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07-03-2009, 10:50 AM

Barking at neighbours

As you know our relationship with our neighbours is not great.

Anyhow Tyler is fine and completely ignores them,Meg doesn't,but she only barks at him when she see's him or hears him in the garden,she doesn't take any notice of there kids when they are on the trampoline and she ignores his partner.

She went barmy yesterday,as he was very close to our fence ackles up,barking growling and baring teeth at him,she's never done this before,barked yes but not the ackles,growling and baring teeth.She doesn't do this to anyone else apart from him,in the finish I had to call her in as she wasn't going to quit and I think she put the s*** up him.
I didn't correct the barking as such but just called her in.

I just think it's really strange how she only barks at him,O/H reckons she is picking up bad vibes or sensing something isn't quite right.

So not really sure how I deal with it,we have always trained using positive methods,ignore the bad praise the good etc,any ideas ?
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07-03-2009, 11:00 AM
I would say don't correct it. My Sal once in the park picked up on soemthing ina gang of teenage lads and hackles up growled at they approached very strange non Sal like behaviour nothing happened but they did give me a wide berth. A week or so later I heard a lady had been assulted and handbag stolen that same evening by a group of lads....since then I have always paid attention if Sal so much as looks twice at anyone which she hasn't ever very strange eh?
I wish now I had spoken up but how do you say my dog growled at someone.....

Meg could simply be picking up on the fact he is uncertain around your property/you.
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07-03-2009, 11:05 AM
totally agree with Kazz, I think she is picking up on something, probably the fact that he is a complete plank. Definetly think dogs are far more aware than we give them credit for.
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07-03-2009, 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by Sal View Post
O/H reckons she is picking up bad vibes or sensing something isn't quite right.
I agree, dogs are very good at this and IMO are not usually wrong. Keep an eye out when this guy is around, given the probs you have been having he could be planning lots of things. No need to go into detail but you know what I mean.
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07-03-2009, 11:59 AM
I know they don't like dogs,our very first conversation was about our "Dangerous dogs"

It was just so out of character for Meg,she loves people and kids she adores,but obviously there is something she doesn't like about him.Both lots of ackles were up.

We have been told by various neighbours and friends to watch him as he can be quite sly,seems Meg has him worked out.
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07-03-2009, 12:08 PM
Makes you wonder if he's maybe thrown something at her before, like water even. Could just be that she's sussed out he's a moron! A couple of my dogs don't like my SIL and she's not that nice a person. They'll watch her all round the house and bark if she makes any quick moves. I've often wondered if maybe she's given them a sly kick when I wasn't looking, as they are not like this with anyone else. Anyway, my Brother has recently left her and divorcing her, so maybe they knew she wasn't good and was telling him (they been married for 17 years ) I always trust a dog's warning when there is a possibly dodgy human about. I think they are more sensitive than us in sniffing out baddies
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magpye is offline  
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07-03-2009, 12:12 PM
Kismet is a happy go lucky friendly dog to everyone.. Except our neighbour.. Oddly, he loves her, tries to give her treats over the fence, but she won't have it, she barks and growls at him.

He is a generally aggressive man and has complained about the dogs before. I know I don't like him, but have tried not to project this around her. I even took her over to spend time with them when she was a teeny puppy, hoping to build a bond between them while she was so cute you couldn't possibly hate her.. Worked in him.. But not her...

On the plus side at least I am more confident she would protect me and the house from people I'm not sure of. But it is certainly strange, so I know how you feel.
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