog is safe too. Your OH has huge anger management issues which need dealing with but your first priority is safety for yourself and his dog.
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05-04-2010, 07:06 AM
Originally Posted by Leanne_W View Post
Now, generally I dont take my dogs out with the OH and his dog, I take them alone and thats the way I prefer it. His dog is very badly trained, runs amok etc and after all the time and money I spend training mine, I dont like the effect it has on my lot who then want to join in the antics.

Anyway, today we decided to take the 2 pointers out for a training session, do a bit of dummy work and then a bit of hunting on gamey ground. The OH wasnt happy with this as he said his dog would simply run off hunting on her own and not concentrate.

I set Flynn up for a long blind retrieve which he struggled with so I set him up closer and he then did it no probs. OH decided to set his dog up for a long blind without showing her the direction she should go in so she ran off the wrong way. After some cursing, stupid dog remarks and a tip from me, he did exactly the same again and so Millie went the wrong way again. (Bear in mind Flynn is at this level of training, Millie has only just started with my OH as her teacher )

It was at this point he flipped his lid and proceeded to punch and kick her whilst holding her by the scruff of her neck. Normally I silently curse inside but this beating today was totally uncalled for and too violent as he was the one in the wrong, not the dog.

So are you saying that it would have been OK if it was the dog's fault?

After I made him let her go, she obviously ran off whilst he fetched the dummy himself. He tried to recall her but she wouldnt come within 10ft of him which only made him angrier and he started to follow her trying to catch her, all the time shouting at her and waving this plastic flexible stick he's now started to carry Millie is totally scared of the stick. I asked him if he hits her with it and he said no. I have my own suspicions about that.

After I diplomatically tried to explain that his dog will never do as he wants if he beats her, I then suggested he try a simple seen retrieve which is more suited to Millie's level. Bingo! She had no problems with that task. The blind retrieve was obviously beyond her capabilities and her beating all came down to the fact her owner couldnt recognise this and hasnt a clue how to train or understand a dog, despite having had many in the past.

After a few retrieves Millie lost interest a bit and just started to hunt after fetching the dummy (Millie struggles to find anything interesting except hunting since she has been allowed to free hunt for all 3 years of her life) His reaction? "Look, I told you she'd just start hunting". My reply was "well stop talking to me, get that damn whistle in your mouth and do something about it, dont let her get away with whatever she wants to do!!!!!!"

His approach to it is that her free hunting is too far advanced and nothing can be done. I said something can be done but it would take alot of hard work. His simple reply was that he cant be bothered. So his dog will continue to get dealt a raw deal because he cant be bothered to put right a problem he created with his total lack of discipline and direction. It makes my blood boil and it's another reason I dont walk the dogs with him, it creates too many arguments.

I left him frantically blowing the recall whistle whilst his dog threw him the V's, ignored the whistle and carried on doing exactly what she liked Flynn hadnt put a foot wrong during the whole session (except for chasing a rabbit) so he at least walked away without a harsh word in his ear and happy he'd got to do something he loves.

So if he had put a foot wrong he would have received a harsh word in his ear????

My OH then wonders why his dog p**ses off and never even glances at him and mine stay with me, eager to chase a ball I might produce out of my pocket or pushing their noses into my hand for a fuss as they trot past I, my dear, dont need to carry a flexible stick to get my dogs to listen!
Also, if you didn't want to go out with his badly trained dog and he didn't want to go out with your trained dog, why the hell did you both go?????
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05-04-2010, 07:09 AM
I actually can't believe this thread!!

The poor dog does not have anyone looking out for it, it has an abuser and someone who will just stand by and watch the abuser!!! How could you be with someone like that if you wern't bad yourself is my question???

I have had a go at people in the street before for being to rough handed with a dog, but if I saw behaviour like this I would be on the phone there and then let alone if it was my OH!!!

I know you must be feeling like you can't reply but to re-gain even the slightest bit of dignity I would come on here to explain yourself!! And hope that in the meantime you have ditched him and phoned the RSPCA!

Can I ask has anyone heard anything before from the OP moaning about her OH or his dog?? I know not like this obviously but maybe she has said something before??

I feel quite sick after reading this!!!
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05-04-2010, 07:31 AM
If an animal is taken to the vet & the vet suspects that the injuries have been caused by the owner, or another person in the household, then the vet is legally obliged to report this to social services. This may not help the animal but there is scientific evidence to show that abusing &/or torturing animals is one of the signs of severe mental disturbance, possibly psychopathic behaviour. It's not normal for a person to act like this, so this person is not normal.

If it were me, I'd report the owner not only to the RSPCA, the local dog warden & the police but i'd also contact their vet & explain what's going on & ask for their help.
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05-04-2010, 07:33 AM
Originally Posted by Emma View Post
I really want to say what everyone else has said, and feel so sad and angry right now
I hope you understand where everyone is coming from, the victim in all of this is the dog. The dog does not have a voice and you are its only chance of being its voice. You let the dog down.
To walk away is to get away from the problem but you leave the victim to the abuser, and that is where it gets hard.
I might get slated for this but, I do understand it is hard for you to stand up to your OH, but if you can't who can??? you coming on a dog loving site and telling this story is only going to upset everyone and as someone said it is not the UN and people are going to voice their disgust,anger, sadness and rage in which ever way they choose.
At the end of the day I would be asking myself a few things,
-Did you do what you morally felt was right? Is that dog safe from harm?
-Did you do the best you could for that dog?
-Is this truly a guy you want to be with knowing what he is capable of doing to a dog?
-If you do nothing are you any better than the abuser?
-That dog was innocent and you stood by and watched, then walked away, how does that make you feel?
-If the person abusing the dog is your OH, and you don't feel you can stand up for the dog, who can?
-That dog is going to have the saddest life and you are allowing it, how does that make you feel?
There are so many more questions but at the end of the day, you can get upset and leave the site, but that does not change what your OH is doing, and does not make you any less guilty. I could swear and carry on(trust me there is one half of me that could do it easily) but that is not going to change what you do, I hope some words will though.
You can change this and do something for that poor defenseless dog and save it from being abused. I only hope you see the postings people have written and understand that people just want you to do something for the dogs sake as you are the only one that can, we all read it and feel sickened, you can make the move and change it and make happen, we can't but we can support you if you decide to.
I hope this is not a true story but fear it is.
The ball is in your court, what you do next is up to you and I pray you do the right thing.
Great post Emma
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05-04-2010, 07:40 AM
Originally Posted by Snorri the Priest View Post
Two questions come to mind........

1. Why does he have a dog?

2. And why does he still have you?


DITO.... Im sorry hun the man sounds horrid,

I couldnt have stood by and watched, why did you do this??? are you scared of him? if so, WHY?

You could do so much better.
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05-04-2010, 08:29 AM
I am wondering how you could leave without her Leanne.

I know I couldn't of done.

Is this why you do not like going out with him when you both walk/train your dogs ?

I know it is going to be difficult but I really feel like everyone else you need to do something about this or that poor dog is going to be another statistic.
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05-04-2010, 08:31 AM
Originally Posted by Lou View Post
She doesn't live with him though, she lives with her parents. I doubt even if the R.S.P.C.A contacted her, she'd give them his address
however the lack of trying or any action whatsoever becomes complicity in this man's actions
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