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15-04-2009, 09:30 PM
First of all thanks everyone, this is turning into a really,really lovely thread. It is so nice to know that for the vast majority of people, the walks are good (and their dogs of course!)

Originally Posted by Ben Mcfuzzylugs View Post
Yes we do tend to rant about the bad ones and forget about the good uns

Even with my crazy lady there are places I visit with my 2 that we are all so chilled and all the dogs we meet are friendly and wanting to play

Troon beach

(totaly strange dog joining in zoomies with my pair)

Car park in the sky

Ferguslie park gardens

and loads more, just happy walks
- sorry if I tend to focus on the bad ones - hope that helps
No...please don't be sorry, we all have bad times and it is often easier to post about them, I think once there is one negative all spirals and i was just trying to address it as I could feel myself getting nervous.
Beautiful pictures, thankyou xxxxx

Originally Posted by Brundog View Post

I know exactly what you mean Ailsa, I cant give you a positive dog walk involving a dog & dog scenario, but I was with Luca and without Bruno in the park on Monday...

We were just coming out the playpark, and there was a man who has a lovely Westie called Holly, who we rarely get to speak to as we always have Bruno. Holly is a lovely wee dog and usually just gives Bruno a wide berth. Anyway we stopped to chat as didnt have grumpy mutt with us, and Holly kept standing patiently at Luca's feet so he started to run and she was chasing him, he was changing direction and she was and they were having a wonderful time, chasing each other, the delight in Luca's laughter was so lovely, and he was saying its quite sad as many parents dont let their kids pet her and she is lovely and fabulous with his grandkids... and thats a westie, which made me feel better with the parents who pull their kids away from bruno...

Anyway they played for about 5 minutes running all over the park, and then we went our seperate ways. Luca talked about it for the rest of the day and cutely when we got home told Bruno all about Holly !!!

Thanks Dani, that is a lovely story. By the same token, I have to tell you about a staffi we met the other day. My son had been playing with Cosmo and another Flat Coat we had met up with, then the other dog left and my son was heading down a hill. A staffi spotted him and her tail went son totally blanked her and ran off...he hadn't spotted her. I apologised to her owner, turns out she is 12 and soft as anything, I didn't want him to think my son was running away from her...he just hadn't seen her, he was chasing Cosmo! She is such a sweetheart!

Originally Posted by jesterjenn View Post
If you want a good dog walking experience, come on one of the organised dog walks They are great for the dogs and the people alike.

Since Jess has improved with other dogs, my walks have been much more enjoyable. There is nothing better (IMO) than walking with a big pack of dogs (especially when people are generally really wary of GSD's and then they praise us on how well behaved our dogs are, and then little children stop to stroke them). I love it
Thats so refreshing and lovely....thankyou.
Originally Posted by labradork View Post
Well, we met a very beautiful Flat Coat pup today that my boy had a run around with. There is something very striking about long (ish) black fur - so shiny!
Awwwww... you know how to cheer me up!!!! Thank you. I see one of them everyday and he really is lovely!!!! Ta xxx
Originally Posted by greyhoundk View Post
Most the people/dogs i meet when walking are all very nice - we all sort of know each other now, one lady i met the other day with two airdales even took my bag of poo and put it in the dog bin (she was on her way back - only 1 bin on way in/out)so i didn't have to walk around with it - how thoughtful was that !
That is exceptionally thoughtful and a great example of the camaraderie that can exist between dog walkers. x

Originally Posted by ALexa View Post
We have just had a lovely stretch of nice walks and examples of dogs meeting/walking together and getting on well. A few weeks ago we visited the Cannock Chase area and walked with 8 Border Collies and 1 JRT - not all from the same family, they had a lovely time, met lots of other dogs and people and not a moments trouble.

Last week was our Easter holidays and we visited Dartmoor where again my 5 and our foster dog walked every day with no trauma's, lots of other dogs in the busier areas, particularly on the bank holidays where all the people had 'got their dogs out of the cuboard'

A fine time was had by you can see by their grins

And finally tonight we have just got back from our evening walk...oh how i love it now the clocks have changed. I was walking with 4 of mine and my mother in a popular dog walking area round some woods and a river, we met a spanial, a lab and a golden retriever on our travels and they said their hellos and moved on.

Those are my recent happy walking tales Hope they help restore faith that normal relaxed walks can happen.
Beautiful photos, thankyou...lovely lovely dogs. xxxxxx
Originally Posted by Shona View Post
I think I may have only had one/two bad ones in the whole time I have been on dogsey, xx
Thanks Shona xxxxxx
Originally Posted by Boxer Boy View Post
Well done Ramble for raising this subject, since I joined the forum I was beginning to think the rest of the country was in the grip of canine terrorism.

I couldn't understand it, for where I live I have walked thousands of miles over the years happily meeting numerous dogs and owners . Only one naughty Staffie spoils a long history of canine enjoyment.

Good to see many others have the same good news to report.
Thanks was starting to all feel very negative about walking. I think it may be the time of year...but it still freaks me when it gets like this. I start to feel like I am constantly looking over my shoulder.

Originally Posted by Pidge View Post
Wamble, I feel exactly the same about most bad things on here sometimes. I think all dogs die really young, get horrible illness' and have scary walks. That's just because we only read/hear the bad things because they seem more interesting. So, good post!

I haven't ever had a bad walk (touch Wood), although yesterdays (excuse the pun) run in with Tigger the Staffie has left me with a very sore leg ;o)

Good news, Woody is back on off lead walks and today we took him round the fields and for a swim. He had a whale of a time with his Springers friends (my friend/work colleague's dogs) Lulu and Rupert and went for a swim in the stream. Then we all went and sat in the pub garden and had a pint, avec les chiens! Now that's a good dog walk ;o)
Sounds perfect Pidgey fanks xxxxx
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15-04-2009, 10:08 PM
An interesting theory was put forward on another forum that location can be a big factor.

We know that the handler's mood can be transmitted down the lead so it is not implausible than a bad experience or two might cause some owners in a paticular walking spot to be more nervous or guarded - which in turn can author further incidents, more people keep their dogs on-lead or avoid other walkers, the dog's become less socialised and a downward spiral could begin that is very much specific to that spot.

Dunno - not impossible, I suppose.
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15-04-2009, 10:53 PM
Today was Kismet's first walk off lead in two weeks. She had her spaying stitches out today. So as a treat we went over to the park where the most dogs walk. She had a great time playing and romping and along the way we collected a pack of doggy friends (and their owners), we had a black lab, two beautiful dalmatians, a weimeraner, a terrier heinz57 a beautiful english bull terrier puppy and her bestest friend a beagle called Darwin, plus Selkie and Pharaoh of course... Then across the field she spotted her puppy pal oscar the English mastiff who also hasn't been around for a while due to his neutering op... Well. She took off at a flying run. Whoo wooing her joy at recognising her friend... "Incoming!" I helpfully shouted to alert Oscar's owners that looney Kismet no brakes, no brains was inbound on the Oscar...

It became clear as she barrelled up to Oscar that a lot had changed since they last met... Oscar had got bigger and more muscly and Kismet... well... hadn't... As she came level with this enormous mandog she performed the most hilarious brakes and roll and ended up skidding to halt belly up under his nose right between his front legs! It had all watching in stitches!

We let all the dogs have a big silly play, Selkie mugged everyone for treats and Pharaoh chased anything that moved we all went home shattered and happy.
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15-04-2009, 11:16 PM
Well as you may know Ailsa, Isla has had a couple of really nasty experiences in this past year (on two occasions being pinned down with her legs in the air while a not so friendly mutt was chowing down on her butt )

I've been working very hard to try and put things right and give her only good experiences, not always easy as you can't prepare for the large variety of numpty dog owners out there, but I have to say lately it really does feel like it's all been worth it.

We went to a Game fair on Monday and she met lots of lovely doggies, one particular humongous black Staffie thought he'd found himself a new girlfriend!

We then spent a couple of hours walking around Osmotherley and Cod Beck Resivoir on Tuesday where she met some lovely Collies and a very friendly Bearded Collie, at which point Isla proceeded to do her impression of Pepe Le Pew!
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15-04-2009, 11:20 PM
Last summer when Chloe was small I was walking with her across the Common (she was on her lead) and a very large Staffie came towards us followed by two concerned looking owners with a terrier on a lead.
I bent down and the Staffie ran to me and licked my hands and wagged its tail excitedly at Chloe and they chased each other around .

The owner had looked concerned because he said people walking with dogs nearly always expected his Staffie to be aggressive and he was surprised when I bent down. I told him I could tell from the dogs body language that it wasn't the least bit aggressive and I was please my puppy had a chance to play with another breed of dog. The terrier was on a lead because it tended to wander off and the cattle on the common can be nasty (one attacked a dog and owner not long ago).

Most days when out walking I meet some of the following neighbours dogs; two Whippets Tear and Ellie, Oliver the Visla, a black Lab, Perdie the Cocker Tessa and Golden Retriever, two GSPs, three Springers and Angus the Westie. There is never a cross word between any of them
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16-04-2009, 06:24 AM
Nice thread, never really had a bad experience on a wlak with mine, they are all good girls and will play with anything, that wants to, they have never been atacked or caused any bother with others, and we walk in some popular places, always makes me grin when i see the smile on peoples faces when they see four mad spaniels running at 300 miles an hour
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16-04-2009, 06:49 AM
I was out with my BSD yesterday and came across a staffie bitch with 2 young guys. The staffie stopped politely so my dog could sniff her nether regions, and then both walked on (and the 2 guys said morning to me too).

A few days ago we came across a young whippety type dog who played chase with mine for a while, both dogs thoroughly happy and having great fun

Ailsa, I do know what you mean. I think because we love our dogs, we tend to focus more on the things we fear could hurt them

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16-04-2009, 07:16 AM
99.9% of ours are great hun.

Luckily these three are very sociable and we have a rule to read the signs of other dogs owners, as i have said before if we see someone putting thier dogs back on a lead, we call ours ''close'' and let them walk by.
I admitt we have come across owners who have said that they put thiers on a lead because they saw three dogs coming towards them, but that can soon be rectified by saying '' these are fine'' and away they go all playing together.

Fortunately the gang themselves don't rush over to other dogs, so we don't have problems there.

Personally I'll introduce mine to anyone dog if they so wish.

The gang seem to appreciate ''the more friends the merrier''
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16-04-2009, 07:44 AM
Can't say I have had any bad experiences in all the years I have walked round here with Max, then Zanta and now Ollie.
Ollie sometimes goes back on lead with dogs I don't know not because of them but him he can be unpredictable with new dogs he meets now, and I let the owner of the other dog know it is my dogs behaviour I am concerned about not theirs. But the majority of the dogs round here all get on well.
I think its like all the bad things that go on in the world we read it and hear it and hear about it so much we start to think the world is such a bad place and all teenagers are carrying guns or knives when of course they aren't the majority of them are nice well balanced people.
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16-04-2009, 08:03 AM
Originally Posted by johnderondon View Post
An interesting theory was put forward on another forum that location can be a big factor.

We know that the handler's mood can be transmitted down the lead so it is not implausible than a bad experience or two might cause some owners in a paticular walking spot to be more nervous or guarded - which in turn can author further incidents, more people keep their dogs on-lead or avoid other walkers, the dog's become less socialised and a downward spiral could begin that is very much specific to that spot.

Dunno - not impossible, I suppose.
An intesting theory...
Originally Posted by magpye View Post
Today was Kismet's first walk off lead in two weeks. She had her spaying stitches out today. So as a treat we went over to the park where the most dogs walk. She had a great time playing and romping and along the way we collected a pack of doggy friends (and their owners), we had a black lab, two beautiful dalmatians, a weimeraner, a terrier heinz57 a beautiful english bull terrier puppy and her bestest friend a beagle called Darwin, plus Selkie and Pharaoh of course... Then across the field she spotted her puppy pal oscar the English mastiff who also hasn't been around for a while due to his neutering op... Well. She took off at a flying run. Whoo wooing her joy at recognising her friend... "Incoming!" I helpfully shouted to alert Oscar's owners that looney Kismet no brakes, no brains was inbound on the Oscar...

It became clear as she barrelled up to Oscar that a lot had changed since they last met... Oscar had got bigger and more muscly and Kismet... well... hadn't... As she came level with this enormous mandog she performed the most hilarious brakes and roll and ended up skidding to halt belly up under his nose right between his front legs! It had all watching in stitches!

We let all the dogs have a big silly play, Selkie mugged everyone for treats and Pharaoh chased anything that moved we all went home shattered and happy.
That made me smile! Lovely post thank you!
Originally Posted by Ripsnorterthe2nd View Post
Well as you may know Ailsa, Isla has had a couple of really nasty experiences in this past year (on two occasions being pinned down with her legs in the air while a not so friendly mutt was chowing down on her butt )

I've been working very hard to try and put things right and give her only good experiences, not always easy as you can't prepare for the large variety of numpty dog owners out there, but I have to say lately it really does feel like it's all been worth it.

We went to a Game fair on Monday and she met lots of lovely doggies, one particular humongous black Staffie thought he'd found himself a new girlfriend!

We then spent a couple of hours walking around Osmotherley and Cod Beck Resivoir on Tuesday where she met some lovely Collies and a very friendly Bearded Collie, at which point Isla proceeded to do her impression of Pepe Le Pew!
Awwwwww I think Isla and Cosmo would get on well!

Originally Posted by Minihaha View Post
Last summer when Chloe was small I was walking with her across the Common (she was on her lead) and a very large Staffie came towards us followed by two concerned looking owners with a terrier on a lead.
I bent down and the Staffie ran to me and licked my hands and wagged its tail excitedly at Chloe and they chased each other around .

The owner had looked concerned because he said people walking with dogs nearly always expected his Staffie to be aggressive and he was surprised when I bent down. I told him I could tell from the dogs body language that it wasn't the least bit aggressive and I was please my puppy had a chance to play with another breed of dog. The terrier was on a lead because it tended to wander off and the cattle on the common can be nasty (one attacked a dog and owner not long ago).

Most days when out walking I meet some of the following neighbours dogs; two Whippets Tear and Ellie, Oliver the Visla, a black Lab, Perdie the Cocker Tessa and Golden Retriever, two GSPs, three Springers and Angus the Westie. There is never a cross word between any of them
Thanks Mini. Sounds like you have lovely walks.
Originally Posted by Lizzy23 View Post
Nice thread, never really had a bad experience on a wlak with mine, they are all good girls and will play with anything, that wants to, they have never been atacked or caused any bother with others, and we walk in some popular places, always makes me grin when i see the smile on peoples faces when they see four mad spaniels running at 300 miles an hour
Awwwwwww I would like to see that"
Originally Posted by Wysiwyg View Post
I was out with my BSD yesterday and came across a staffie bitch with 2 young guys. The staffie stopped politely so my dog could sniff her nether regions, and then both walked on (and the 2 guys said morning to me too).

A few days ago we came across a young whippety type dog who played chase with mine for a while, both dogs thoroughly happy and having great fun

Ailsa, I do know what you mean. I think because we love our dogs, we tend to focus more on the things we fear could hurt them

I think you are right Wys xxxxx

Originally Posted by youngstevie View Post
99.9% of ours are great hun.

Luckily these three are very sociable and we have a rule to read the signs of other dogs owners, as i have said before if we see someone putting thier dogs back on a lead, we call ours ''close'' and let them walk by.
I admitt we have come across owners who have said that they put thiers on a lead because they saw three dogs coming towards them, but that can soon be rectified by saying '' these are fine'' and away they go all playing together.

Fortunately the gang themselves don't rush over to other dogs, so we don't have problems there.

Personally I'll introduce mine to anyone dog if they so wish.

The gang seem to appreciate ''the more friends the merrier''
Thanks YS. They sound so lovely your gang!
Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
Can't say I have had any bad experiences in all the years I have walked round here with Max, then Zanta and now Ollie.
Ollie sometimes goes back on lead with dogs I don't know not because of them but him he can be unpredictable with new dogs he meets now, and I let the owner of the other dog know it is my dogs behaviour I am concerned about not theirs. But the majority of the dogs round here all get on well.
I think its like all the bad things that go on in the world we read it and hear it and hear about it so much we start to think the world is such a bad place and all teenagers are carrying guns or knives when of course they aren't the majority of them are nice well balanced people.
That's right Lynn...I totally agree, I think you hit the nail on the head.

Lovely stories everyone, please keep them coming!
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